Canine Complications

by Wages of Sin

Fight or Flight

There was a tense moment as the pack awaited their commands. "We will submit." Twilight said firmly as she lowered her hindquarters and then chest to the ground. Finally, she closed her eyes in a bow towards the slowly advancing enemy line.

If Bark Back was concerned by her answer he didn't show it, not hesitating to follow her lead. He calmly edged closer to his mistress before prostrating as well. The rest of the Wolves and Zecora followed, leaving only one pony standing amongst them as the lunar unit cautiously closed in.

"Mistress! What are you doing! We can't just give up! We can escape!"

Her enthusiastic shouts were met by Bark Back calmly turning his head, not enough to look at her, but enough to show he was addressing her, “We could, but then what would that do? We came to find the moon-bearer. We have found her. We have no path nor reason to flee."

"But she attacked us! And we were just trying to talk to her! She hurt mistress for no reason! We should fight back!"

Bark Back suddenly turned his head to face her fully, his glowing eyes opening before narrowing dangerously. He opened his mouth again, but was interrupted by Twilight who spoke, remaining bowed and prostrate, "Screwy, I'm fine. It's like Bark Back said, this is what we came here for. Luna only attacked because she's worried about the ponies in the city. If we give up, she has no reason to-"

Whatever she would have said next was cut off as a spell impacted her. Screw Loose saw most of the pack leap to their paws, only for the world to suddenly go black for her as well.

There was an oppressive silence as the mares gathered once again around Fluttershy's table. Only a few hours had passed since their last meeting, so although heads had cooled, tensions were still high.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack conspicuously avoided eye contact, both shuffling awkwardly as they stood. Rarity watched on, calmly considering how to calm the tension between the two mares. It turned out she didn't have to, as in an odd act, both mares took the initiative at once.



"Oh, you go first." Applejack said, flinching back as if she expected Rainbow's self-conscious frown to dissolve into an angry scowl. It didn't of course, and instead her eyes broke down as well.

"I'm sorry for what I said before... I'm the element of loyalty, not you. I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

Applejack looked back, now with her own frown "Now I'm right sorry too, but don't go thinking that just because loyalty isn't my element that I don't feel the same way about my hoof in this..."

Awkward silence filled the room until Rarity gave a petite cough that brought everyone's attention to her.

"We're all upset about what we had to do with this, but apologies should come later, and to Twilight's face. Now, I suppose we should find out why we're here. Fluttershy? What did you call us here in such a hurry for? Did you figure out something we can do to help Twilight?"

Fluttershy fidgeted for a second before quietly responding, "Well... No..." she said meekly, "...but I did, maybe, figure out why she was acting the way she was... "

"We know 'Shy, she's gone predator, explaining it isn't the problem! Fixing her is!" Rainbow shouted across the table, a little harshly considering the recipient if the outburst.

Fluttershy carried on undaunted though, the importance of her message overriding Rainbow's tone, "But what if it isn't? What if fixing her isn't really all that pressing?"

"Go on dear..." Rarity prompted, notably confused, but hopeful.


Twilight regained consciousness as if emerging from a tunnel into the bright sun. As her vision adjusted, she began seeing colors, blurs, shapes, and then finally began to see the forms of ponies before her. Or rather the remains of ponies...

Bile rose in her throat at the sight. As she scanned the street she could see many dark figures in various states of dismemberment before her. She began to wretch, but discovered something already cought in her mouth. She released her jaw to the sound of a hard thump.

She looked down. A blue neck spilled red blood at an alarming rate.

"wh- why?" the figure asked pathetically, coughing blood as she spoke the feeble word.

"Luna!?!" Twilight shouted, hurriedly applying her hooves to the profusely bleeding puncture wounds. "NONONONONONONO!!!! WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" she cried into the Canterlot night. She looked around trying to find her pack for aid, but not a branch could be found, nor were Zecora or Screw Loose in sight.

"Luna! Hang on! Please!" she shouted at the still unresponsive and bleeding form.

"Heeeeeelp!" Twilight yelled into the night, not caring who responded, as long as somepony came to help her fallen friend. Tears built in her eyes and began dripping down her muzzle as she tried to stem the bleeding, to virtually no success.

"HEEEEEELP!" she pathetically and desperately wailed into the night.

"Stay with me Luna! Please!" Twilight turned from the bloody wound, and looked to her face.

She turned, and her lavender eyes met teal.

"Twilight!?!" The tattered figure blurted.

"Wha-" Twilight asked as the world once again began to fade into view. "LUNA!" she shouted, leaping to her paws, in the process knocking something aside.

"Yes?" that something said, sounding slightly pained but equally confused.

Twilight turned her head, scanning her surroundings to find herself in the familiar Canterlot throne room, an exorbitant number of bat-winged guards lining the walls, and Luna off to her side massaging her horn.

"Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked slowly and deliberately, scanning her face intensely as she did so.

"Princess Luna! You're alright! Thank goodness! I had this terrible..." Twilight froze, "...wait, you can understand me?"

"Indeed." she replied proudly "It would not become a ruler of the night to be unable to speak to the denizens thereof, now would it, Twilight Sparkle?"

"How'd you-?"

"In dreams we appear as we recognize ourselves, and a moment ago, much to my surprise, you appeared in the form I know you."

"Wha- What was that? That was a dream? I- The last thing I remember before that was telling Screw Loo-" she froze, looking from side to side frantically, "Where is my pack!?!" She hollered, lowering herself dangerously and bringing all of the present guard to brandish their weapons against her.

"HOLD!" Luna shouted to her guards, as they complied and rose their leveled weapons, Luna addressed Twilight once again, "Do not worry for those that arrived with you, they have merely been detained. As for your other question, I must apologize for my trick. When you surrendered, I induced you to sleep, secured your companions, and arranged such a dream wherein I could observe your intentions. You are likely aware how much the proud are willing to reveal when success is apparent. I meant to trick you into revealing your plan to my dying form, for, as you are now aware, I understood your commands relating to me being your 'target' and desired to know if your intention was to kill me, and if so, why. To my great surprise though, not the great wolf but rather may friend Twilight was whom I encountered within the dream."

"Oh..." Twilight said uncertainly, "So it was a ploy in case I was..."

Seeing the confusion and uncertainty on Twilight's face, Luna spoke once again: "I knew not your intentions nor your identity, and although you appeared to submit, I am far from trusting those who come unannounced and with what I thought were hostages. I needed to test you, that is why my manipulation of your dream was vital, but for both that and your companion’s imprisonment I apologize."

"I guess it's alright... I was just terrified, I thought I had hurt you! I thought I had-!"

"Calm Twilight, your dreams prove your nature. I knew not your identity nor intentions when you snuck past the city gate, but now at least your identity and allegiance are clear to me. I had to be sure. Now, on to more pressing matters. I assume if not for my head, then you came for my aid?

"Yes!" Twilight said excitedly.

"Then go right ahead." Luna said, "I shall hear your request. I presume it has something to do with changing your current form?"

Twilight hesitated

"Is that not right?"

"Well that is a priority, and something I'd like to ask your help with, but there is another matter that is even more pressing..."

"Oh?" Luna asked, appearing rather surprised, "and what would that be?"

"Well, I can explain as I go, but I guess the first question I have to ask would be: Did Nightmare Moon create the Timberwolves?"