Another Displaced Human Dilemma

by The Grey Pegasus

[4] Slipping Into Ponyville and Into the Season

Another Displaced Human Dilemma
By: The Grey Pegasus

< 4 >

Slipping Into Ponyville and Into the Season
(And Back Into the Story)

"Hey. Hey. Wake up."

"Ug... wha?"

I was launched back to reality on Applejack's cue. I noticed that I was leaning on the wall next to the window with a blanket draped over me. I looked around, finding Applejack sitting next to me. How much time had passed? It was still dark out.

"I gotta head out. Not sure if you were plannin' to do the same," she said in a whisper.

I shook my head, still waking up. "Why?" I asked while stretching out.

"Why, the Summer Sun Celebration of course! I gotta be there for Twilight!"

My brain felt like a tape drive, processing the information slowly, despite it all being laid out in front of me. "... Oh! Oh, right! So we didn't miss it?" I exclaimed quietly.

"No, of course not. So you goin' or not? I was thinkin' you were headed for the train station 'fore you stopped here." She paused. "Wait, if you came from the Everfree, how'd you get to Sweet Apple Acres?"

"I took a cloud. Erm, slept on a cloud. Above the Everfree. Because I was too tired to fly anywhere, so I settled on a cloud. It drifted."

She stared at me for a moment, as if examining my answer for any traces of a lie. "Okay," she replied, content. She was probably used to such answers, having to deal with Rainbow Dash.

"What time does the train leave?" I asked.

"Little over half an hour. Said I'd meet the rest of my friends there soon." She stood up to leave, presumably to get ready.

"Hm." I sat up. "Guess I'll be goin' then. Don't want to miss the ride. Thanks for letting me stay."

Applejack smiled, giving a quick wave. "See ya there."

As I positioned myself to launch out the window, she spoke again.

"Wait!" I let my wings hang, pausing my take-off. "You never gave me your name. I'm Applejack. Who are you?"

I gave a small smile back, realizing this was the first time I ever introduced myself in Equestria. "Name's Stardust. Pleased to meet you and thanks again for having me here."

This time, I when I exited through Applejack's window, I flew not towards Canterlot or to places unknown, but to the recognizable town of Ponyville.


I landed in the outskirts of the town, deciding to walk the rest of the way in. I didn't bother asking for directions to the train station; I remembered the general direction from my time in the air. If I forgot, got lost, or needed to find the place specifically, I could have just followed some pony walking towards the general direction of the station. From what I remember from the show, Ponyville wasn't much of a lively place at night or the early morning, but right now, there were a few ponies out walking. Most of them seemed to be headed in the same direction—the same one I was headed towards to. I confidently assumed they were headed for the train to Canterlot as well.

"Hey, so where's all of the landmarks? You know, like Sugarcube Corner, and Carousel Boutique, and the whatever-it's-called tree library?" I asked quietly out loud.

<That's for you to find out and me to write an ambiguous direction to.>

"Great. Real helpful."

<It's not like the show helps in any way to construct a reasonable city map.>

I mulled over the statement. "True. Ponyville's either a bunch of random street views or a cluster of random buildings from the sky."

<Exactly. Now go find those landmarks so I can write unhelpful descriptions of their location.>

As I walked through the dark streets of Ponyville, I took a look around at my surroundings. Despite living in a fairly quaint place, the homely feeling of the thatched buildings was still moderately striking to me. It must've been that small town charm mixed with some rural quality. Strangely, in that way, it also felt familiar.

I found myself walking by a few landmarks on the way. Down one road, I saw Town Hall, so that was obviously the way to the center of Ponyville. Down another, I saw Sugarcube Corner. Far down one street was Twilight's library. What was its name again? Golden Oaks? Was that even its name? For some reason, as I looked at it, I felt a little sad. As I kept with the trickle of ponies, I might've caught a glance of Carousel Boutique. Finally, I arrived at the small train station.

Just as I thought, ponies were already congregating on the platform. They conversed in hushed voices, likely in respect for the early morning hours and their own ears and voices.

