Hope / An Unexpected Ally

by brandsca123

After the battle

Chapter 1
After the battle

Celestia woke up in a hospital bed. She groaned as she started to look around the room. Her sister Luna was in a bed next to her. She felt a small pain on her back and grunted in pain. She noticed that her back was bandaged up, then she remembered the events of the night before.

"Oh good your majesty, your awake." Nurse Redhaert said. She was busy writing down some notes on a small noteboard.

"How did I get here?" Celestia said. Nurse Redhaert just smiled and said.

"Why Twilight Sparkle brought both you and your sister here. She said smothing about a Mooneater of some sort." Celestia let a smal tear go down her face as she smiled.

"How long till I can go back." Celestia asked.

"Right now if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it seeing as you sustained heavy damage on your back." Nurse Redhaert said. Celestia just nodded and went back down to resting. 'That student of mine never ceases to amaze me' She thought as sleep took her.


The next day Celestia and Luna went back to Canterlot Castle. It was still night out though, mostly because the two princess's were in the hospital. Celestia immediately went to work trying to rase the sun. It took a bit longer than normal because she still had a sore back from when Mooneater had hit her. She still couldn't believe that there were monsters like him left in the universe. She still couldn't shake the feeling that something was still off though.


Yesterday ponyville was in a state of panic because the sun had not risen and that both princess's were hurt. Fluttershy couldn't stand all this exitement and spent most of the day/night in her cottage. But that was old news compared to today. Hard to believe that it was only about a few weeks since Fluttershy had found Hope. She could still remember the night she found Hope. It was raining and she took her in. Sure the princess revealed that Hope was a winged human called an arch-angel, but she still had little to no information on Hopes background. Not that it bothered her, she still loved her as a daughter.

Hope was busy chasing butterflies through a small field with Angel close behind her. He had grown fond of Hope and never wanted to leave her side, which was strange because Angel never really liked company that much. Fluttershy only giggled at her adopted daughters antics. Most of ponyville had grown used to Hope by now. Though there are the occasional pony that tried to ignore her, so Fluttershy ignored those ponies. She was so happy that Hope was finally safe.

"Hope it's time for lunch." Fluttershy said as Hope came running toward her. Fluttershy only smiled and they went inside.


Twilight Sparkle Had a hard time trying to calm Spike down when she came back all battered and bruised. She kept telling him to calm down and that it was nothing. Spike didn't believe her and kept pestering her for answers, but Twilight ignored him.

"But Twilight...." Spike complained as Twilight sent him to his bed.

"Enough Spike, I already told you to drop it." Twilight was getting a bit anoyed at her assistant.

"Fine then, but don't go asking me for favors." Spike said defensibly. Twilight only sighed and shook her head as she rolled her eyes.

"I only hope Celestia and Luna are all right." She said as she looked out a window.


Princess Celestia was busy in her study trying to research more on this shadow creature. She was about to explain to Twilight and her friends about him when Mooneater came and attacked the castle.

"There has to be a way to destroy this shadow." Celestia was furiously flipping through page after page and book after book.

"You know big sister you have been worrying about this disaster for a while now. Why not take a break." Luna was also looking through books trying to help her sister.

"Luna dear you know we can't. If this shadow were to come to equestria we must know how to beat it." Celestia said as Luna sighed. They continued to flip through books tirelessly.


Pinkie Pie was busy filling out orders and baking for hungry ponies. Even after the fight with Mooneater she couldn't let her customers down, let alone her caretakers the Cakes. She gleefuly bounced to and frow working hard untill her tail started to vibrate violently, cousing her to trip and drop a box of cookies that she was trying to deliver to a waiting pony. luckly the box went flying into the stallion's face and he cought it in his mouth. Paying for the treat he left the building leaving a disgruntled Mr. Cake to try and calm a violently shaking Pinkie Pie. The entire bakery shook as pot's and pan's fell to the ground and screaming ponies ran out of the establishment. Somehow with all her shaking Pinkie had managed to create an earthquake. Pinkie slowly settled down long enough to quickly run out the door. She needed to warn Twilight. Her Pinkie sense had just told her something terrible is going to happen. But that was short lived however as Miss. Cake grabbed her and dragged her back inside.

"You can play some other time Pinkie, right now we have orders to fill." Pinkie struggled a bit and said

"But Miss. Cake this is an emergency, and not just any emergency my Pinkie sense told me something super duper bad is going to happen."

"I'm sure you were just having a seizure Pinkie." Miss. Cake said as she put an apron on Pinkie.

"But..." Pinkie said as she was pushed back into the kitchen.


Rainbow Dash was having a grand old time as she flew through the air without a care in the world. She was working on some tricks to impress the wonderbolts. She didn't seem to notice a small sphere like object was falling through the air. A loud explosion rang throughout the everfree. That seemed to catch Dash's attention as she stopped in mid air and stared into the forest.
"What the hay was that." Rainbow Dash said. Curiosity got the best of her and she went to investigate. She zoomed through the air untill she came to a smoking crater. She landed near the edge and looked down the middle. She gasped in wonder at the sight of a metallic sphere in the middle.

"Wow an alien spaceship." She was exited at this point and flew down to take a closer look.

"I've only seen these things in the movies." She placed a hoof on the glossy serface and pulled back suddenly when a loud hiss came from the sphere. A small door opened up and Rainbow looked inside. She herd a faint breathing coming from inside and she put a hoof inside to feel what was inside. She screamed when a furry white creature came shooting out. She retreated to a safe distance and turned around. The creature wasn't chasing her, but was lying down cluching its side in pain. She went forward a bit and stopped to get a better picture of the creature. The creature was about the size of a stallion and had whit fur covering its body It had two slits for nostrals and had long rabbit like ears that went down to the tip of its feet. The creature had a green egg like jewel that was fermly fused between its forehead and the tip of its skull. The creature looked up at her with a pained look on its face, and it reached out to her probably to ask for help. Its eyes were huge and cat like. Its pupils were yellow with a black slit in the middle. Rainbow Dash cautiously went forward and stared at the creatures side. She noticed it was bleeding badly, its breath was labord and sounded painful. Rainbow Dash backed away saying.

"Hold on I'll go get help. Just stay there." She flew away and started making her way towards Fluttershys cottage.