My Little Strawhat

by edwinflores428

Chapter 16 - Girl Power

“Grrrr, all those generals were defeated, but I won’t lose to couple of women!” said Blueblood as he tugs on the chains of the enslaved Ursa Minors.

“EXCUSE ME!!??” yelled Nami with jagged teeth.

“Now, now, former prince….you shouldn’t underestimate us so easily!” Robin said cooly.

“Former prince? ….. I’M ABOUT TO BE THIS NATIONS NEW RULER WRENCH!!” Blueblood exclaimed as he painfully tugs the chains on the enslaved Ursa Minors forcing them to attack the duo ladies. As the Ursa Minors swings their paws, they hit their mark “HA HA, I’ve gotten you!!”

But suddenly Robin disappeared in a cloud of petal and Nami warped away in the air.

“What!? What is this!?”

“Mirage tempo!” said Nami who in reality was behind the massive beasts.

“You’re so easy to trick for someone who wants to become the new ruler of Equestria.” Said Robin who also was right next to Nami but with her arms crossed.

“GRRRRR!! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!” he bellows as he viciously tugs on the chains forcing the Ursas to painfully move to his whim. The Ursa’s themselves at this point were in full tears as the metal collar dig into their skin.

“Disgusting, I will not allow the creatures of this land to be enslaved by beings similar to the Celestial Dragons! Dos Fleur… “ she said as she once more crossed her arms.

“Already surrendering? Pity, you’ve would’ve been a great prize” as Blueblood gloated while no noticing two arms appearing behind him and taking his keys that was hanging on his saddle.

“and now…Ocho Fleur!” as suddenly 8 pairs of arms and hands appeared with 2 pairs per Ursa Major as they toss each other the key unlocking each colloar and setting them free. Unfortunately, Blueblood was too busy gloating to notice until it was too late.

“Now my pets KILL THEM!!” he tugs on the chains only to have no resistance at all!

“What the!?” he asks only to find the Ursa running away back into the forest filled with happiness with their new freedom. “Grrr, if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself!”

Activating his own dark magic, he summons massive chains that arise from his shadow and soon strike against the duo, Nami barely dodges the chains while Robin merely steps out of the way.

“Don’t you dare underestimate us!!” Nami yelled as she activates her Clima-tact forming a large dark cloud over Blueblood.

“I don’t think so!” as Blueblood exclaimed as his chains soon wrapped around the Clima-tact canceling the attack.

“Hey, let go!” as she tugs on her weapon.

“it seems to you have underestimated me girl! Now…” as Blueblood smiled, summoning more chains from his shadows with Nami still tugging on her weapon. “….DIE!” as he sent the chains spearing towards Nami. But suddenly stopped as Nami was still cringing in preparation of the attack.

“What the?” as Nami slowly opening her eyes revealing Blueblood in chokehold from a very unlikely fighter. “Rarity!?”

“Let go you …. Bitch!!!” as Blueblood insulted.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time you waste of a stallion!!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Get off of me!!” he yelled as he attempts more chain spells.

“Nami, Robin hurry! I can’t hold him for long!” as Rarity is slowly losing her grip on Blueblood’s neck.

“On it…. Viente Fluer!” Robin exclaimed as 20 arms suddenly appeared on Blueblood’s body tying him up and lifting him up in a twisting motion just when Rarity lost her grip on the stallion.

“What the hell is going on here!?” he yells.

“Twist!” she exclaimed as in one continuous motion all 20 hands spun Blueblood and flung him into the air while still spinning rapidly.

“It’s all up to you now Nami, finish him!” yelled Rarity.

“On it! Black Ball!!” yelled Nami as massive chains of small black clouds with electricity in bubbles quickly surround the disoriented Blueblood, and within a second all the bubbles popped releasing the electrified black clouds. “Raiun Rod!” then all of the clouds connected as did their electric charges making a huge thunderbolt zapping the fallen prince

“AGGGGHHH!!!!” he yelled as millions of volts from the electricity zap through his body. Once the attack ended, smoke was emitting from his mouth as his eyes were as blank as snow, he then collapses charred and defeated.

“Whew! That was too close! Never underestimate us women Blueblood, we always come out on top!” Nami said.

Soon the rest of the elements joined in on the massive brawl, Applejack using her powerful bucking plowing down many enemies along side Pinkie Pie using her Party Cannon to confuse the enemy before Twilight blasts them with her magic. Even the Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadence, using the knowledge of the enemy movements, thanks to Trixie's mind sharing with Sombra as he battles Luffy, were able to defeat the corrupted nobles. But the enemy continued to fight with intense ferocity as the dark magic gave them intense strength and magical ability.

“Horn point!!” Chopper yelled as his horns grew to enormous length and rammed away many of the changelings.

“It’s obvious that Sombra’s forces are thinning, but they just won’t let up!” as Chopper exclaimed, yet he remained focused on the battle.

“I will not have any of my new friends give their lives in this battle, not even her…” said Chopper clutching his heart. But suddenly hear heard a monstrous roar, as a massive dragon obviously corrupted by Sombra’s magic stormed the field crushing everything in its path.

“GAHHH!!!! A DRAGON!!” Chopper yelled as he used his horns to dig underground.

“Maybe I can bury him, no but wait he can fly!” Chopper is constantly trying to think up of a way to defeat the large beast. “I know!!!”

