My Little Strawhat

by edwinflores428

Chapter 6 - Days of Ponies

(the following days takes place as Chrysalis gathers Sombra’s pieces)

As the Straw-hats slowly adjust to their new environment, the princesses have decided to move royal operation to Ponyville to keep a close eye on their new residents of pirates within the town hall. Some, however, called for their imprisonment.

“But auntie!! These beings have absolutely no class, no manners, and could threaten the entire nation!!” complained Prince Blueblood.

“That is enough my nephew! Until recently, you’ve complained about almost every action I take and have been behaving very spoiled! Especially around the common citizens, just because you’re my blood relative doesn’t mean you’re above everypony else!” as the sun princess confronted the white unicorn.

“GRRR!! I’ve had it with you! All the years have been clouding your judgment and have been less treating us in royalty and more towards the commoners and these … creatures!!” he said with a large distaste in his mouth.

“ENOUGH!!” Princess Celestia boomed as she stomped her hoof causing the building to shake

“Hey, is anything okay in here?” as Nami entered the office “I heard some yelling and checked to see if you were all right princess.”

“Yes Nami, my dear I had just finished speaking with my nephew in an important matter. You may take your leave now Blueblood.” Said the Princess

“Fine!!” as the white unicorn left, he gave quite a death glare against Nami and his own aunt. In his mind however “ they’ll see, my aunt is no longer fit to rule anymore; I need power, lots of power”

The princess merely sighed “Royal business can be quite stressful you know, even if you’re immortal.”

“Tell me about it, how about keeping in line a rubber idiot, a perverted cook, a cyborg, a swordsman, and an undead musician in line almost 24/7?” Nami countered.

“You must tell me about your adventures sometime” Celestia asked.

“Perhaps some other time princess” said Nami.

Back outside…

“So explain to me how these “devil fruits” work?” as Twilight examines some of the crew.

“Well, we eat one, it gives us powers but it takes away our ability to swim!” Brook said.

“There are 3 types of fruits: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia; Luffy, Brook and Robin ate Paramecia, I ate a Zoan type, while others ate logia types which are super strong!” as Chopper explained. “Before I ate it, I was a reindeer!”

“Wow! But can you eat more than one!?” asked Rainbow Dash

“I’m afraid we can’t, if we eat another devil fruit, we’ll die! Oh, but I’m already dead Yohohohohoho!!” Brook said.

“So it’s impossible to have 2 powers!?” Twilight asked.

“It’s not, only one other person was able to…” Zoro said. At that time, Luffy’s smile went away and the shade of his hat hid his eyes. “I’m going to train for a while, leave me alone for a bit.”

“What happened, I want to turn that frown, upside down!!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

“The only time someone has 2 powers, was from the death of Luffy’s brother…Portgas D. Ace” Robin said somberly.

“Brother?” asked Twilight remembering Shining Armor.

“It was all that Blackbeard’s fault! If he hadn’t captured Ace, he would still be alive…Luffy literally went to hell and back to try and rescue him and yet Ace was murdered right in front of him…” Zoro said.

Later that night…

Luna decided to see what these humans dream about, one had many jewels and gold, another was filled with weird shiny orbs as the cook slid down from them. One had been playing a violen atop of a large whale and the other filled with memories of another doctor with Sakura trees. But then she heard sniffling…

“*sniff* *sniff* Ace, I’m sorry. Ace” Luffy cried.

“Ace, this captain’s brother that was mentioned?” as Luna watched over. She then decides to enter his dream.

The moment she entered, she is suddenly greeted by a massive war. Guns and cannons exploding, huge earthquakes shaking, and the same captain running towards a large tower with a prisoner tied to its top with 2 men standing above him.

“Ace hold on, I’m coming!!!” Luffy yells.

Suddenly the entire arena came up in flames as magma suddenly starts pooling as the scene changes. With Luffy sitting in shock as his brother blocks an attack by a fist made of pure magma, piercing right through his body.


Luna is suddenly ejected from the nightmare right in front of her sister.

“Luna, what happened!?” Celestia asked.

“Tia, that man has suffered so much….. never in my entire life have I felt such sadness” she suddenly embraces her sister.

“Luna?” as the sun princess asked stunned by her sister’s behavior.

“Please, promise you won’t leave me again” Tears start forming in her eyes

Celestia also with tears in her eyes merely smiles and shares her embrace.

“Of course Luna, I promise, I’ll always be with you”

The following morning, as Luffy slowly wakes up with his eyes burning from the tears from his nightmare, notices that the rest of the crew were not in their hammocks.

“Huh, where is everyone?” He slowly comes out and walks to the door and suddenly hears shushes. He slowly opens the door and ..
“SURPRISE!!!” A pink pony hanging upside down appears right in front of Luffy knocking him back. But look at the scene sees a massive party set up and right on the mast is a picture of Ace smiling and holding Luffy in a choke hold.

“Welcome to Ace’s memorial party!” Pinkie yells.

“Luna and your crew told us about your brother Luffy and we decided to pitch together a party in his honor!” exclaimed Twilight.

“I must he, that Ace looks like quite a dashing young man!” said Rarity.

Luffy could only smile and yells “Thank you so much you guys!”


