
by PonyIcarlyCraze

3. Watch Yourself

It had been almost a week since the ponies had arrived in Seattle. By now, they had become very close with Carly and Sam.

You know who you remind me of? There's this girly-girl little kid show that's like, really famous. You remind me of the main characters.

Sam said.

Later that day, they sat down to watch "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". The new humans sat in awe as they watched themselves on TV.

That... is... us...

Pinkie Pie stammered, breaking a long session of sitting and watching. Carly and Sam sat emotionlessly, with a little sliver of wonder in there eyes. Twilight told them the whole story.

We have to get you home.

Carly said finally. That night, they packed food and water in an old backpack and went to sleep. The next morning, they went off on there adventure.