//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: A Warriors task // Story: The Dark Side // by Dynomation //------------------------------// The large figure stood 2 metres tall with a black metal helmet glinting in the sun, cape covering his back and obscuring his movements from the head down. It`s heavy asthmatic breathing gave it a feeling of pure terror, it imposing figure did the same, terror was installed in both the immortal alicorns. ‘Time to check whether the other part of the parameter is met?’ Luna through ‘cough’ she cough grabbing the attention of the large black creature, it turned slowly to face the both of them. It`s emotionless eyes reflected the two princesses, a grated vent lay where a mouth should be, another interesting feature was it`s muzzle was too short to be a ponies. It took a step back in surprise, tilting it head in confusion, it deep powerful voice adding to its fear-factor slightly “What?” from the depth of the voice it was a fair assumption that it was male. Luna straighten herself “Greeting`s, I am Princess Luna and this is my sister Princess Celestia, we have summoned you to help us defend are kingdom, so I implore you to consider are offer, a new chance at life defending innocence, will you help us?” she asked taking a tentative step towards the giant figure. Celestia was the largest record pony in Equestria with a height of 1 metre 95 centimetres, but wasn`t the heaviest in history. This thing was probably both heavier than her and was defiantly taller. Luna couldn`t tell what it was thinking, no face was visible through the mask of the creature making it almost impossible to read, but military training from great general told her a little information. He was thinking deeply. An-Vader, he was Vader, the monster Sith lord stood here, not the Jedi knight Skywalker, he was supposed to be one with the force. Not walking or breathing, only to enter the physical world as a ghost of Skywalker, but he was back in his cybernetic life support. His cybernetic eyes looking at a new world, a fresh start? “Why would you need my help?” he asked crossing his arms, a slight breeze moving the large black cape on his back, and the smaller one hung from his belt. Luna looked to her sister for a moment, Celestia expression seem to say ‘Deal with this Luna’ Luna turned to the creature “My sister and I are worried about invasion from a forces, that may be too powerful for are armies to handle, I- We were hoping that you would help us keep them at bay” she said a nervous grin forming on her face. Vader absorbed the information nodding slightly. The reason for his summoning was acceptable, the defeasance of the innocent, he respected their devotion to the kingdom. But intrusting their future in a complete stranger? That show a certain level of desperation. High. “Have they invaded before?” he asked, he knew who to get the information required for him to make a dissension. “Yes, they were defeated. But only barely” stated the one known as ‘Celestia’ “How?” “By the very thing they consume, banishing them to the bad-lands surrounding Equestria” stated Luna Vader had to think hard for a moment “And I am assuming your means of defeating them on your own are insufficient or gone?” Both of them nodded, ‘yes’ Vader had hit the nail on the head, there where almost completely defenceless. He breathe deeply making his already noise breath very loud “Very well, I will help, once I am done helping, I will return to the force.- he said as he pointed at both of them-My only turns” Luna and Celestia nodded “Thank you Mister?” finally asking the name of the creature in front of them “Darth Vader” As much as he hated the name, it suited the needs of this world more than Skywalker, but Skywalker sense of honour still remain, but just blurred between right and wrong. Celestia nodded “Luna will inform you off everything you need to know, I am sorry but I must go, I have day court to attended to” she said apologetically, she existed the room, with a strange yellow glow. Vader had the feeling he would have to learn a lot about this world. Both the guard let Celestia leave, they were still at attention when Luna existed. The next creature to leave the room was a large black mass of leather, metal and cloth. Following the night princess Both the guards shivered in position, they looked at each other to make sure they weren’t seeing things. Vader followed Luna, to the royal wing of the library in the castle, he stood out like a sore thumb, all black in a world as fare as he could tell of pasted coloured… he needed to learn a lot. Luna directed him to a large tome “Here is the most complete book on the biology of sentient races in Equestria” It was large and strapped in leather, with a flick of his wrist Vader opened it with the force, surprising Luna greatly. She stumbled backwards slightly in surprised “How`d you do that?” she asked. Vader continued to scan the tome as he said “You would be surprised at the power of the force” he had stopped at an insectoid version of the species Luna was a member of. “A changeling, a creature that can change it appearance to exactly copy the ones you love, to feed of it” said Luna summarizing the page in front of his eyes “Feeds off of love?” asked Vader confused, he had heard of strange creature, one of them being Darth Maul, but a creature feeding off of an emotion? That was new. “Yes, they were created for the purpose of fulfilling a ponies desires, but after the young queen found this out, she started a rebellion against pony-kind, her descendant has turn into a power hunger race of war mongers” she explained Vader wasn`t surprised but the princess had informed him of her species ‘pony’ “Hmm, yes that is a problem, my suggestion is have a metal barrier or blocked around a city, only letting the creatures you want inside” he suggested Luna nodded “One is already in place, it low power due to its invisibility but shocks any changeling that tries to enter Canterlot, leaving any changeling knocked out and ready for an easy trip to a jail cell” Vader nodded “Also get you soldiers to remember a code-phrase, it the only way of making sure your guards are your guards” he said turning and scanning the shelf for any useful information “I work on the code phrase with Celestia, any other advice?” she asked summoning a not-pad from thin air “No, I have no more strategies than through two” he said turning to her “But if I am to defeat the enemy I need to know everything about your history” he stated Luna was about to speak when a mad cackle echoed in the library along with Vader breathing “Oh Lulu, I believe you need to introduce me to are new guest” echoed a voice in the air “Discord” groaned the night princess The Dragonequus appeared in a bright flash “Yes. Now then chock-ie, a little fear from Tatooine aren`t we?”