There was a short line at the ticket counter, which I quickly found myself past with a train ticket of my own. The platform itself was warmly lit—bright enough that ponies could avoid falling onto the tracks, but dim enough that it was still considerably dark. I entertained myself by looking around the crowd, trying to identify background ponies, but I couldn't find anyone familiar. Either because the ones in sight were the obscure scene-filler ponies, or because it was too dark to recognize somepony if I actually knew them. Or both.

Although if the first case was true, I guess the second case didn't matter. But then again, the second case would be a reason why I couldn't see farther. Maybe there was someone else farther in the crowd that I would recognize. Like Applejack. Or the other Mane 6. If anypony I would recognize would be here, it would be them, especially given that Applejack is the reason I'm standing on this platform waiting.

In more ways than the direct reason, probably.

Also, I notice that I'm not consistent with my pronouns. I do prefer 'one' in place of 'pony', and the latter is used to replace 'body'. For some odd reason, because 'body' isn't species specific, and—


Oh hey, the train. Good, I was hoping I could finally get out of here.

<Yeah, you and me both.>

... Wait, what does that—


"Citizens of Equestria, it is no longer with a heavy heart but with great joy that I raise the summer sun. For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister, Princess Luna!"

The two alicorn princesses rose up into the air and performed their ceremony of moving around the celestial bodies. The Moon gave way for the Sun, and a sunrise faster than I'd ever seen before happened before my eyes. Seriously, I think I can feel my eyes actually strain a bit from having to adjust that fast.

It was nice, in a way. Impressive, actually. Although, also really, really brings out the skepticism in me. Like, really, how did the Sun and Moon work here? I guess that's an answer for—


Wait, did Twilight just... what did Twilight just do?

Whoa, now that's a wake-up.

No, seriously, Twilight, when did you learn how to do aerial special effects? That is not a Rainbow Dash Sonic Rainboom. Like, you're not even allowed to do that. You just got your wings, uh... well, not too long ago.

Then again, the answer is probably somewhere along the lines of 'she read it in a book some time between the previous show-scene and right now'. Or took pointers from Rainbow Dash. Well, in any case, it does look nice from the angle down here on the ground, regardless of what it may look like from the show's camera angle.

I watched as Twilight flew in for a landing somewhere up at the front of the crowd. I figure her friends would be up there as well.

Really, it's all information overload at this point. The crowd around me was a murmur of conversation, mostly in awe of the spectacle before us.

I do note that I did like to tune into the talk about Luna. It seems her political standing compared to Celestia is quite interesting.

<Hm, a set up for future details?>

Hey, who's writing the story, you or me?

<Well, you've got control over the narration about your world—>

And you've got control of the world around me.

<No, it's naturally occurring. I thought we've been over this already.>

Regardless of what is canon and what is fanfic detail, that's what I found interesting. They do like Luna. Part of it might also be the whole 'dream guardian' thing. Hey, as long as she keeps out of mine.

With the event over, the crowd was beginning to disperse. I figured many were going to use their time in Canterlot to see the sights of the capital city. One would think that I should do the same and sightsee while I'm here, but honestly, I'm feeling the need to go secure a place of residence first. Checking in late at night that first time was not pleasant.

Besides, what did I even want to do in Canterlot right now? You know what, I think I'm going back to Ponyville.


After sidelining myself for six hours sampling one of Canterlot's cafe's for breakfast, taking a tour of the Palace grounds, and sampling a different restaurant for lunch, I finally found myself joining a crowd boarding a train headed back to Ponyville. The afternoon crowds were still going strong from the event that morning, and I found the situation feeling uncomfortably like livestock herding.

Okay, maybe not. At least we all managed to get a seat. I was careful to strategically position my saddlebags next to my flank to hide the fact that I was, er, not yet branded by the Equestrian way of life.

Really, I'm open to the idea of going along with my wild and free mustang ways, but goddamn does it feel like I would be incredibly judged by anyone that sees it.

