//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Twilight's ordinary day // by Bronydragon //------------------------------// It was an early summer morning in Ponyville and just the early birds under the shopkeepers were already up and about. Even Twilight Sparkle, purple unicorn, personal student of Princess Celestia and librarian of the Golden Oaks Library; where she also lived; was still sleeping. Next to her bed a small basket was set up for her assistant and little brother, like she called him, Spike as a makeshift bed. In it was the young dragon, snoring loud enough to make his basket move slightly. Although being so loud, the snoring didn’t wake Twilight Sparkle up. She was living with the young drake for several years now and was used to his snoring. Right now Twilight had one of her best, marrying a book, dreams she ever had. She was just about to say I will to an encyclopedia with all the knowledge in the world bound in its covers, when an annoying voice disturbed her dream. “Twilight. Hey Twilight. Wake up. Get out of bed already lazy ass.” She didn’t recognize the voice and Knew of no pony in town that would be up and about at this hour for a book. She tried to go back to sleep again, but was disturbed by the voice yet again, repeating what it said before. “Alright. Who are you and what do you want from me?” she asked, groggily jumping out of bed and stretching her back. “That’s easy. I want you to get up because you are seven minutes behind your schedule.” The voice said in a laid back manner. Twilight looked at the clock hanging at the wall across from her bed and over the door to the first floor and public section of the library and saw that she was indeed seven minutes behind her schedule for the day. “Oh no! Spike! Wake up! We have a lot of work to do today!” She screamed across the room. She rushed in the bathroom enveloping her manebrush on the way in with her purple magic aura and lifted it to the mirror where her hear would be in a few seconds. Her mane was messy as always when she’d wake up in the mornings due to her very active dream phases during the night. While combing it down to her normal flat mane style she also grabbed the toothbrush and paste and began brushing her teeth. When she was ready she ran out of the room and was on her way to the main section of the library when she realized that a certain drake was missing some proper getting up. Looking up she still saw the sleeping form of Spike snoring under the covers of his blanket and let out an annoyed sigh. With a strong tug of her magic he was out of his basket and bouncing down the stairs on his ass, until he came to a stop right in front of her hooves. “Ow. That hurt. Can’t you wake me up without me barreling down the stairs for once Twilight? My ass is no pillow if you think that it might be.” He groaned, rubbing his sore behind while getting up slowly. “No time for that Spike. Today we have to reorganize the books in the library, you have to help me with some magic spells I’m testing out and for the evening we are going to meet up with the girls for a picnic.” The unicorn counted the events for the day. “Yeah. Don’t you think you forgot the part where I have to clean up the whole place and then give you a massage again?” Spike asked with a raised eyebrow. “What? I don’t know what ever you are…” “Gotcha there Twi. Do you really think I wouldn’t see how tense you are and the state of the library? Even though it is not really unclean just a bit dusty. And that’s kind of unavertable for a library.” He interrupted her with a sly grin. “Ugh. You are right Spike. It’s just that I have so much to study and that claws are working real magic on my back.” She replied sheepishly, blushing a bit. “It’s alright Twi. I know how much you enjoy my massages and that we get along better when you are relaxed. That’s all.” The young drake replied in a soft tone. “Thank you so much Spike. I think I’d go a bit looney without your massages sometimes.” “Yes you would. And there aren’t many ponies here to rub that flank of yours for free.” He replied and directly dived down the stairs to the public section of the library and in the kitchen. “Why… you… Spike!” Twilight yelled after him. She was just about to storm down the stairs and give her assistant a piece of her mind, when she heard a faint snickering. “Who is there? Pinkie is that you? Hello?” Nothing. “Hmmm… Probably my imagination.” Half an hour later Twilight was fully absorbed in her reorganizing of the library contents and Spike was somewhere around her dusting off old tomes and newer books and the shelves Twilight freed from books to reorganize them. A short time later poor Spike had to hold his head in the line of fire for some of Twilight’s new spells. And he didn’t like being wrapped up in an orange as she misfired one of them. This went on until about midday when the strange voice spoke up again. “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. You really