After the party….

Chopper was asked by Fluttershy to assist in caring some animals and walking through the forest to her home

“So you actually wanted to be a tree!?” Chopper asked.

“Oh, uh, yes, it seems kind of silly doesn’t it” Fluttershy merely said softly.

“Well, what kind of tree?” asked Chopper.

Fluttershy seemed a little surprised on what the reindeer asked

“Well…I never really thought of that actually, how would take it Chopper?” asked the Pegasus.

“Well… Rainbow Dash would be a palm tree braving hurricane winds, Applejack would
obviously be an apple tree, Twilight an oak…” as Chopper went on.

“And what about you Chopper?” asked Fluttershy

“Mine will be a Sakura tree..” Chopper answered.

“Why a Sakura tree?” asked Fluttershy

“Let me tell you a story that my father told me: There was once a man with an incurable disease, the doctors he went to tried their best to cure him but to no avail and told he only had weeks to live. Saddened, the man went towards a forest, but when he arrived he was greeted by the most beautiful of Sakura trees with its leaves falling and the flowers in full bloom. He had never felt such happiness and beauty that he felt rejuvenated. He quickly ran towards his doctor, the doctor examined him and he remarkably exclaimed that all of his ailments have been cured! That story always kept me going to achieve my dream of curing every disease ever known!” Chopper finally finished his story leaving Fluttershy both amazed and a bit flustered as a hint of a blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Hey Chopper!!” as Usopp suddenly appears running towards them

“Oh hi Usopp! What’s up?”

“Rainbow Dash is supposedly putting on an airshow for us back at town! Wanna go see?” as Usopp catches his breath.

“Sure! Want to come Fluttershy?” Chopper asked.

“Yes” as Flutterhy happily smiled.

Back at town Rainbow Dash is displaying her amazing air tricks and getting ready for the grand finale.

“Oh here comes the sonic rainboom!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Sonic rainboom? What’s that?” asked Nami.

“Oh here it comes!!” Twilight yelled.

And suddenly BOOOM!! The sky is graced by an amazing sonic boom mixed with all colors of the rainbow from the point when Rainbow Dash broke the sound barrier. Needless to say, Luffy fainted with stars in his eyes and drooling.

“Luffy! Are you alright?!” asked Rarity.

“S-so cool!” Luffy said weakly

Chopper and Usopp is still conscious but with massive twinkles in their eyes.

“That’s so cool!!!” exclaimed both Usopp and Chopper.

“Wow, the colors are so beautiful!” said Robin.

“Yeah, it’s SUPER cool!” exclaimed Franky.

But at that moment, Fluttershy leaned a bit closer to Chopper.

“Yeah, it’s really amazing!” as Fluttershy blushes next to Chopper.

The next day..

“Right it’s SUPER finished” exclaimed Franky as he fixes up Applejack’s barn.

“I thank ya kindly Franky, this old barn needed some repairs for quite a while!” said Applejack

“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh simply said.

“I even added extras to this barn, with the help of some group named the CMC” Franky said .

Applejack suddenly froze up, as a massive machine came up from the center of the barn and suddenly started spinning.

“What in the hay is that thing!!?” as Granny Smith pointed with her hoof.

“That’s the SUPER wind turbine! The wind will turn the giant arms and make a lot of electricity for your home!”

“It means that we won’t have to rely on lanterns and can work at night now, so that way we can spend more time together in the long run!” AppleBloom exclaimed.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash appeared as she flew overhead towards the barn. Her face shows a display of worry and urgency as she arrived at the farm.

“Hey Franky, Applejack! Double-time to the nearby field! The Princess needs us and all of our friends!” she exclaimed.

“Right, Franky follow me!” commanded Applejack.

Once the duo arrived, they encounter the rest of the Mane 6 and the Straw-hats.

“Hey Franky and Applejack! How’s it going!?” asked Usopp.

“Fine and dandy mister, I wonder why the princess asked all of us to be here?” asked Applejack.

“No idea, she called me after I was studying their old castle, I must say this land’s history is fascinating!” exclaimed Robin.

“Ugh! I’m bored and hungry! Sanji! Can you make us some food!?” yelled Luffy.

“Quiet you! Don’t you see we’re about to have an important meeting!?” snapped Sanji.

“Although I could go for something to eat” Fluttershy said shyly.

“Of course my sweet!!” exclaimed Sanji.

“Even towards other species he’s perveted” Usopp said to himself.

Suddenly a bright light shone in front of them as the sun princess appeared before them.

“I’m glad to see you all, especially at a time like this.” Celestia said.

“What is it Princess? Do you have a task for us?” asked Twilight.

“I do, and I believe Fluttershy and our human guests are the right people for the job.” said Celestia.

As she looks backs at Canterlot, she sees her guards arriving carrying a statue and a box. All the ponies suddenly gasped at the sight while the crew merely questioned in worry.

“Why princess, why did you bring him here!?” Spike said as he was about ready to completely panic.

“Who is he?” asked Nami

“The lord of chaos and disorder, who nearly destroyed our friendships and plunged Equestria into all of chaos and disharmony…” as Twilight said gravely.

The statue landed with a deep thud