Which, logically, in the coming days, will be many. But I'll... take it as it comes. Just give me a bit of a break right now. I'm not ready to be given the awkward glances yet.

The train whistled before pulling away from the platform. The ponies sitting on the benches with me kept to themselves. The stallion next to me was reading the paper. The mare across from me was eating lunch. And the mare next to her seemed to be going through a bag of merchandise she picked up in Canterlot.

<So a boring train ride.>

I don't even have a phone to keep me busy. I mean, I could describe what it's like exiting Canterlot Station, but it doesn't really get interesting until we get past the gates and start going around Canterlot Mountain.

Man, I don't even have a phone to take a picture of the view you get of the Everfree. Remind me to go get a camera later. They got those instant camera Polaroid-types, right?

<You'd look like a freakin' tourist everywhere.>

I rubbed my chin. 'You know what, that's a valid point. Blank flank and looking like a tourist everywhere? Weird.'

<You could say you're on a quest to discover your purpose in life.>

I scoffed. 'How depressing of an image that would project.'

<Hey, that's almost perfect Crusader-episode material. I do wonder why they never made that a topic... or maybe I'm just not remembering if it was.>

I rolled my eyes. 'Regardless, I'd rather not be a topic of the Crusaders.'

<You know you're going to be.>

Oh, so now you admit you're totally writing the story.

<No, naturally occurring. Face it—you spend time in Ponyville, you will become a topic of theirs at one point.>

Speaking of Ponyville, that seems like a great place to be. I'm falling asleep on this window.


I woke up just as the train was pulling into Ponyville. I slung my saddlebags back onto my back and fell into step like livestock getting offloaded. The platform was bustling with ponies getting off, and I continued to follow the flow off, until there was finally enough space to stop and check my surroundings.

According to Celestia's sun up above, it was just about midday. Probably a little past, actually. The train ride was about half an hour, but unfortunately, I didn't have a watch. Another thing on my list of things to get, and this time, I was a bit more serious.

Seriously, a consistent timepiece would be a really good idea. Even if the pace of life in Equestria, or at least Ponyville, is much slower than that of home, time is time.

I'm sure I could find Time Turner and get something good, right? Probably even a kick out of it.

Around me, ponies were still walking towards the inner parts of Ponyville. It would be safe to assume that some of them booked a night or two for the Summer Sun Celebration. Especially ones from far away. I'd imagine having Luna participate for the first time in more than a thousand years really brings out ponies from all corners of Equestria.

And that meant if I followed the crowd, I'd eventually be lead to an inn or a hotel where I could stay a few nights until I figure out better long-term rooming in Ponyville.

"... You know what, I think I'll come back later," I remarked as I looked at the cluster of ponies gathered outside of what was clearly an inn.

<Ooh. Describe.>

Three floors, thatch roof, colorful. And completely busy with ponies checking out.

<... Gee, descriptive.>

So imaginative!

Ignoring that lack of visual detail, I turned onto the street intersecting where I was and kept on walking, figuring it would bring me somewhere interesting. And quickly enough—"Oh sweet! Golden Oaks Library!"

Couldn't have been more than a five minute walk from that inn. Which gave me something to do!

<Kill a head of state?>

I'm funny, aren't I?

I walked the remaining distance to the front. "'Public Library'," I read off of a sign. "That you never see ponies use other than plot-important characters. That's what you call conservation of detail."

I opened the front door and stepped into the atrium. Oh man, I was in Twilight's library! The hairs over my body were positively tingling with excitement.

Oh yeah, and there was no one home. "Well, I guess that means I don't have a reason to stay quiet."

I walked towards the center of the atrium where the big wooden horse head was. There was a curious looking blue box-thing placed on the table. "The heck is this thing?"

I didn't touch it, because, well, it wasn't mine. It was Twilight's—and that meant it was probably a good idea not to touch because weird stuff happens around Twilight. Instead, I settled for looking at it at different angles. "What's with all the keyholes? Geez, you'd think this was like, a WMD control box with that many keys required."

I felt a strange poking sensation in the back of my head. "What?"

