My Widdle Pwincess

by Super-Stallion

Chapter 10

Rainbow and Applejack where walking down the halls, in search of there missing friend, Twilight Sparkle, and the one who took her, Discord who to there hope was still somewhere in the castle.

"How do we even find Discord? He could be anywhere, he could even be in the walls." Rainbow said looking at the solid brick walls on either side of the mares in case Discord was listening right now.

"I know that Dash, where just going to have to look round every corner and hope we get lucky." Applejack said as they walked down the hall.

Rainbow growled "I knew we should have beaten Discord when we had the chance."

"Why would he do this anyway, I thought Fluttershy reformed him?"

"Cause he's a jerk and what's worst we cant stop him now, cause we don't have the elements anymore and most importantly we don't have Twilight to help!" Rainbow yelled.

"Calm down sugar cube, will find Twi then where gonna beat some sense in'ta Discord, maybe then he'll learn a lesson."

"Do you think we should use the weapons the Princess gave us?" Rainbow asked looking behind her at the hammer and axe Celestia gave them, with the order to beat Discord with them when they see him.

"To be honest Dashie, I think the Princess maybe going a bit over board with these weapons, Discord deserves what's coming to him but even he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment." Applejack retorted, she usually wouldn't be up to disobeying the Princess but to hurt another pony is going a bit to far even if it was Discord.

"You think we should ditch the gear?"

"Hmm, well just in case Discord tries something it's probably best to keep these for protection."

As they approached the end of the hall, where it turns down into two other paths, they stop and look down at a plate laying in front of them, with what looked like a jelly filled donut with a sign next to it that said, "Eat me, I'm delicious!".

"Where did this donut come from?" Rainbow said with a raised brow.

"I don't know but this is obviously a trap from, Discord." Applejack replied.

"So I guess we go around then?"

"Yep, and whatever you do don't-"


Both mares yelp and jumped back, quickly turning around to see Pinkie standing behind them with a big smile.

"Pinkie pie, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be with Princess Luna in the nursery?" Rainbow asked.

"Well yes but after we calmed Trixie and Sunset down she told me to come help and look for Twilight with you guys, and ohmygosh you wont believe what happened back at the nusery with Spike and- OHMYGOSH A DONUT!" Pinkie squees with joy as she jumps right over them and in front of the donut and leans down to take a bite.


But it was to late, for as soon as she sank her teeth into the pastry.



There was jelly all over the walls and all three mares where covered in jelly fill. They where dumfounded except Pinkie, who was still smiling with the jelly all over her face, then she licks her whole face with one wipe of her tongue, cleaning her face off.

"Mmmm yummy!" she exclaims.

Applejack was still a bit shocked at what happened, then suddenly she hears laughter down the hall and she looks to see both Twilight and Discord pocking their heads from around the corner giggling at them, before they disappeared in a flash of light.

Applejack felt more shocked when she saw Twilight with Discord, for that one second before they vanished. She had expected when they found Twilight, she would be crying and begging for them to save her from Discord, but instead she saw her giggling at there expense! Could she had helped Discord with this prank?

Applejack stood there confusingly but then her confusion quickly turned to a scowl, "Twilight is still our friend but where gonna have ta talk later about this when we find her again."

Twilight and Discord reappeared at the other side of the castle, still laughing there heads of at there latest act, "Hah, did you see Applejacks face when Pinkie took a bite of that donut and it exploded, that was priceless!" Discord exclaims.

Twilight giggled, "Yeah, did you see Wainbow? I think I saw some of the jelly come out her nose!"

There laughter lasted a few more minutes before they stopped, then sigh.

"Well that was certainly entertaining and I know exactly who's next on are list." Discord says, his grin growing wider.

Twilight giggled, "Who?"

"Princess Celestia"

The smile Twilight had vanished and her eyes grew wide, "Tia?"

"Yep here's the plan, where going to get a bunch of water balloons and-"

"No Discowd! Pwease, no pwank Tia!" Twilight begged.

"What, and not get to see what Celestia would look like with a wet mane, now way!" Discord said.

Twilight crawls up to Discord and hugs his pony leg, "Pwease Discord, I don't wanna pwank Tia, I wuve her." she whimpers looking up at him.