He suddenly came out of the ground and changed into his heavy point and punched the dragon in the gut. “Heavy gong!” he yelled putting his energy into that punch, yet he barely done any damage. Only now the dragon is now focused on the blue-nosed reindeer for his prey.

“Yes, kill him my pet!” yelled Sombra as he commands the dragon.

“Chopper get out of there! Jet pistol!” yelled Luffy as he entered his second gear and punched Sombra in the face so that he wouldn’t command his dragon.

“Hold on I’ll think of something!” as he continues to punch the dragon.

“Now hold it right there mister!” as the dragon suddenly paused in shock to see a puny yellow Pegasus hovering right on front of him.

“Fluttershy!? What are you doing!?” yelled a worried Chopper as sees Fluttershy flying right up to the dragon’s maw while wearing a stern look on her face.

“What so you think you are doing to my friends, just because you’re big and strong doesn’t mean you get to be a big jerk! What do you have to say for yourself!?” as she scolded the dragon, he eyes narrowed activating her “stare”. “Well…. What do you have to say for yourself!?”

“Fluttershy…” Chopper just stood there in disbelief as Fluttershy made her case in front of the dragon.

But the dragon, instead of what Fluttershy had hoped would back down, actually became furious and roared in her face.

“Oh dear….” As Fluttershy merely skeaked as the dragon furiously roared and suddenly
grabbed Fluttershy in his hands. “Kya!!! Someone help me!!!” she yelled as she feared for her life in the face of death, but as she looked down for help, she sees Chopper with his face in complete fury!

“FLUTTERSHY NO!! Get away from her!!!” commanded Chopper as he switched into his kung-fu point, leapt up to the dragon’s face and used his hoofs to blast away the dragon enough to let go of Fluttershy. But when the dragon let go, Fluttershy was too scared to let her wings fly and was plummeting the ground fast.

“Fluttershy! Hold on I got you!!” yelled Chopper as he dashed towards Fluttershy and caught mere feet before she had hit the ground.

“Whew that was too close! Are you okay Fluttershy? Are you hurt in any way?” as he carries Fluttershy in his arms.

Fluttershy merely said nothing as she stared at Chopper; soon her tears welled up in her eys and suddenly gave Chopper a huge hug. “Oh my Celestia, thank you Chopper, you saved my life!!”

Chopper merely changed into his reindeer point and stood in front Fluttershy was merely blushing. “Oh it was nothing really; I just didn’t want anything to happen to you!” But then his face turned to a little of embarrassment “ cause you see Fluttershy….. I kind of have some feelings for you since I’ve been here and…well…” but Chopper mouth was covered by Fluttershy’s hoof.

“Shh… you don’t have to explain it” as Fluttershy quickly leaned forward to him and gave him a passionate kiss. Once she pulled back, she merely smiled and said four little words
“I love you too”

“Fluttershy… you made me so happy right now!” as Chopper exclaimed.

“Hey nice one Chopper!” yelled Usopp as he launches attacks from his Black Kabuto.

“Shishishi! Good for you buddy!” said Luffy.

“My, my…. This is an interesting turn of events” said Discord

Robin and Nami merely smiled as she watches the scene unfold.

Sanji merely made a sour face as he said in his mind “Damn it! Though I am proud for the little guy I’m losing the ladies! First Nami then Fluttershy! What’s next Robin?”

But the romantic moment was suddenly interrupted with a huge roar as the dragon slowly came back up even angrier than before.

“Chopper what do we do!?” yelled Fluttershy.

Chopper merely smirked as he held up a little orange ball. “Time for my ultimate attack!” as he soon puts the ball in his mouth and eats it “Rumble!”” as he yells. Suddenly he grows to the size of the dragon as most of his limbs, horns and face. Chopper has entered his monster point.

“Chopper is that you!?” asked a worried Fluttershy as she flew up to the giants’ face.

The monster merely smiled and said in a deep voice “It’s okay Fluttershy, I’m still me! I can maintain this form for 3 minutes!”

Fluttershy then smiled and said “it doesn't matter what you look like, you’re still the same little reindeer I fell in love with” she lands on Choppers nose and her face changes to determination “Now let’s beat these guys!”

“Right! Now take this dragon!” as he lifts his hand, the dragon came charging at the duo ready to bite at the reindeer only to find that Chopper had easily dodged the attack and his hand came down on the dragon’s neck as might chop! “Chopper Chop!!” he yelled. The impact of the chop was so great that both the eyes and tongue of the dragon were bulging out and blood spewed out of the mouth.

“and now… monster punch!” as Chopper launches another powerful punch to the dragon’s gut that he could hear bones cracking and organs squishing from within the dragon. But the dragon was still barely alive as Chopper yelled “Usopp! Finish the job!!”

“Right! Take this dragon… Sure kill: pop red star!!” as Usopp launches a red pod from the Black Kabuto towards the dragon which suddenly grows into a massive green wolf made up of foliage. “IMPACT WOLF!” as the attack made a massive shockwave that resonated throughout the dragon’s body, effectively slaying it.

“Wow! You’re amazing Chopper” exclaimed Fluttershy.

Chopper merely blushed as he does his little happy dance….even though he’s still in his monster point form.

“Complimenting won’t make me the least bit happy you jerk!”

“That’s still really creepy!” exclaimed Usopp.