Diamonds are a girl's worst enemy

by Rarity Belle

Act 2 chapter 6

The eyelids of the unicorn had opened themselves with force. The ears twitched and turned into almost every direction that they were allowed. Her body was set right up in the bed while the horn had charged itself up once more to full power. Her chest moved rapidly up and down. While yet another emerald claw was made upon her foreleg, the rumbles of the thunder strike that hit from the skies could still be heard clearly.

        Ever so slowly had the unicorn managed to collect her senses again. The head hung itself low and the claw disappeared into dust. The eyes would have been closed while the curtains were gently opened by the remaining bits of magic. It almost would have seemed like that a watery line appeared below the eyes, yet the tears she wanted to cry never happened to flow down from her cheeks.

        With herself being a famous and sometime ruthless gem-huntress, did it happen to be thunder that was more than enough to get her back into the state of mind of a foal. It was a fright that originated from way back in her foalhood. It was a fear from which she never had learned to actually deal with the troubles that it gave. Not to mention the manner in which she draw her emerald claw. It was a maneuver not done because of the faint of heart.

        The thoughts brought her back to times long gone and forgotten as the hooves wiped the unfallen tears out of her eyes. The head focused itself upon one of the windows while a deep sigh was left through her nostrils. Everything suddenly came back to her. That horrible experience that almost had cost her her precious life.


The fires were crisping while the team was peacefully asleep under the starry night. It was Rarity had volunteered to keep the first watch of the night. She had led the expedition to reclaim perhaps one of the most treasured unicorn artifacts and a thing that was thought to be a mystery forever.

        Which it just happen to have been the very case. For they slept outside of the temple that was considered the very birthplace of the unicorn race. Many lives were already lost during the trek and the last thing she wanted was to lose even more.

        With her shift almost being done, the unicorn couldn't keep her eyes open for that much longer. Though the tension between her and another team member had been walking high ever since the discovery of the thing not existing. She was cautious. She knew that anything and everything could happen. Yet the power of the sleep managed to get her in its clusters and slowly did the mare fell asleep near the campfire.

        Only to wake up again from a screaming pain that went through her back. Something had been cutting right into it and the moment she opened her eyes, all of her team had been galloping away in fear. “Mutiny!” she had screamed out at each of them before the wound on her back became more apparent.

        There wasn't much that she could be doing outside of the fact to just hoist herself out of the troubles she had gotten in. Gems were being conjured up to act as medical supplies while she worked with mirrors. Rarity had been one of the luckiest mares in the world that the knife didn't went straight through her spine.


The thoughts were dispatched again. The actual rescue was something far worse than what she had done. Yet that incident had left her careful at night and caused her to become a light sleeper. Not even friends or family had to come too close to her and always pronounce who they were, otherwise only Celestia did know what would happen to the poor souls. Of course were the urges to kill every last member of the team ever since still lingered deeply within her mind.

        Yet she knew one thing that they didn't. They had taken her bounty yes and were perhaps living their lives as they wanted, but they had to look always over their shoulders and pray that the mare wasn't following them. When her hoof went over the hidden scar upon her back, a shock of realization went straight through her body which caused her to both winch and hiss. “Death, is the easy way out of this mess,” she hissed to herself with shut eyes.

        It happened to have been a credo that she silently lived by. Not even her little sister knew that the events had happened and her coat perfectly so there wasn't all too much trouble in the fact of sweetie finding it out.

        Of course did her parents knew exactly what happened. It was the risk that a gem-hunter in general had taken upon itself. The profession took many risks with it and even though her parents had much rather preferred the fact that she remained a tailor, her true calling had kicked in whether it was liked or not.

        The unicorn managed to hoist herself off of her bed. Rarity then slowly made the journey over towards the bathroom. There where she would be taking a long shower to begin the day. Even though it was true that her boutique had opening times, it was far too early in the morning to receive any clients. Most likely had the weather to do something with the fact of it. Though when the mare looked upon the lock in the hallway, there was another realization that went through her. One that caused her eyes to widen themselves again.

        “Seven in the bloody morning, goodness me,” the mare muttered before she disappeared within the walls of the bathroom. What followed was the fact that the sounds of pleased sounding moans were released by her. Both the warm and steaming waters of the shower made their way over her body. With her magic was she able to was almost wash every single inch of her body which generally just helped on the fact of being a clean mare.

        Especially when she hadn't taken a good shower after her return from the Canterlot mines. It may have seen a bit of the behavior of a ruffian to not shower after such an exhausting experience, but she simply didn't had the time for it in the past days.


When Rarity eventually stood back inside of her bedroom, there was a deep and content sigh that left though her mouth as her eyes looked upon her majestic gem collection. Years had she worked on it in order to get it to the levels of beauty that it happened to be. She was mighty proud on it. A smile grew across her face before her eyes were gently tucked towards something else in the room.

        The book that laid calmly upon her desk almost seemed to be calling her name for whatever reason. Rarity couldn't truly place it of just what it happen to be, but she just took it to herself and then left the master bedroom for what it was.

        Together with the thick book she walked over to the main shop area of her home and turned the sign from closed over to open as the door got unlocked. The day had begun for her and it became apparent to her that it would be a very slow day. The rain kept on pouring out of the skies without an end. Something that caused the unicorn to groan deep. She spoke one line she hated to say, “one of those days.”