"Come on it'll be fun, you could..." He pauses when he sees Twilight's sad face, those big purple eyes staring up at him made Discord feel something in his chest, he didn't know what it was but it hurt and he was actually considering the fillies pleads, "Hmm...alright I guess I could let Sun Butt go just this once. I have a lot planned anyway, its just a waste of time.

Twilight smiles and hugs his leg tighter, "Tank you, Dizzy"

"Yeah whatever, now I have to check the list of things I have planned out for today." He said then snaps his fingers and a list appeared in his hands.

"Can I see the list?" Twilight asked hopefully, like the book worm she is she loves list, and she was really curious of what fun things Discord has planed for them.

"Nuh uh, uh this is for Dizzy's eyes only, I don't want to ruin any surprises." Discord said, making the list vanish after he was done reading, then leans down and picks Twilight up in his arms.

Twilight pouts, "Aww, can you at weast give me a guess?"

"Well I can tell you one thing, where about to pleas a lot of ponies.".


Back down in Ponyvillle, everything was normal and everypony was going about there business. Walking down the street, the local neighborhood bullies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon where minding there own business until.

"Hey! You two little fillies!"

Both fillies look behind them to see Discord standing down the street looking right at them, Twilight rested on top his head between his horns.

"Bullying is one thing, but making fun of a pony for her handicap is horrible and that's just going to far even for me! Tell them Twilight." Discord said to the filly on his head.

"As Pwincess of Equestwia, I decwee, a dirt bath for these dirt bags!"

"Yes Princess." With a snap of his fingers, the ground in front of them rose up and formed into a tidal wave of mud and dirt then it charged down the street, sweeping away anything unfortunate to be in its path. Like the pig that was unlucky to be walking cross the street at that moment who intantly was swept away by the wave.

The fillies watched in horror as the wave came right towards them and slam down on them, washing the fillies away. When the wave disappeared down the street, the whole road was now covered in mud and piles of dirt, but other then that nopony seemed hurt and there was no real damage.

Diamond and Silver popped out of a pile of mud and sputtered dirt out their mouths, "Where's my tiara!" Diamond exclaims.

Then the pig from before popped out the pile wearing Tiara's, tiara on its head, he actually seems happy about all the mud around them.
Discord and Twilight laugh as they watched the two fillies crawl out the mud and scowl at them.

"I'm telling my Daddy!" Tiara yelled before she ran off with Silver Spoon, the pig also following close behind still wearing her tiara.

"Maybe she'll learn something from this, I doubt it but there's always hope." Discord said.

Twilight didn't hear him through all her giggling, suddenly she feels warmth spread through her bottom and Twilight stops giggling as she realizes she just peed herself again, she frowned.

"Oh no." Twilight whimpered.

"Hey what's wrong my little filly?" Discord ask picking Twilight down from his head and to eye level with the filly.

"Discowd I'm wet." she says trying her best to hold back the tears running down her cheek.

"Wet? you didn't pee on my head did you!?" Discord asked patting his head, to his relief the diaper did a good job in holding Twilights accident and he found his head dry.

"Dizzy can you pwease change me? my diapies getting sticky." Twilight said kicking her hooves in the air, as the pee in her diaper started to get cold and clammy.

"Uh okay how do I say this, I don't do diapers. Could you maybe wait a little later then-"

Discord was cut off by Twilight's wails piercing the air, her screams where so loud it could put any banshee screech to shame. Discord had Twilight at arms length as she cried, he thought quickly in his mind what to do, witch he found hard with the ringing he had in his ears from the foals screaming.

DIscord cradles her in his arms and tries his best to calm her down rocking her back and forth, "Hey, hey come down Shh, shh please calm down." he begged.

To his dismay, Twilight continued crying, her wails seeming to grow every passing minute. Discord was starting to get a headache, and was becoming extremely annoyed of all her yelling.

"Err I cant take this anymore! Fine I'll change your diaper, lets go back to the castle."

And with that Discord and Twilight disappeared in a flash, reappearing back in Twilights nursery. Discord looked around the room to see that nopony was here.

