//------------------------------// // 4. The Adventure // Story: iPony // by PonyIcarlyCraze //------------------------------// The 8 friends, plus Spike, said good-bye to Spencer and went on there journey. It wasn't long when they had entered a forest. Fluttershy fainted, so Rainbow Dash and Sam had to take turns carrying her on there backs. Twilight led the way, because of her great sense of direction. They went to sleep ten hours after dark. They awoke to the sound of Sam's yells in there faces. After the friends had some breakfast, they went on journeying again. After five minutes, they saw something glowing. The portal! Carly called. They got closer and closer to the light, and saw that it was only the flickering headlights of a wrecked car. Hours and hours went on, until they bumped into a light that looked like the animated world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This is it. Good-bye Carly and Sam, and thank you for all you have done. Twilight said to her newfound friends. Only 7 went into the portal, slowly turning into ponies. Everypony in Ponyville were grouping around Twilight and her friends. The 7 would miss Carly and Sam, but they where home now.