You can't

by TwiwnB

A piece of cake

Twilight was covered with the engine pieces. She was screaming, shouting for help, crying, and suddenly she heard a little voice deep inside her head. A voice that told her to fight. It was more than a signal for the alicorn: it was a revelation. She cast a shield that blew the pieces away and then began to unleash every bit of magical power she had to annihilate her opponents. She could see the pieces run in panic and she laughed at their disarray while shooting them down, freezing them off, turning them into ashes or making them melt under the heat of her magical rays. She could feel the power at her disposal, all of the universe that had been mocking her previously suddenly under her orders, even more, at her side as an accomplice to take her revenge and create a new path for her to walk.
It felt great.

She opened her eyes. She could still feel all the power she had developed during her dream running through her veins. And the idea came up in her mind that she had seen how she should handle the matter.
And even if it wasn’t making any sense, she decided to follow that path. Only because, at least, she wouldn’t be the only one to perish there. That train that had taunted her for so long would go away with her.

She saw the engine, lying near her, charged her laser and blew it up in a gigantic explosion. She laughed. She was happy. Happy at last. She focused on the biggest parts that had survived and exploded them too with a joyful smile. Then, she remembered the existence of the locomotive itself and the carriages. Using her magic, she lifted the locomotive and threw it on the rest of the train. Then, she cast a new spell and covered the whole wreck with dark spikes that began to explode in a magnificent firework.

Twilight wasn’t over. She still had some energy left.
She blew up a cactus near her, and then focused more of the pieces that were left of both the engine and the train itself. Then she focused the rocks. And then the ground itself. She was just shooting at everything for the sake of shooting, eager she was to fight for her survival. And what a fight it was. Had there been any living being in sight, she would have eliminated it before it could have done anything whatsoever.

And a living being happened to appear behind the alicorn.

“Stop that!” said the voice.

Twilight turned back and shot, but the living being had already teleported behind her back.

“I’m telling you to stop that.” ordered the voice.

Twilight turned back again and shot, but the pony had teleported again. So she began shooting at random all around in the hope of touching her target. But suddenly, a mass jumped on her and she fell on the ground.

“Please stop, we are not like that.” said the pony. “You are not like that. You’re a good pony. You aren’t a warrior, but a princess. We ought to act like one.”

Twilight knew that voice and she answered with the same one:

“Let me go. If I’m going to die, I want the world to know I didn’t disappear in a whisper, but in fire.”

“You’re angry, and sad, and tired.” said the familiar voice. “I understand that. But we aren’t dead yet.”

“Yes we are.” responded Twilight. “There is no train left. We are way too far to reach any help, this is hopeless.”

“There is always hope.” responded the voice. “I’ll help you if you help me, okay? I just can’t save us both without you, so I need your support.”

Twilight hesitated. As shameful as it was, blowing everything up was feeling way better than anything else she could imagine at the moment, so it was hard to give up. But at the same time, some sense of reality was coming back to her through her hallucinations and fever and she realized how far into insanity she had gone.

“Alright, I’ll follow your lead. What do you need me to do.” she asked the other pony she knew so well.

The other pony smiled, released her grasp and just explained:

“The mechanism of the engine… it’s actually quite simple. There is a red ball made out of cilinitium, which is a magical component that reacts to heat if exposed to a moderate magical aura by turning on itself.”

“You mean that that piece wasn’t just some sort of ballast?” realized Twilight. “That’s… wait, if what you say is true…”

The other pony began to smile, because she could see Twilight had understood.

“This is genius. I mean, it’s simple, but genius.” stated Twilight.

“Not really.” said the other smart familiar pony. “They actually probably didn’t understand it all and made it way more complicated than it needed to be. We could very probably create a way simpler model that would hold until we come back into Equestria. Granted the ball of cilinitium has survived all your blasting that is.”

Twilight understood and immediately began to search for the red ball. By chance, it was still intact, protected as it had been by some other elements, and with the help of the other pony that was always staying right at her side, or behind her depending on where the source of the light was, the alicorn managed to create a very basic mechanism to propel the wheels of the locomotive. She managed to put back what was left of said locomotive on the tracks, rectified the wheels and the axles back with magic and adjusted the engine.

“I hope it will work.” said Twilight as she was finished.

She pulled the lever, put a few logs in the furnace and the locomotive slowly began to move. Not only could Twilight have cried like a baby out of joy, but she did on a very extreme level, even if she was kind of out of tears at that point.
She thanked herself for the help and loaded as many logs as she could. She then began her way back to Equestria, going as fast as her little contraption was able to because she was still very weak and needed some support very soon.

But she had a very good chance to do it.

No, even better:
She knew she could do it!