Scorched Terra: Cross Contact

by Argentum Fabulam

Chapter 2: Adjusting Reality

One week after the odd shift in reality for both Man and pony, Princess Celestia trotted towards the Building that was housing the GUP conference To discuss treaties, culture, and all manner of other "necessary" things if Equestria was to become a part of GUP. She was accompanied by two of her guards. As they got closer she saw the massive group of humans corralled behind a metal fence which was guarded by Police in full riot gear. The humans were suddenly caught in awe for a moment, she was only slightly taller than most of them but still they were awe struck by her radiance.

However after the brief moment of awe, the started taking pictures, as fast as the could before someone else got that "Perfect" shot. She internally rolled her eyes and continued on. On the outside the building was tall and gray, with windows every so often. However on the inside there was a marble floor that had been painstakingly polished by someone so much, it was practically a mirror. This mirror like surface drew her eyes to the ceiling which was a painting of the earths land masses. Along the base of the ceiling in all different languages "United we rise."

"Princess Celestia I presume." A man said taking her attention away from the room. The two guards pointed their spears at him as he raised his hands and stepped back.

"At ease gentlecolts," Celestia said as she looked at the human, "Yes I am. And you are?"

"Augustus Feroman, I was the first one to make contact with one of your citizens and an ambassador from Canada. The UN thought I would be an appropriate person to help you through this GUP conference." Gus said extending his hand out for a handshake. Celestia extended a hoof and they shook... Appendages.

“Mr. Feroman, could you please explain to me what GUP is?”

“Certainly, GUP stands for Global Unity Program. Started in early 2021 by Arthur Van Bora, GUP was designed to help keep world peace by uniting as many countries as possible, representatives of the party started getting elected in their native countries in late 2021,” Augustus explained as they walked towards the conference chamber, “Since then over 20 countries have become officially part of the program and there are many countries that support us but are independent.”

“Thank you Mr. Feroman, I am assuming that Equestria will be given the same choice?”

“Indeed,” Gus answered as he put his hand on the nob of the large wooden door to the conference hall, "I must say Princess, I did not expect you to be this tall."

She chuckled a bit as the walked towards the room where the summit was being held, "Why's that?"

"Well it's just that your subjects are so small in comparison, the must see you as some towering deity."

"Well, they do. Since I am over a 2000 years old." Gus froze for a second and gave her a questioning look. "What's the matter Augustus?"

"Don't Mention religion whatever you do." Gus said bluntly. Celestia opened her mouth to ask, but Gus intervened,"Just... Trust me."


“After as shocking turn of event's at this morning's GUP conference discussing the new continent of Equestria's involvement within our world. About an hour into the conference however President George Neffis of the United States America was brutally assassinated by his own vice president, Detroit native Barry Sueman,” Said a newscaster as other head lines ran across the bottom of the screen, “It was then one of the guards of Princess Celestia, one of the monarchs of Equestria, quite literally disarmed Mr. Sueman.” The picture of Barry Sueman in the top corner of the screen changed to one of the picture someone had gotten of Celestia going into the GUP headquarters with her two guards in tow.

All the sudden after a series of crashes and violent shouts, masked people entered the scene and pulled the newscaster away from her desk and one of the people sat in her place. The person was wearing a mask that seemed to resemble that of classic Greek Muse, it cracked its neck and spoke in a soft male voice, “Hello America, my name is Prometheus, your maker. As you just heard my loyal child and respected comrade, Barry Sueman, has just set the first step in our liberation into motion. Now my children, I understand you must be confused and scared, and that is alright. You as humans are naturally sacred of the unknown, and I am here to help you understand. My loyal children here with me, your knight's who are here to slay the greedy dragons that steal your very livelihood from you, the brave souls who shall lead your battles and bring you your salvation, your liberation, your glory day's! I, Prometheus gave you you humans fire, now... now is your time to use my gift! Now! Watch as your brothers and your sisters strike at the hall of corruption! Watch as they burn the slavers! Watch! Watch my children! Watch as your knight's set you free.”

In the last moment the screen changed to a live feed of the white house as it caught ablaze lighting up the horizon as if the sun was rising. Celestia stared at the screen in horror as men and women stood in front of the blazing building, the bonfire of “liberation.” They began to chant as Gus turned of the television, he looked over to Celestia, who was on the verge of breaking into tears, and said, “I'm sorry you had to see that. It's yet another reminder that our changing world may be changing a little to fast.”

Then Gus got a text message from his new friend Mike, Well.. Looks like I'm never seeing a winter classic in my home town again. Gus just shook his head.

"What is it?" Celestia asked, a few tears rolling down her face. The message she was writing turning to green smoke and fleeing out of the window.

"Just a friend of mine being.... Humorous... If one can call it that." He replied sighing. Gus flipped the controller over and pushed a button, a holographic keyboard and track pad was projected as the T.V. show turned to a computer desktop. He clicked the internet browser and went to YouTube, "I guess I might as well show you something light hearted after... That terrible reminder that our changing world is changing a little to fast."