have to watch the time. You are later for your magic spell practice. I’m getting the feeling that you are a bit lazy. Maybe even tardy when you continue to slack off like that. It’s already fifteen minutes this time.” Being so absorbed in her studies, Twilight nearly shrieked when she was addressed like that by the voice and jumped several feet in the air before landing back on her study cushion unceremoniously. She was looking left and right for the one that spoke to her but couldn’t make out anyone else but Spike, standing there flabbergasted with the feather duster he used to clear the books of dust they were collecting. “You heard that voice too Spike? Right?” she asked looking around the room for anyone she might have not noticed before. “Y-y-yes. I did. D-d-d-d-do you think that there is a ghost here? Maybe it wants us to leave because we are disturbing its eternal slumber.” The purple drake replied shaking with fear, eyes darting around the room in a fast pattern. “Don’t be silly Spike. There are no ghosts. They don’t even exist.” The unicorn pointed out. “Now where did that voice really came from?” “Taaaaardyyyyy” The voice rang out through the room yet again. “M-m-m-m-maybe we should just go out and meet the girls.” Spike pondered knees shaking. “W-w-we can still come back and see what is causing this after your schedule is through.” “Alright Spike. But just because we are…” she began, taking a look at a clock hanging near the entrance of the library. “seventeen minutes late!? Oh no! The others are waiting! Come on Spike! We have to hurry.” Both Twilight and Spike were sprinting out of the door in a hurry, leaving the library behind as they were heading to Ponyville Park to meet their friends. After a pleasurable picnic with her friends, where she asked Pinkie Pie if she knew anything about the strange voice in her house, to which the party pony only gave a blank stare and babbled something about voice acting, the two inhabitants of the library went back to said building late in the evening. When they entered the building it was completely quiet except for the clopping of Twilight’s hooves and the tapping of Spike’s feet on the wooden floor. No strange voice, no nothing. Soon enough the purple unicorn started reviewing the spells she tested with the small drake earlier that day and had him writing down notes. As it was late and due to bed time, the strange voice spoke up once more. “Tsk, tsk, tsk Twilight. You’ll only mess up with your sleep schedule if you pull yet another all-nighter.” But this time she was prepared. Just before they went back to the library Twilight used one of her newly learned spells that can detect the location of an unseen speaker and cast it over the library. As soon as the voice spoke up a string of magic energy made its way from her horn to the clock at the wall. “Huh? I don’t understand? It was supposed to track down the being that talked to me. Why did it misfire?” she asked herself, looking slightly nervous. “It didn’t misfire Twilight.” The voice claimed. “I’m the one talking to you.” “Wha… bu… Clocks can’t talk!” She burst out. “Oh yes we can. At least the ones in your library. Well. Technically I’m one and the same and just change rooms with you but it counts.” The clock explained. “B-b-but how? I did nothing to you. You shouldn’t be able to talk.” “Not knowingly. You remember when you went back in time trying to warn your past self to not think about the future and ignore how you looked? That caused a wave in the time space continuum and woke me up. I just kept quiet for the time being, but I got bored so I thought I might haunt you a bit. You know that this spell was pretty much cheating you spoilsport right?” It explained, leaving Twilight’s jaw hanging. “I-I-I-I-I… Spike! I need to write to the princess!” “That won’t be necessary.” “Huh? Why not?” “She already knows. She just wanted to see how it’d turn out.” She was still gaping when Spike came running in with a quill and a scroll at the ready. After a moment of silence the young drake saw the lost expression on the unicorns face, walked up to her and waved a claw in front of her face. “Hey Twi. Are you there?” Twilight, brought out of her stupor, shook her head a few times. “The princess knows? How?” “She can sense changes in the space time continuum and thus knew it a long time ago. And I gotta say Pinkie is really nice. The talks we had were always fun.” The clock answered. “Wait! Pinkie knew? And she didn’t say a single word to me? Why?” Twilight said, looking a bit over the edge. “You know her. It’s Pinkie.” The clock replied. “And now I’d suggest you to go to bed. You have a long day ahead of you and we can still talk another time.” “But I want to know so much more.” She practically wailed at the clock, but got nothing but ticking in return. “Fine! Have it your way. But we are going to talk on that matter.” With that Twilight and Spike went upstairs to their beds and retired for the night.