"They must have all gone to lunch." Discord said.

Twilight whimpers to get Discord's attention. He looks back at the little filly who stared at him with wet eyes, 'Yeah, yeah I know, lets get you cleaned up now." Discord says carrying her to the changing table and laying her down.

Discord went under the table and grabbed a diaper. He lifts it up and looks at it then at the filly who was looking at him, with her arms crossed and scowling. She was becoming impatient.

"What awe you waiting for!?" Twilight yells.

"Um remember when I said before, that I don't do diapers? Yeah I don't think I can do this." He said, nervously rubbing the back of his head.

"What!?" Twilight said on the verge of crying again.

Discord flinched when he saw tears, "Wait a minute! Don't cry just, look maybe we could wait for Celestia or we could go find her and she could change you!" he said, though in the back his head he knew that was probably not a good idea. Odes are Celestia was still mad at him for taking Twilight in the first place.

Though taking it from her was probably better then this, in his opinion.

"Pwease Discowd change me now! I think I'm stawting to get a diapie rash!" Twilight starts to shift around, as she starts to feel itchy around her groin and bottom.

Discord looked at the pain expression across Twilights face. He actually started to feel bad for the little filly, he usually didn't care about anypony, Especially at there own expense. But seeing Twilight in pain right now has awoken something in him he hasn't felt in a long time.

Discord sighed, "Okay lets get this over with." he says and finally begins to change her, grapping onto the taps and unfastening them.

He opens it and removing the wet diaper he throws it away with disgust. Then he lifts Twilight's legs up and slides the fresh diaper under her bottom.

"Don't forget to clean me and to add foal powdew." Twilight said.

"Alright," Discord said grabbing a whip next to the table and start cleaning her bottom, "How do you know to change a diaper?"

"I watch when Tia changes me." Twilight replies, she shivers at the cold touch of the wipes.

"Okay that's another thing what's up with the nicknames?" Discord asked out of curiously.

Twilight thought about it, she doesn't really know why she's been calling Celestia by her old nickname that she called her when she was a little filly the first time. It just felt right to her so she never really questioned it till now.

"I no know, it's just easier to wemebew. Do you not wike it, if that's the case then I'll stop." she said bowing her head.

Discord winced, he was starting to really hate that expression. Then his devious brain got an idea and he smirks, "Aww come on Twily don't be sad, I really like the nickname, how about you show me a smile." he says lifting up his tail and tickling the end on Twilights belly.

Twilight laughed out loud as she was tickled with no mercy, "HAHAHA! S-Stop it Dizzy, that tickles to much your gonna make me pee again!" she screamed trying in vain to push the tail away.

Discord chuckles removing his tail, "Alright that's better now let's finish up then we can go."

He powders Twilight's bottom then taps the sides in place and picks up Twilight, now in a fresh diaper. As he was about to leave the door opens and Discord turned around, witch he regrets fast when he saw Celestia standing in the door way, her eyes on fire and staring right back at him.

When Twilight saw her she reached her arms out happily for her, not noticing or caring for Discord's distress, "Tia!" the filly said happily.

Discord lifted up a claw but before he could snap a finger Celestia had a hoof over his shoulder. He didn't even see her coming!

"Give back my student." She growled in a low tone.

Discord nodded and handed Twilight to Celestia. She took Twilight back in open arms cradling her and hugging her tight to her barrel. Twilight snuggled into Celestia's coat, she had fun with Discord but she missed the feeling she got rubbing against her fur. Twilight looks behind her and noticed Discord looked afraid.

"Hello Celestia, I hope your not too mad at me for before." He says nervously.

"No I'm quite mad and, I don't know how, but I'm going to turn you back to stone for two thousand years." Celestia said with a menacing stare, witch made him flinch back.

"Tia pwease don't stone Dizzy." Twilight said.

Celestia looks down at her confusingly, "Who's Dizzy, Twilight?"

"Discowd, pwease dun do anything to him. He didn't hurt me or anything, we even did some fun things togethew. Pwease wet him go."

Celestia was surprised that Twilight would try to defend one of her old enemies, even Discord was caught of guard by this turn of events. Celestia looked at Discord who still looked nervous then back down to the filly.

