Day of Meetings, Night of Hate, and Adventures

by Krz

7. Defenders of the Canterlot Pt. III

Maniacal laughter spread through quiet area around them.
Over a hundred pairs of eyes stared at the dark purple Alicorn in disbelief, cause with single motion of her wings, they were all on their knees, there were whispers among some soldiers, they started to panic.
Captain Shining Armor stood up first, right behind him was Trixie, Stallion looked at their foe "STAND ! We have City to defend ! "

"You fools realize, who is against you !?" her horn flashed dark purple color ,and then fired magic missile at them.

"SHIELD ! " Captain screamed, and after a while, the blue shield protected them from attack, their opponent was surprised

"How ? " She asked with raised eyebrow

"NOW !" Azure mare appeared behind , and hit her with assault of magic waves,then others joined in the attack, there was a lot of smoke, and then explosion, Trixie landed next to 5th Rune Knights Battalion Vice Commander Spear "Did we get her ? " yellow unicorn mare asked

Bleeding Heart spread her wings, and the smoke cloud was gone " I see, you have enhancers, interesting " Soldiers were trembling with fear, Vice Commander Spear came to the front of them "Silence!, Rune Knights with me ! " Some of the knights teleported, appearing behind their enemy, attacking her with their powerful hind legs, some attacked her with punches and magic attacks, but she was just pushing them aside, Alicorn horn flashed, which caused a strong explosion.
Vice Commander Spear, along with her fellow knights fell to the ground, her armor was shattered, and her head was bleeding.
Shining Armor, and Trixie were in shock, as their foe was surrounded by a dark magical aura with purple lightning. "Someone else want to feel my power ? "

"Trixie " Stallion looked at his sister, he saw determination in her eyes "Are you still going to fight her !? "

"I'm not going to run away, because I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE....I always wanted to say that " Shining Armor, and other still standing Soldiers were baffled because of her words

"Sis, I know you're strong, hell you're the strongest mage in the kingdom but still... "

"Did you say, the strongest mage ? "

"Oh, no" Stallion facehooved, Trixie smirked "Well, thats what Princess Twilight said "

"My foolish sister is no longer, face me, and I shall decide, whether you strongest or not! ".

They were staring at each other in silence, at some point Trixie heard the beating of her own heart, and she started to sweat "You're not going to move? So let me start ! " Alicorn dived towards Trixie, but silver maned mare teleported at the last minute, she appeared behind enemy, and shot magical projectiles causing explosion, when she was on the ground, she surrounded herself with magical aura " Magia Cataegis " lightning shot out from her magical aura, causing burst of magic, making her kneel.
Her breathing was slightly faster, but she was still ready to fight.

"Nice spell my subject, but I think you did a mistake making it, or maybe it was your enhancements " Trixie was in dread, normally attack of this strength would be enough to beat other unicorn "Not a scratch ?" Bleeding Heart stamped on the ground, and steel piles emerged from the ground, which began to strike azure mare with magic, Trixie tried protect herself, unfortunately it was vain effort, as she was hit from every direction, making her squeal in pain, Alicorn stamped again, and burst magic engulfed silver maned mare.

"TRIXIE ! " Captain of the guard, feared for the life of his sister, he wanted to leap into action, but there was this feeling of helplessness.

"I'" Trixie, was breathing heavily, her one eye was closed, and there was blood in the corner of her mouth, all of sudden, she was caught by shadows "W-what ? Let me go " as she was struggling to get free, she was striked by magic electricity from shadows, then they were gone, and Bleeding Heart was holding her with magic.
She threw Trixie, into wall that was protecting city, some of the wall, part of that wall fall on her.
Azure mare was able to stand, she looked at the empty space, where before her opponent was standing, but alicorn was already behind, and thrust her into the ground, making a crater underneath, lying pony, some of the enhancement gems break, and Trixie began to scream in pain

"Oh, seems that someone have broken ribs" Trixie looked at her foe, from small crater, with pain, and anger "Do you hate me yet !? " there was, wide grin on purple alicorn face, slightly bleeding from, mouth, and forehead Trixie struggled to get up.

"Don't worry, in a few moments, I will finish you, I have to admit though, that you were brave to stand against me " She began to laugh, however, after a while, her laughter stopped, and looked into direction of the forest "My shadows, It can't be, they are at the Old Castle ?. But the elements, don't work when they are used by mortals, but still...You're lucky, that your going to live for a while longer " and she was gone, and Trixie ?. Trixie, and soldiers were happy, that monster was absent, and that, they don't need to face her, at least for some time.