... No response.


Having inspected all I could of the interesting hexagonal box, I laid my saddlebags on a wall and began browsing the bookshelves. This was a library after all, and I was going to do exactly what I came here to do.


I'm pretty sure that I can occupy myself for at least a good hour catching myself up on Equestria, Ponyville, or even the world in general while I wait for that hotel to clear out. It would be a productive use of my time. Anything to broaden my knowledge would be a good idea.

I settled for looking up books on Ponyville, seeing that I was going to spend the foreseeable next few days just in the town. Start small, after all. Then move on to bigger things like the weird magical weirdness that one might find in strange places like the Everfree.


With Twilight reorganizing her bookshelves every so often for god-knows-what, I wasn't actually sure how to find the books I was searching for. And for all her organizational skills, she couldn't even be bothered to label the shelves.

At the same time, there was a weird intuitive sense that allowed me to find the section I needed with only a few minutes of looking. It was either me being attuned to books, Twilight's pretty good, if somewhat arbitrary, organizational skills, or cartoon laws, but in any case, I was up against a wall reading before ten minutes had passed.

And I'm not ashamed to admit it. I started off with a foal's book. But pictures! Instead of just words, like this story.

Unfortunately, picture books are only so long, and within three minutes of that, I'd moved on to more substantive material. The history of Ponyville was interesting, but not really what I considered important at the moment. Instead, I stuck to the more recent writings about the town, to aid myself in actually finding my way around the place.

I jolted at the sound of the door opening.


Then a really bright flash of purple. Then a deep thump—that one came from inside my skull. And probably vibrated up from the rest of my body, too. I felt kinda singed. Also, that really threw me up against the wall I was already sitting up against.

"Ugh... am I dead again?"

And more thuds as books fell down on my head.

Hardcovers, dammit!

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

Yeah, that's Twilight. "Oh, good, she didn't kill me this time," I mumbled to myself.

Books began levitating off of me. "What are you doing here?!" Twilight asked, somewhat apprehensively.

I shook my head clear. "Thought this was a public library," I answered. Probably a half-lie, but hey, she wasn't Applejack.

Twilight raised a brow suspiciously. "I locked the door before I left though."

"Nope." I sat up on my haunches, returning an unamused look at the princess. Ooh, what an attitude, especially to someone that was just having a great day. "Door was unlocked."

"Twilight, are you sure you locked the door?" Spike asked. Oh hey, there he is.

"Of course I did!"

"You had a really long day yesterday," Spike said. "And you woke up this morning all anxious about the Summer Sun Celebration. And excited. I'm starting to think you overlooked it."

Twilight's expression grew confused. "Well then, Spike, didn't you check? Or notice?"

"Uh..." The dragon paused.

"Well," I interrupted, "In any case, I'm here, I was reading, and now your bookshelf is all over the floor."

Twilight winced. "Oh. Right. About that... Really sorry about what happened."

"Uh, yeah, no, it's fine," I assured her, waving a hoof. It is Twilight Sparkle we're talking about here. "Don't worry about me."

Twilight began picking up the fallen books and placing them back in their shelves. "What were you reading about?"

"Not much," I replied. "Ponyville, really. Get to know the area."

"You know, I haven't seen you around here," Twilight said. "And I've gotten pretty good with faces. You must be visiting for the Summer Sun Celebration. Where are you from?"

"Pranceton," I answered naturally. Oh, wait—is that even a real place? Ooh, I hope—

"Oh!" Twilight said, perking up. "You mean like the university?"

I'll be damned. "And similar, quaint, small-town-ness to here," I noted, motioning to Ponyville outside. "Sort of. Slightly cozier though. And lots of trees."

"It does sound like a wonderful town," Twilight said. She pointed a hoof to herself. "Although you probably know it already, I'm Twilight Sparkle—"


"—and this is my assistant, Spike."

Unbeknownst to her, also obvious. The dragon smiled and gave a friendly wave.

"And you are?"

"Stardust," I answered. "Pleased to meet you."

Damn right.