//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: The Monster of Canterlot // by drnkntst //------------------------------// Chapter 15 I woke up at dawn, as usual, but it took me a few seconds to realize where I was. Waking up in royal bedchambers for fourteen years and then suddenly waking inside of a tree can be a little disorienting. Fortunately, I could also smell pancakes. I assumed it was Spike cooking since I could hear Twilight snoring away in her bed above me. I went downstairs and found that I was correct, Spike was indeed cooking pancakes. “Morning, Spike.” “Morning, Chris. Did you sleep well?” “Yeah, but Aunt Luna wouldn’t let me have a nightmare if I wanted to, so there wasn't really an option. Your pancakes smell really good by the way.” “Thanks, I cook breakfast for Twilight every morning, so I’ve had lots of practice.” “Need any help?” “Can you cook?” “Umm… no, no I cannot. You know, chefs and all.” Spike laughed at my poor excuse for a joke. I sat at the table and chatted with him while he toiled away. He told me he missed Canterlot but how he loved it here in Ponyville even more. He told me about the delicious treats in Sugarcube Corner and all the mischief the three fillies who call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders get into. He also went on and on about a certain seamstress and just how beautiful and generous she is. I had to agree with him on that, Rarity certainly was an attractive mare. “What are you two doing making all this racket so early?” “Early? Twilight, I’ve been getting up at sunrise since I came here and Spike was actually up before that. Don’t be mad at us because you stayed up too late.” “What, I had trouble sleeping. I was just too excited to have my favorite cousin over.” “I’m your only cousin, Twilight.” “That doesn’t change the fact that I love you and can’t wait to show the world what they’ve been missing out on.” “Thank you, Twilight, that really means a lot to me, and I love you too.” Spike sat a plate down in front me and another in front of Twilight. “Plus, you hatched Equestria’s best assistant, so you can’t be all bad.” Spike waved a dismissive claw, “aw, go on.” Twilight and I smirked down at him and waited for it, “I said go on.” ***** After breakfast, we decided to take a stroll through the town. Again, there were no screams or stampedes, but the bowing was getting old. One or two of the ponies even braved greeting me. It was small, but it was progress. I guess having Twilight by my side helped. Spike had remained at the library to help anypony who came by. Twilight showed me around the town. She pointed out some of her favorite spots, like Quills and Sofas, the spa and Sugarcube Corner. She also pointed out other landmarks, such as the clock tower, theater and the schoolhouse. I was falling in love with the little town, it somehow reminded me of my home on Earth, though I don’t know why. I had seen fancy my whole life, I was liking the change of pace. However, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t missing my family already, even if it was just a tiny bit. “…and this is the town hall,” Twilight pointed out the large, cylindrical building. “Obviously, this is where town meetings are held and where the mayor takes care of the day-to-day business of running the town.” “Hmm, interesting,” I said sarcastically. A thought crossed my mind, “do you suppose the mayor would mind me popping in real quick? I wanted to talk to her about something.” “Well, you are the prince of Equestria, I’m pretty sure you can do whatever you want,” Twilight answered with a smile. “Yeah, but you know I never liked to use the crown as a free pass. I’ll just ask if she can see me and if she’s busy, I’ll leave,” I shrugged for emphasis. “Alright, and afterward?” “We’ll play it by ear.” I walked inside with Twilight beside me. There was nothing much to speak of as far as decorations, a few newspaper clippings, a picture of Ponyville from a balloon, a hoof painted map of the town and photos of the princesses on their visits. The secretary at the desk was scribbling away and didn’t even look up when we entered. “Can I help you?” she asked with her snout still buried in her paperwork. “Yes, we wish to speak with the mayor,” I replied. “Do you have an appointment?” “Uh, no we don’t, is that a problem?” “Well, of course it… ” the secretary finally looked up and saw us, “isn’t…, y-y-your highness-es. I’ll let her know you wish to see her.” The secretary was suddenly very eager to please, “in the meantime, would either of you like some water or tea or a muffin or-” I silenced her with a raised hand, “no, thank you very much, we just want a quick word with Miss Mare.” The secretary tossed in several more bows before she galloped off. “So, I guess we just wait here for-” “You wanted to see me, your majesty?” the mayor asked as she slid to a halt in front of me and quickly bowed. “Yes, Mayor Mare, but I want to reiterate, you don’t need to treat me any differently than you would any other pony. My visit is for vacation and nothing more. I would like you to simply address me as Chris for the remainder of my time here.” “As you wish, yo- Chris.” “Excellent. Now, the reason I came in here today was simply to thank you for the very warm welcome you gave me yesterday. It couldn’t have been easy to arrange all that in the time it took me to get from the palace