//------------------------------// // A Late Arrival // Story: The Dawning of a New Era // by SilverWolfAG-1 //------------------------------// A Late Arrival Year 980 of Luna’s Exile, January 15; Light Bringer Encampment, Everfree Forest The moonlight reflected off the snow covered ground as Iron Bulwark, a young stallion, flew towards the infirmary. As soon as he burst through the doors the receptionist said, “She is down the hall on your right, Captain Bulwark.” With a quick “thank you” the stallion began running towards his destination. As he approached the room he was seeking, his father, Granite Hooves (an earth pony), called out, “Slow down, young whippersnapper your wife is fine; she is only going into labor.” “Be quiet you old fool,” the stallion’s mother, Winter Gleam berated her husband hitting him over the head with one of her wings, “you were the same way when he was born, and it certainly doesn’t help his nerves that the foal is almost a week late.” “Thanks mom and dad, but I should still be by her side tonight.” Iron Bulwark replied as he entered the room his wife, Moonlit Eve (a unicorn), was in. “How are you dear?” he asked his wife. “Just fine” she answered with a sarcastic grimace right before letting out a scream. “Alright keep breathing and now push,” said the doctor coming up to Moonlit Eve’s side “the foal’s head is almost through, one more push should do it.” And with one final push and a grunt of pain a foal was born. As its cries broke free from its tiny chest, the doctor exclaimed, “Congratulations it is an earth pony colt! What do you want to name him?” “Intrepid Dawn” his parents replied in unison as the doctor handed the white colt to Moonlit Eve. “Quite a hoof-full of a name for the tiny fellow to live up to,” the doctor said with a grin.