"Alright I'll let him go this once, but if he tries anything like this again he's going to be in big trouble." Celestia said then snaps her head back up at Discord, "You hear me!"

Discord smirks, he was off the hook. He salutes, "Yes ma'am." he said in a mocking tone.

"Can I pway some more with Dizzy, Tia?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe later Twilight, we have to go see the others and tell them your safe. There in the dinning hall waiting for us and it's almost lunch time."


"Can I join I haven't eaten anything all day?" Discord asked.

Celestia looks at him and thought of the best action. It probably wasn't best to bring him but if she kept an eye on him he couldn't cause to much trouble, "Alright but don't you try anything funny Discord. And where going to have to talk about some rules if you want to spend time with Twilight."

Discord just shrugs and follows Celestia out the nursery and down the hall towards the dinning hall.


Celestia opens the doors to the dinning hall with her magic. and her and Discord entered with Twilight ridding on her back. The room had a long stretched taple that reached all the way down to the other side of the hall. if you where to measure it, it would be as long as half a hoof ball field.

The table cloth over it was red velvet, made from fine silk and the silver ware laid across, neatly organized and prepared for any event or guest to come to the castle.

Celestia and Luna don't usually use the hall for themselves, the hall was mostly used for when they had guest. It was also a good place to hold there meetings with other diplomats who came from other countries to do business or to sign treaties.

At the very end of the table, Luna along with the other elements where sitting at the table, enjoying the meal the chefs brought earlier. Discord was surprised there was another pony there or better said there was a dragon there? He looked oddly familiar to Discord, he looked kind of like the wimp that hangs with Twilight but that cant be him.

This dragon was much over older then Spike, probably in his teens, but his reassembles to Spike was unbelievable. He had the same green and purple scales and his eyes where the same green as Spikes too! He definitely didn't have any baby fat on him like Spike though, in place of that was pure muscles, big bicep arms and a hard six pack for a chest. And his face looked much more developed and mature.

As they walked up to the group Twilight looked at the new dragon and gasped, "Spike is that you!" she exclaims.

The young dragon looks at her and smiles revealing his many rows of sharp teeth, "Twilight your back! I bet this is a surprise for you to see me huh?" Spike said walking up to Celestia side and picking Twilight up he raises her high up over his head. Twilight looked so small to him now compared to before.

"How did this happen?!" Twilight asked.

"Remember when Discord shot me? It speeded up my growth and now I'm older, witch reminds me," He says then puts Twilight back down and walks up to Discord and looked up at him, he was just a foot shorter then him now, "I have something to say to you."

"What do you want? Are you mad at me for shooting you- OW!" Discord yelled as Spike smacked him In the face.

"Try to touch Rarity again and beat you sense less." He warned clutching his fist.

"Well Spike I must say you look rather handsome." Celestia complemented.

"I'll say he does, I think he looks absolutely divine!" Rarity exclaims getting everyponies attention. When everypony looked at her she blushed and looked away, "That is I think your really handsome spike."

Spike blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "Thanks Rarity."

"Sister tell me, why have you brought Discord here?" Luna asked looking at him, "I thought you would have killed him."

Celestia looks back at Twilight, "I probably would have but we had a compromise, right Discord."

"Yeah sure whatever."

"If you say so sister, are any of you hungry?"

A reply came from Twilight as her stomach growls loudly for all nearby to hear, Twilight blushed in embarrassment.

Celestia giggles, "Well I definitely know now that your hungry Twilight."

"Princess, you can sit Twilight right her next to Trixie and Sunset." Pinkie said.

Twilight looks to see Trixie and Sunset sitting in highchairs, another one between them, by the table with bowls of foal food in front of them. There faces where covered in food, Pinkie by there side wiping there faces clean.

"How come there faces are so dirty?"

"They wouldn't let anypony feed them so we let them feed themselves, that was certainly a mistake." Pinkie commented finishing cleaning Trixie's face.

"Mrs. Pie is correct neither of them would eat there food, so I offered them if they wanted to feed themselves and they agreed." Luna said.

"Wait did they tell you themselves?"

"No but they can understand us just fine and nodded in agreement."

