//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 2 // by Burning_Halo //------------------------------// It was another crisp summer’s morning down in the valley where Ponyville resided. The bright sun began to peer over the mountains, giving way to the glistening grass moist with morning dew and the melody of the song birds chirping in delight of the arrival of the fresh morning. The squirrels and rabbits in the park began to stir, and even the paper-colt had begun his morning routes early, delivering the Ponyville papers in stacks, leaving them upon the door steps of all the shops. The crow of the roosters could be heard off in the distance, the farm animals back at Sweet Apple Acres beginning to rise with the sun. It was all peaceful and quiet back at the library, where Twilight was stirring in her bed, still tucked in beneath the warm star decorated sheets. Her ears began twitching, picking up the song of the birds perched on a tree branch just outside her window where the sun shone in brightly. She opened her eyes, blinking a few times as she inhaled deeply, sitting up in bed and stretching out, reaching for the ceiling. Among the song of the birds, she could also hear the quiet snoring of a small dragon at the foot of her bed. She crawled over to the side of her bed, spotting Spike curled up in his small cradle like bed, gripping the sheets tightly as he snored away. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh seeing Spike so wrapped up in his bed, reaching down and patting him lightly on the head, getting a groan out of him. Just out the window, the sun climbed ever so slowly into the sky, Princess Celestia working her powerful magic to raise the sun on one of the finer mornings Ponyville had seen this summer. The town lit up beautifully, everything shining in the warm basking rays of the life giving sun. The mountains seemed to glow, shining bright like large beacons. Twilight sat on her bed, staring out the window and taking it all in. It was all very beautiful indeed… Down the hall, in the dimly lit storage room on the shady side of the library, Wildfire tossed in his bed, turning over uncomfortably, over and over again, seeming to struggle. He caught himself up in his sheets, kicking and wailing his legs around as if he were running, trying to escape from something. He groaned, whining like a trapped animal, continuing to toss over and over, wrapping himself up even more in his sheets, soaked in cold sweat. His eyes popped open, and he sat up in bed, yelping as his head shot off of his pillow. His wide eyes fixed forward in a ghastly expression. His heart and mind raced, labored breathing and sweaty body revealing an exhausted Wildfire. He hung his head and wiped the sweat from his brow, pulling his mashed up mane out of his face and up into a messy looking mohawk. His breathing slowly calmed as he gasped for breath, clearing his dry throat as he turned his attention to the orange lit town just out his bedside window. The sun shown over the town, reflecting light back into his window as it cast the library’s shadow over the ground, projecting a soft glow into the interior of Wildfire’s room. The song birds chirped happily, and the neighbors had woken up and come outside to water their flowers, the tin watering can they used occasionally bouncing an extra sunbeam or two through the window. “Just another day…” sighed Wildfire, wanting nothing more but to just fall back to the pillow, optimistic that his fall just might bind him to the bed for good.