Pony Poems 2

by Toffee Bean

ch 7: The rising moon

The Rising moon

The moon rises,
the sun sets,
the bat ponies come out,
they come to play,
they come to see,
they rule the night,
they live in the dark,
but so many fear them,
so many hate them,
why I do not know,
but I only want to be liked,
all I want is a friend,
a normal pony friend,
but they fear me,
they run from me,
why I do not know,
all I wanted was a normal pony friend,
but all I get is fear a pawn their faces,
they run,
why I do not know,
all I wanted was to have a friend,
a normal pony fiend,
one that would play,
one that would laugh with me,
one that would stay no matter what,
but all I get is fear on their faces,
why I do not know,
but I do know I am who I am
but my time has come,
the sun is rising once again,
I will be back,
back when the moon rises once again.