Celestia simply nodded as she opened the scroll that appear pretty much out of nowhere, which startled Gus causing him to jump. He then went to back to the internet browser and typed in "cat videos" an clicked the first video that popped up. "My daughter loves these."

Celestia took her focus of the letter and watched the cats on screen many silly things that were ultimately quite cute and funny. She chuckled and said, "It's nice to see there still is some innocence in your world."

"Indeed, there has just been so many terrible things as of late." Gus said mournfully.

Celestia looked to Gus and how sad he was, and then she got an idea. "Gus, does your daughter like horses?"

"Yes, in fact last time we were visiting my parents at their farm she took a liking to horseback riding." Gus answered, "Why what are you thinking?"

"You have a picture of your house right?"

"Yes." Gus said hesitantly as he brought out his phone and pulled up a picture of him and his daughter, she was about 7 in the picture with long auburn hair and was wearing a brown leather jacket. In the background was a old house on the edge of a forest. Celestia smiled and put her hoof on his shoulder.

Gus look at her face just as she said, "Hold on." as the room around him melted away and was soon replaced with the grey clouds that seemed to plague Vancouver. As Gus stumbled a bit Celestia looked to the skies and cleared away the clouds with her magic revealing the morning sun. Gus looked up to see the house from the picture, and the thing that was more recent than the picture, his Ex-wife's Husband Tom.

"Gus? Is that you?" said Tom Delzon, A blonde haired lumberjack native to Vancouver and his daughter Julia's step father, there was no bad blood between Gus and Tom in fact he was glad that one of his close friends was the one raising his daughter when he couldn't. Rather he didn't like how his ex-wife left him because he became an NDP party member. He found that she was very immature and fought tooth and nail for custody, but he still lost and now very rarely got to see his daughter due to the nature of his job.

"Yeah it's me Tom," Gus said as he gave a brotherly hug to his friend, "Is Julia up by chance, I got someone I'd like her to meet."

"Like hell you do Augustus, give me a reason not to call the cops on you for trespassing?" Said a venomous female voice from the porch of the house. The voice came from Vicky Delzon, A red haired woman with venomous green eyes that would make a cobra tremble.

"Cause I invited him Vicky," Tom lied rather convincingly, "And he does have the right to see his daughter, so would you kindly go get her for us?"

Vicky raised her hands in defeat and went back into the house. Gus smiled at his friend and chuckled, "Really, Would you kindly?"

"Hey don't mock it if it works. Now where's this person you wanted Julia to meet exactly?"

Before Gus could respond A girl cried out, "Daddy!" as he was tackled to the grounded by his daughter who was now about 4 foot 9 and 13 years old. "How are auntie and uncle in Berlin?" She said over joyed to see her father again.

Celestia smiled from around the corner of the driveway as Gus and his daughter talked about all manner of things. Gus suddenly remembered the surprise he had "planned" for his daughter. "I'm sorry Julie I need to cut you off for a minute."

Julia sighed, rolled her eyes, and stuck out her hand, "Daddy that's one dollar into the cut-off jar."

Gus chuckled as he remembered their little deal, "Trust me Julie this will completely make up for that in spades. Now I wish I had a trumpet so I could introduce her properly, but Julia Feroman, I would like to formally introduce you to Princess Celestia of Equestria!" as he said that Celestia trotted around the corner and up the drive way with a motherly smile.

As she approached Julia, who's face was filled with joy and surprise she lowered he head closer to Julia's level and said, "Hello Julia." in a voice that was as warm as summer day's light. Tom just stood next to Gus, who had a big goofy smile on, dumb struck by what he was seeing.

"Are you a Pegasus or a unicorn?" Julia asked in a quite voice.

"Well, I'm technical both, I'm what's called an Alacorn." Celestia responded as Julia lightly petted her mussel.

"Gus... How did you meet her?" Tom asked quietly.

"G20 summit, and we teleported from London." Gus responded as Tom whistled slightly.

"Could... Could I try on your tiara?" Julia asked shyly.

"I don't see why not." Celestia said as she levitated her tiara off her head and placed it on Julia's. She smiled as Julia turned to Gus and playfully mocked about being a princess. This didn't last long as a gunshot broke through the happy atmosphere and Celestia toppled onto the ground. Julia screamed as she turned around and saw Celestia on the ground as crimson ichor poured out of her shoulder.

"That's for trying to steal away my daughter you horse bitch!" Vicky shouted from a window on the second floor, a smoking hunting rifle in her hands.

"What the hell Vicky!" Tom yelled as he held Julia close. As Gus attempted to go over to Celestia and stop the bleeding another gunshot rang as an explosion of dirt formed in front of him.

“Oh no you don't Gus! Are you forgetting how you keep trying to steal Julia Away from me too?” Vicky Cackled as she repositioned the rifle, “Now stand still so we can get this over with....”