Scorched Terra: Cross Contact

by Argentum Fabulam

Chapter 1: Shatter Reality

Chapter 1: Shatter Reality

A very odd shadow began to pass over Vanhoover; as ponies turned to see what had caused the shadow they heard a loud roar of a beast nopony had ever heard before. A few pegasi narrowly avoided the giant metal beast that was the source of the horde noise as it lowered to land just out side the city.

After it managed to come to a stop outside the city, a few brave ponies went to see just what the odd creature was. They skiddishly made their way closer and closer, hushed chatter filling the group as they stopped until somepony was brave enough to move close. When they were about 50 yards away, much to their surprise, the beast opened up at the sides releasing four orange coloured slides and a group of confused nearly furless ape-like creatures came out of the beast.

In hushed tones they conversed while their children gawked and pointed at the "strange horses." The ponies mingled among themselves in confusion, attempting to make sense of what had just happened. It wasn't until two bold ones stepped out of their groups and approached each other. After a long pause the ape creature knelt down to eye level with the pony as they both asked a very universal question.

"What are you?"


15 minutes earlier

"That was some damn bad turbulence, wasn't it?" a man said. He was wearing very casual clothing and a sports cap with his favourite team with a fresh stain on his shirt, and a cola in one hand.

"Yes, now please, stop reminding me." another man said with a very faint German accent. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with a black tie loosely around the collar. He was fidgeting badly, every few seconds adjusting the tie or running his hand through his medium black hair.

"Don't like flying eh?" The causal dress man said, electing a glare from the man beside him, "Tell you what, how about I help take your mind off it, whats your name?"

"Gus... Gus Feroman. But I don't really see how..."

"Don't worry Gus, it will. The name is Mike."

"Pleasure to meet you," Gus said in a monotone voice as he met the man's outstretched hand with his own. Mike gave him a very vigorous and firm handshake.

"So what do you do, Mr. Feroman?"

"Well, I WAS the Canadian ambassador to Germany."

"Really? What happened?" Mike asked in a shocked tone. Gus looked at the Team Canada shirt he was wearing and then to the Vancouver Canucks hat he had on. He put an unimpressed look on his face.

"Really... An obvious Canadian such as yourself and you don't know that the NDP were voted out of office?"

"I'm from Chicago," Mike said in a hurt tone, "What, you're telling me a guy can't like good hockey teams just because he's from south of the border?"

Gus began to stutter, he had no idea how to save his reputation after an insensitive assumption like that. That was until he heard Mike chuckling.

"Oh man, I got you good, didn't I?" Mike said. "I was actually born in Detroit and moved with my parents to Canada while I was still a younger kid."

"Explains the lack of an accent." Gus added in, "How did you not know about the election though?"

"Oh, I always book a vacation during the elections to get away from it all." Mike explained.

"Even in 2030 the elections are still boring..." Gus muttered under his breath.

It was then the cabin shook again; Gus tensed up and grabbed his seat as Mike attempted to catch his drink. A few children began to cry as the captain came on the radio and said in a semi-panicked voice, "We are going to be making an emergency landing, please keep calm."

"Well, crap..." Mike began as he fastened his seat belt, "You were finally loosening up."


Gus was staring eye to eye with the small sea-blue horse, however at the moment he was in complete and utter shock.

"Did you just talk?" He asked it.

"Yes," it said in a feminine voice. Inspecting the equine beast, he realized that it seemed to have wings. Which would technically make it a pegasus. However, that would have went against all logic he would have known. Then he remembered what he was talking to, and decided logic would not be able to help him.

"So what's your name?" Gus said deciding to treat this like meeting a new ambassador. Even though she was probably not an alien ambassador.

"Sea Breeze," she said analyzing the foreign creature, "And you are?"

"Call me Mr. Feroman. I'm an ambassador of Canada, and I was on my way home."

Sea Breeze looked back to the group of ponies that she had followed to the metal beast, they were making their way over to the other group and had started talking to them.

"Canada? Where in Equestria is that?"

"Equestria?" Gus asked seeming even more confused, "Were on Earth is that? I've never heard of anywhere called Equestria.... By chance did you get here by spaceship?" he added on sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?" Sea Breeze said annoyed, "We all came over here because of that metal beast you came out of."

"Will you excuse me, I would like to talk to the captain of the 'metal beast' for a minute."


"Hey Dan, get over here! Something weird just happened!”

Captain Dan Brabosa let go of the book he was reading, which proceeded to float in place as he pushed off of the wall and floated towards the opening to the bridge. He was part of an international space project to test the newly created, 'Millennium' Generation ship.

As he entered an air lock, gravity returned to that of Earth's and proceed to the bridge where Major Scott Phish had paged him.

"What is it now, Scott?" he asked rather annoyed.

"Dan... Just look." Scott said as he pointed out the helm window towards their home planet.

Dan looked to see that a new continent had placed itself in between the Americas and the eastern continents. He stood there in shock for a few seconds before Scott began to explain again.

"I was just looking out the helm when everything seemed to skip for a second, and poof, it was there!"

Dan recovered from his shock a moment after Scott finished explaining, he was still staring at the new land mass intensity. "We need to take pictures of this now and send it to the GUP before mass panic breaks out." He said calmly. He then tacked on, "For both sides."