to the train station.” “Oh, well… you’re welcome.” Relief washed over the mayor as she realized she wasn’t in trouble. “I must say, when I read in the paper that Princess Celestia had a son, I was very surprised. Then to find out you weren’t a pony, but rather a species from another world, I think I can safely say we were all shocked. So when Princess Celestia sent me a letter saying you were coming here, I knew we needed to show that Ponyville was a town where you could at least have a chance.” “Well, I wanted to let you know that I appreciated the effort and I will let Mother know how well you’ve treated me.” This made the mayor seem very pleased. “Also, I hope there are no hard feelings for my little joke at your expense yesterday.” “Uh… no, no harm done. Think nothing of it.” “Good, good. Alright, we’ll let you get back to work. I’m sure there is a lot to be done so we won’t take any more of your time.” I couldn’t help but notice her letting out a breath of relief, she had done well to hide her anxiety for as long as she did. With my goal completed, Twilight and I left the mayor’s office and headed for the marketplace. It would give me the best opportunity to actually meet my little ponies, as Celestia always called them, and maybe do away with any tensions about my appearance that may still exist, and I was betting there was a lot. I might even get something to eat. I had never really gotten chance to see an actual marketplace, with the exception of the time I fell through Fancy Pants’ skylight, so this whole thing was amazing to me. To see ponies trying to barter and haggle over wares was an entirely new experience, as the chefs did all the daily shopping and Celestia made all my clothes. The sights and the smells were only part of the adventure though, the real experience is in the participation. I was just happy Celestia had given me some bits to spend on my vacation. But what to spend them on? I didn’t need any fruits or veggies, and if I did, Twilight would be the one who would know the best stall to go to. I was temporarily living in a library, so I didn’t need any books (plus the library at the castle was unparalleled). There had to be something. Twilight and I were about halfway through the market and she was happily lecturing me on how to properly barter. She was just in the middle of telling me that nopony pays the listed price when we heard a familiar voice. “Twi, Chris, over here!” Applejack called to us. We made our way to her stall. Surprisingly, she was selling apples. “Good afternoon, Applejack,” Twilight greeted her. “How’s it going?” I asked. Applejack was about to answer, when I got distracted by somepony ducking behind the stall, as if to hide from me. ”Hey, who’s that?” “Huh? Ugh! Apple Bloom, get out from there an’ greet thu prince," Applejack instructed with a stomp of her hoof for emphasis. The little filly slowly peeked out from behind the stand, revealing just one big orange eye. The pink bow she always wore bobbed comically as she nodded at me before ducking back to her hiding place. I chuckled and sat cross-legged on the ground to minimize my size. “You’re still scared of me aren’t you?” I asked the stall. I was rewarded with a tiny ‘mmhmm’. “Well, you don’t need to be. I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you. Please, come out from there and say ‘hello’. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to just sit here and talk to your sister’s stand and look crazy.” “Come on, AB, get on out here. Ah already told ya Chris was uh nice guy, didn’t Ah?” Another ‘mmhmm’ came from the fruit. “Then come out uh there.” The tiny, cute, little filly slowly stepped out and made her way over to her sister, where she promptly hid again. “Oh, fer Pete’s sake, Apple Bloom!” Applejack chastised shortly before she took a big sidestep and standing next to me, leaving her sister unguarded. Apple Bloom kept switching her gaze and expression from shocked betrayal at her sister, to uncertainty at Twilight, and pure fear and nervousness at me. Tentatively, she lifted a hoof and took her first step toward me. Slowly, very slowly, she approached, stopping a few feet from me and raised a hoof in a hoofshaking gesture. Carefully and very gently, I grasped her hoof in my hand and gave it one shake before releasing it. “It’s nice to finally formally meet you, Apple Bloom. Though, we’ve met before haven’t we?” Apple Bloom looked up at me with a questioning look. “You were one of the three fillies I came across outside the Whitetail Woods, aren’t you?” Now she looked shocked. “That’s right. Her ‘n’ her lil’ friends are thu ones that came screamin’ ta us about some munster tryin’ ta eat ‘em.” “Ah… so they’re the ones who are to blame for our little fight then.” Apple Bloom was nearly terrified now. I was only feeling a little guilty about it, I was still having a bit too much fun to stop now. Plus, Applejack seemed to have caught on to what I was up to and played along. “So your punishment at the castle was her fault? Hmm, something should be done about this, don’t you agree Applejack?” “Darn-tootin’, but whut do ya suggest?” Apple Bloom was visibly shaking now. “I think,” I placed a hand on my chin to mimic being deep in thought, “that she and her friends,” pause for effect, “shall be forced to accompany me to…” I was only barely holding back my smile, “Sugarcube Corner where we will