The Dawning of a New Era

by SilverWolfAG-1

The Founding of the Light Bringers

The Chronicles of the Light Bringers
The Founding of the Light Bringers

3 B.E. In the old royal castle at the edge of the Everfree Forest.
Enduring Light made his way quickly and quietly through the halls to the royal court of the Lunar Princess. He was surprised to find the princess alone, not a guard or servant in sight. As he entered her presence, he bowed and said.

“You summoned me your majesty?”

Princess Luna replied, “We did indeed summon thee, Enduring Light. We have been watching thee and have found in thee the qualities and traits we need for a mission of critical importance that may extend far beyond thy lifetime.

“I am at your service, your majesty.”

“We are pleased to hear that. Thy task is to create an organization to help and protect the ponies of Equestria in the coming years of darkness. We expect thee to find other good and trustworthy ponies to help thee in forming the organization and in training up the next generation of members for it.

“Pardon my interruption, your majesty, but what do you mean coming years of darkness?”

“Enduring, we do not know what form the darkness will take but we know that it is coming and that it will involve us and that it will continue for a very long time. We hope Celestia survives it but whether she does or not thee must still carry out thy task and protect our little ponies no matter the cost.”

“Of course, your majesty; I will do as you ask.”

“We know thee will Enduring that is why we asked thee to carry out this mission. We have also prepared a list of ponies we know are loyal and reliable who can and will probably join thee. We wish thee the best of fortunes in this endeavor, go with our blessing.”

“I will your majesty and thank you for this honor.”

“We only hope you will still consider it an honor when you realize the cost.” Luna whispered to herself as the door closed behind Enduring’s retreating form.

And thus the first of the Light Bringers was charged with their task: to protect the ponies of Equestria from the darkness.

Months passed quickly as the Enduring began recruiting ponies from Princess Luna’s list and from those among his friends and family he knew were trustworthy and would take him seriously. As the Light Bringers ranks swelled so too did its resources as each new recruit brought useful skills and new ideas into the organization. Along with the list of ponies Luna had given Enduring Light, she also gave him a tidy fortune in bits and land rights. With said bits and land rights, the Light Bringers created a series of safe houses, hideouts, and bases all throughout Equestria from which they could operate as they worked to protect their fellow ponies.

For Princess Luna the months passed slowly as she felt something dark beginning to take its hold over her heart and mind. As she realized this was part of the darkness she had seen coming she sent a letter to Enduring and then wiped her mind of any memory of Enduring and the Light Bringers, so the darkness would not learn of them from her own thoughts and memories. As the darkness grew stronger it turned Luna’s darker emotions against her and her sister until one day the pony that Luna once was had been smothered until it was just a smoldering ember in a heart and mind ruled by darkness. With darkness ruling her heart and mind Luna, now Nightmare Moon, attacked her sister. When Celestia realized she could not reignite that smoldering ember with the power she had, she instead banished Luna to the moon.

With the appearance of Nightmare Moon many monstrous creatures not seen since Discord’s reign began to reappear and attack the ponies of Equestria. The Light Bringers were ready and quickly moved to meet each threat as it appeared. Legends grew around the actions of these heroic ponies even as the organization as a whole remained unknown. The Light Bringers and the legends surrounding them became beacons of hope in the dark days that followed Luna’s exile. As Celestia worked to restore her reign and take over Luna’s duties as well as her own, the Light Bringers ventured far and wide to protect their fellow ponies and meet threats Celestia either didn’t know about or was too busy to stop. As the legends grew, other ponies began to follow in the Light Bringers footsteps fighting monsters and protecting their kinfolk and friends. Some of these ponies were invited to join the Light Bringers bolstering the organization’s ranks and helping it to grow ever larger. Sadly heroic actions rarely come without cost and a number of Light Bringers and other ponies who stood against the monsters died. Although their sacrifice was not without cause for many lives were saved.

After the Luna’s exile and with the founding of the E.U.P. Guard (Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasi Guard), life returned to normal for many of Equestria’s ponies but not for the Light Bringers or the princesses. With the founding of the E.U.P. Guard, the Light Bringers were able to fade into the shadows a bit more without failing their duties and Celestia was able to focus more on governing and less on protecting Equestia. The princesses’ old castle was abandoned and a new one was built, towns grew into cities, and new towns were founded. Decades passed and then centuries and inevitably Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon faded from ponies’ memories until only Princess Celestia and the Light Bringers remembered her. The Light Bringers continued to fight monsters and protect Equestria even as times grew more peaceful and Princess Celestia became used to her extra duties.