Day of Meetings, Night of Hate, and Adventures

by Krz

6b. Defenders of the Canterlot Pt. II

Trixie went down to her brother, and guard who were staring at the sky with dread "Brother ! " Her voice was firm, and her cheerful face, became serious " Sun, and Moon are locked, that means she escaped ! " Shining Armor turned to scared guard " Alert the City, alert other Guards ! " Guard just nodded, and went running

"Princess "

"Sis..." Shining Armor was now away from the window, and started to embrace his sister " She probably will be here soon" Mare said, and looked away, in the direction of running soldiers " I only hope, that the princess was right about her student " Soldiers came and saluted " Orders ? "

"Yes" Trixie started smiling " Bring me Enhancing Jewels, and Gems from Canterlot Archive, from B8 Wing, also bring me 5th Rune Knights Battalion "

"Sis, what are you...' his sister interrupted him "So what about this Battalion ? " soldiers looked at each other " I'm sorry Lady Starlight, most of them are on leave "

"How many of them, Is on duty ? "

"Well, there is only 100 of them "

"Good, bring them immediately, also tell others to evacuate citizens ! "

"Yes ma'am ! "

"Also, don't forget about those gem enhancers from B8 Wing " she looked at Shining Armor who clearly was confused " You, you will not fight with her do you ? "

"We have to stop her for sometime "

"Sometime ? Do you really think that you can fight her, even with enhancers, which by the way are prohibited "

"It looks like I'm naive enough to have hope, that Celestia will manage somehow " Shining Armor was unconvinced, but probably, it was now the only thing they could do, to stop the enemy for as long as possible. Both of them, were now trotting toward the main gate of the city, in the meantime they were passing, the frightened residents as they were evacuated by soldiers, some of soldiers were joining them, as they come closer the gate.

Shining Armor, The Captain of the Royal Guard, had together more than one hundred soldiers, equipped with magic enhancing abilities jewels, and gems, among them, the soldiers of the elite 5th Rune Knights Battalion, that fully counts 1,000 ponies at arms, but there is now only 100 at disposal. Yellow unicorn mare went to the Shining Armor "Commander is going to kill me Captain "

"If we survive this Vice-Commander Spear, besides, I'm in charge when the situation requires it remember ? " Spear frowned "But, it is far too dangerous, in addition where you have these amplifiers from ? "

"Better put them on, I sense very unpleasant magic approaching, she's close" Trixie said , and then suddenly soldier came up "Captain ! "

"Oh, did you evacuated citizens ? "

"Most of them, some didn't want to go, and Lady Twilight Velvet refused to go " Starlight siblings looked at each other in panic "I am sorry, she didn't wanted to listen, Lady Velvet said, she have utmost confidence in the princess, and her student "

"But, Bleeding Heart will be here soon, what does mother think ! " Azure Mare screamed, and felt something on her back, she looked at her brother " She's already here ! "

Over a hundred ponies looked at the dark cloud, that was in front of them, which dissipate, as Dark Purple Alicorn emerged with sinister smile "Oh, a Welcome company, BOW TO US ! " she spread her wings, and force of the wind pushed over one hundred ponies back.