The Two Idiots Of Canterbury (Part of Equestria: Z)


Big Strong Boss: Weakling

8 days after Bob's accident, and 21 hours since full-scale outbreak infection impact.

“Shut your fucking trap, mickey. The shit hasn’t hit the fan, yet.”

Walsh sneered through his yellow teeth as he slapped his partner into control.

“Walsh, this is fucked, alright?! I’m not going any further, there is some danger shit down that tunnel, and you can’t make me go!”

“Oh, you’ll fucking go when I tell you to. You damn scared cat.” Walsh repeated once more, though both hadn’t actually heard them at all since they first got in the underground tunnels. Those monsters were there, and they knew that they’re eyes were watching. Waiting to whittle the two away so they could bring them down.

“Look at the situation, man! The town here is gone to shit, and were the closet unit that could back them up, I mean fuck?! That’s crazy! I never seen crazy ponies like this. Not. At. Fucking. All, alright?! You’re telling me that we could just mosey on in and kill them, all?!” Mickey tried his best to reason with the senior officer, he really did, and he knew that this was no ordinary case of police work. This was some deep shit that they got caught themselves in.

“Look, Mickey. I know that tunnel is pitch black, and all we got are flashlights that these bastards could obviously see…I mean, but – look you fucking buffoon. It’s our job to protect the bloody civilians, and we will fucking do so, got it!”

“This. Is. Suicidal.” Mickey quickly retorted.

“It’s suicidal, but we all knew what we signed up for.” Walsh’s voice was gruff, in tone with the situation, his voice didn’t crack once. Though he was very close to breaking and cowering like his friend, he continued to think about the mission.

“Signed up for an army of crazy ponies feeding on others?! Boss, you have me very confused, here.”

“What would you have me, do? Write up a report, send it off to the commission of the Equestrian police force and wait for feedback when we both know that it will do shit all because everywhere in Equestria is starting to suffer the same rut as this sorry ass town? Because, if you do – fucking enlighten me.”

“Then, we blame Europoiean for this shit. I mean, they first started it. You heard the reports, it was on the whole continent! Blame them for not controlling their sickness, blame them for starting a plague that has now reached here.” Mickey refuted, controlling his timid voice, and his nervous temper. He knew that he was scared shitless, but he knew that venturing down here to find and exterminate whatever infected was here would only get themselves killed.

“You think I don’t know? You think I never heard the reports, either? Fuck that place, dammit. Alright? We got a job to focus here, look, there was us – two others stationed officers, and five other officers dispatched from Fort. Smithson. Look, Mickey, those officers were fucking dumb, alright? I mean, what the Tartarus were they good, for? We know two from that unit came down here when we all fucking bolted out of the hospital, right?”


“Right, so the chief in St. Davison told us, that we need whatever officer there because the backup from other locations won’t be here for at least a day. Now I know why he sounded shaken on the phone, this is serious shit, Mickey. I won’t lie, I never, never seen this type of violence, and you might be right about that Euro theory. But fucking pull your head together, alright?”

“You’re not understanding the part about being here, though. In this fucking dungeon, in this fucking dark cave, this fucking tunnel. I can’t stand it.”

Walsh shook his head, and breathed heavily, rubbing his face with his forehoof, he collected his thoughts together and restated once more, with discretion.

“You don’t understand why we’re here, though! We have to keep everybody alive. At least the majority, and all the officers that gathered together fucking ran off in some other direction when the shit hit the fan. And these two were the only ones I flippin’ saw, alright?”


“Not the drunk cop, not the retard, not the fanatics out of Fort. Smithson, alright! Especially not that fucking twat who always has this insecurity about licking ponies! I just followed the two cops that retreated here.”

“Wait, what’s that noise?” Mickey quickly ducked down, placing the palm of his forehoof over his flashlight.

“Shit.” Walsh followed, both coward to the far corner of the long dark tunnel, hiding behind a couple crates with a blue tarp half draped over them.

The infected made a few snapping noises with its jaw, hitting things left and right, it trotted its way to the most accessible noise in the area. Then, a big crack from its jaw sent a jolt up the two pony’s spine. Frightened out of their fucking minds, they kept their mouths shut.

It then made this chitter noise as it bumped into more objects laced around the dark area. Not carrying what it did as long as it hunted its prey. The two ponies got a better look at it, from what they could tell. Its clothes had been torn apart from the chest up, and its jaw was slightly disfigured. Maybe that big crack they heard just moments earlier. One thing was for sure, though. Blood, well, dried up blood streamed down the side of its face, facing the left. And a couple large chunks were taken out of it, most noticeable around the eye.

This was enough to give these two ponies nightmares for the rest of their days.

Walsh made the involuntary move of slipping behind Mickey while he didn’t notice, and instead tripped over his hoof and falling on the right side of his body, bruising his shoulder as it slammed into a couple more crates which led them to fall on the other side of their position.

That was enough to perk the infected ear’s upright as it soon lunged its way towards the ponies. Walsh screamed as he tried use his horn to chuck a crate at the monster, which managed to clip the side of its shoulder ironically, before toppling over the two scrambling ponies. It managed to dig its teeth into one of the fidgeting ponies, who in return screamed in sheer pain as it dug right into his leg and shook it’s head around with the teeth munching and chomping down every little bit of his flesh.

More things crashed, some noises of a pony belting another appeared but it soon died down and you could only hear one replying “I’m sorry,” repeatedly while the other simply cried and cursed at the failure of not completing the mission, but also not saving his friend.