Celestia walks over to the other highchair and sits Twilight down fastening the strap around her waist. Pinkie gives her a bowl of foal food along with a spoon, she thanks her and scoops some of the food onto the spoon and lifts It up to Twilight in her magic.

Twilight looked at the foal food, it was all green and looked like some tip of sludge. She scrunches up her nose in disgust, "Ew what is this stuff?"

"It's foal food, come on have a bite." Celestia says trying to push the spoon into her mouth.

Twilight dodged the spoon moving her head left and right, "No it wooks disgusting!"

"Come on Twilight please, I know your hungry just take one bite I bet you'll like it." She says, she wasn't going to stop till this little filly ate all her food.

Twilight knew this and sighed, "Awight but just one bite and I want to feed mysewf."

"Okay then here you go and be carful." Celestia said handing the spoon to her, and putting the bowl on the highchairs table.

Twilight grabs the spoon in her magic, and takes a bite of her food. She was to find that the foal food didn't taste too bad at all, it even tasted good to her tongue. She was thinking it probably had something with her being a foal now, but she couldn't think of anything scientific for it. All she could think of that moment was to get more.

She quickly scoops up more food and shoves it in her mouth. A small smile grew behind the spoon as she enjoyed her meal.

Celestia smiled, then turned around and sat down in her seat next to Luna, and looks down at her meal in front of her. A dandelion salad with plenty of greens and a small slice of cake for desert. Celestia inspected her cake and noticed it was a few inches smaller then usual. And she knew exactly who to blame for this.

Celestia scowls at Luna who wickedly smiles back. She's been 'helping' her sister lose some weight, by telling the kitchen staff to cut back on her cake size portions. Celestia has talked to her about this kind of thing many times before, but Luna has made it her duty to make sure she has good health, mostly because she loves her and the other part to get a little under her skin.

But that wasn't going to stop Celestia, she'll have to do something about her sister. If she wants to eat cake, she will eat cake!

'Excuse me Celestia?" Rainbow Dash called.

Celestia looks at her, "Yes Rainbow Dash?"

"Me and Applejack have been talking and where wondering if your going to talk to Twilight about what she did earlier today?" Rainbow asked Applejack standing next to her.

Discord had to try his best not to laugh.

"Oh that, don't worry Rainbow Dash, I'll personally talk to Twilight about that later. You both seem much cleaner then the last time I saw you covered in jelly, before I had let you go to my own personal bathroom to clean up."

"Yeah thanks again for that Princess, I thought I wouldn't be clean again I felt so stick. I found jelly in places there should not be jelly in." Applejack said.

As the adults talked Twilight continued eating until all her food was gone, splotches of what's left of her meal on her lips.

"Hey Twiwight."

Twilight looked at Trixie who sat in the highchair next to her, "D-Did you say something Twixie?" she said surprised, she thought Trixie couldn't talk.

"Thank Cewestia, I wasn't suwe you would be abwe to understand me." Trixie said relieved.

"How is this possibwe?"

"If you haven't noticed by now Spawkle, that where all babies now!" Sunset exclaims, sitting in the highchair on her other side.

Twilight looks at her, "What does that have to do with anyting?" she asks

"Think of it like this: Adults may not be abwe to understand our baby talk but other foals, like you, can." Sunset replied.

Twilight found that interesting, its like foals had there own language till they grow up to learn how to talk. She would have to remember this, to learn more about this when she turns back to normal.

"So how awe you two handling all this?"

"We had awe first diapie change earliew, I cant say it was pweasant but other then that it's otay, I guess."

"Same here, the food surprisingwy good though. When I saw the stuff I thought I was gonna gag, but when I tasted it, it was delicious. I wish my magic worked though, then I would not had made such a mess on my face."

"Wait your magic doesn't work?"

Trixie shook her head, "No we twied but all we get awe widdle sparks."

"That's weird, cause my magic works just fine?"

"Maybe it's cause youw a pwincess."

"Well for whatevew weason, its gonna have ta wait for later. Twilight your the onwy one who can talk to the others, you have to tell them about Discowd!" Sunset said.

"Tell them what?"

"Discowd has a copy of the book that can change us all back!"