all have some milkshakes and discuss this like mature ponies.” Apple Bloom’s jaw nearly hit the ground. “Ah think that sounds ‘bout right. Now, run along Apple Bloom and gather fer friends. We’ll meet ya there.” Seeing her short little legs giving their all was awfully cute. It reminded me a lot of Cotton Tail, even though she was far younger than this filly, and made me miss her. Not even a full day away from home and I’m already homesick? Lame. It was an hour before the three fillies showed up at Sugarcube Corner. I was already there with Applejack and Twilight. We were at a table in the corner of the room and everypony else was keeping their distance from us. Sadly, they did that on their own. Pinkie had come by the table a few times and kept us laughing while we waited. Even Mister and Missus Cake came over to talk. I thought they would have been nervous, but they said that since Pinkie said I was a good stallion, they knew they had no reason to be afraid. I felt lucky to have her as a friend. Though they admitted to being a little intimidated by my stature, both physical and political. At least they felt safe enough around me to bring out their twin foals, Pumpkin and Pound, who I fell in love with instantly and threatened to confiscate for official purposes. I just couldn’t help myself, they were so darn cute. Sadly I had to return them to their parents. Luckily, three more cute little fillies came in to join us. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle trudged up to the table like they were walking into their own exile. I was only just able to hide my smile. Too bad the effect was ruined by Applejack and Twilight giggling. Oh well. “C’mon over girls, I promise not to bite. I’ve just finished a slice of cake,” I teased. “Stop that, Chris, or you’ll scare them off, again,” Twilight chastised. “Fine, fine. Sit down girls, let’s talk.” They did as instructed, though they huddled very tightly around each other. “Now, on to why I called you here. About three weeks ago, you three caused quite the ordeal and got your sisters into some trouble at the castle. So, what do you have to say for yourselves?” “We’re sorry,” was chorused by the three. “We didn’t know who or what you were,” Scootaloo started. “And when you came crashing out of the bushes saying how hungry you were,” Sweetie Belle continued. “We thought ya wanted ta eat us,” Apple Bloom finished. “Yeah, I figured out that much, but isn’t that kinda like how the town used to act around your friend Zecora?” I asked them. They all looked shocked and then ashamed. “Now, I understand you being afraid of me, instincts are hard to override, but you didn’t even give me a chance.” “That’s right, and ya’ll nearly caused uh panic.” “You didn’t exactly give him a chance either, Applejack,” Twilight pointed out. Applejack opened her mouth and raised a hoof as if to argue, but slowly lowered her hoof to the floor again. “Yeah, well… Ah guess yer right, ‘n’ Ah’m sorry ‘bout that, Chris.” “That’s okay, Applejack, you’ve taken your punishment and we got to start over. As far as I’m concerned, we’re good.” I held out a fist and she bumped hers against it. “Besides, it’s not the first time I’ve been called a monster. Heck, I’ve heard at least six others call me that today alone.” “What?!” both Twilight and Applejack called out. “When? I didn’t hear any of that and I was with you all day,” Twilight asked. “True, but your hearing is focused, so you may have not been listening for it. My hearing may not be as good as a pony’s, but I can always hear what happens behind me. I highly doubt they knew that when we walked by.” Twilight and Applejack were mad. Well, Applejack was mad, Twilight was shaking with rage. “It’s okay, ladies, I’ve gotten used to it by now. I mean, there have only been three ponies who weren’t startled by my appearance the first time we met, (those three being Celestia, Cadence and Cotton Tail) I find it’s best to just forget about it and move on.” “No, that jest ain’t right. Nopony should be shunned ‘cause uh how they look.” Twilight probably would have agreed, but she seemed to be on the verge of exploding. She had seen me crying over that particular hardship for years and, to put it mildly, she didn’t appreciate it. “Ya mean, even though everypony knows you’re uh prince,” Apple Bloom dared to speak, “they still say such mean things?” I nodded as I rubbed Twilight’s withers, trying to calm her down. “That’s… that’s… that’s just so… wrong,” Scootaloo said. “Yeah, they’re all being meanies,” Sweetie Belle concluded. They were all surprised when I chuckled. “You know, little Fluffy Butt said the same thing. When Mother tried to introduce me to Equestria, something happened and nearly everypony there screamed and ran like I was gonna eat them. It was not a good day.” The three fillies suddenly realized that they had done exactly the same thing. I could see it in their faces, they really did feel bad about that whole event. “Listen, how about this, you three and I start over, just like I did with your sisters. We wipe the slate clean and start fresh today, like nothing ever happened. Does that sound good to you girls?” They didn’t even need to look at each other, they each nodded happily. “Great, now let’s get some ice cream in our bellies. Hey, Pinkie!” And that’s how I made friends with the three fillies who once thought they would be my lunch.