It's Morphin' Time

by Dat Dash

Chapter 2

Inside Zedd’s palace on the moon, all was not well. Zedd was looking through his telescope, and was not at all pleased with what he saw.

“What’s the matter, Zedd?” asked Discord, “Am I getting you down?”

“It’s not you, you freak of nature!!” retorted Zedd. “It’s those darned Power Rangers!! They’ve found new allies!!”

“Well, I’m sure they’re nothing we can’t handle,” Discord reassured Zedd as he approached Zedd’s telescope, but when he looked through it, he was shocked at what he saw. With the Power Rangers were six VERY familiar ponies.

“Those party poopers,” spat Discord in disgust. “They always have to ruin my fun.”

“Finster, send down some Putties to deal with the Rangers and their new friends,” commanded Zedd.

“Yes, my lord,” said Finster, a scientist who worked for Zedd.

The Putty-making machine was busy making Putties, which were sent down to the Rangers’ location.

The Rangers and their pony partners had barely walked a few steps when Putties crash-landed in front of them.

“Well,” said Applejack, “This is new.”

“Aw, they’re nothing,” gloated Rainbow Dash, “Back home we had to deal with shapeshifters called Changelings, and they were a real pain in the flank.”

“Guys, we don’t have time for chat!” said Jason, “We need to show these Putties who’s boss!”

“Right!” said everyone else.

And they fought.

While the Rangers mopped the floor with the Putties, like they had time and time again, they were surprised to see that their pony friends had very little trouble knocking out their assailants. Even Fluttershy, who was normally not much of a fighter, was knocking the daylights out of the Putties.

“Well, that takes care of that,” said Tommy, after all the Putties were knocked out, but before they could go any further, a flash appeared in front of them, as Discord materialized.

“Well done, Rangers,” he mocked, clapping in feigned congratulations, “you managed to beat our Putties, but that was only a distraction, I’m afraid.”

“What’s he talking about?” Trini asked, but at that moment, it began to rain, but this was no ordinary rain, this was…

“Chocolate… milk?” said Zack, surprised.

“Look up, you guys!” said Jason, pointing at the sky.

It turned out the clouds were pink for some reason.

“The clouds,” said Rainbow Dash, “They’re made of cotton candy!”

“Look at the city!” said Kimberly, pointing towards the Angel Grove skyline, which was now completely unrecognizable. Entire buildings were floating in the sky, some upside down, while the sounds of traffic jams and rampant crime filled the air.

Suddenly, Zedd appeared beside Discord.

“Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing, isn’t it?” he said.

“I’m not afraid of you!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed defiantly as she charged at Zedd, but before she could so much as bump into him, Discord hit her with a spell, causing her to turn grey.

“Oh, no, not again,” groaned Twilight.

“This place is lame,” said Rainbow Dash, clearly under Discord’s spell, “I’ll let you guys handle this, after all, it’s not my world! See you back in Equestria, suckers!” She laughed, and then Discord snapped his talons, causing Rainbow Dash to disappear, presumably back to Equestria.

“Anypony else wanna go a few rounds?” asked Zedd.

“Why, you insufferable little-” Rarity began, but Discord hit her with the spell as well, turning her grey.

“MINE!!” she said, spotting a nearby boulder, clearly mistaking it for a gem of some sort. She sped toward it, and claimed it as her own.

Pinkie Pie pulled out her party cannon, aimed it at Zedd, and was hit with Discord’s spell before she could fire.


“Get ready for a good ol’ fashioned flank whippin’, ‘cause y’all are about to get one!” said Applejack, who pulled out a lasso, and was promptly hit with Discord’s spell.

“Don’t worry, y’all, ah’m alright,” Applejack lied, as her mouth scrunched up and her eyes looked away.

“Oh, that’s IT!!” Fluttershy said, “Nopony is mean to my friends and gets away with it!!”

“Would you do the honors, Discord?” asked Zedd.

“Sure, why not?” Discord replied, as he sent the spell Fluttershy’s way.

As soon as she was hit with it, Fluttershy’s face became a sneering grin.

“Power Rangers? HA! More like Power Losers!” she jeered. “You dweebs have fun trying to save your precious little planet, while I enjoy the chaos.” And she walked off towards Angel Grove.

“And last, but certainly not least,” said Discord, as he sent the spell at Twilight.

“NO!!” shouted Jason as he dove in front of Twilight to take the spell for her.

“Hmm, I’ve never reversed the personality of a human before,” said Discord, “This is an interesting turn of events.”

Jason un-morphed, revealing his now pale, greyish skin.

“I’m getting outta this dump,” he said, “Have fun saving the world, losers!” And he ran off.

Then Discord sent the spell at the Rangers individually, and they all succumbed to it except Tommy, who deflected the spell with his sword, Saba.
The other Rangers unmorphed, and their skin was just like Jason’s, pale and greyish. They, too, ran away.

“Well, all that’s left are the pony and the White Ranger!” said Zedd. “Discord, the pony first.”

“With pleasure,” said Discord, and he sent the spell towards Twilight, who succumbed to it instantly.

“Good luck, Tommy,” she said with a depressed sigh, “You’re gonna need it.” And she walked away, with her head hanging low.

“Go ahead, Tommy,” said Discord, “Try and fight back!”

Tommy threw Saba at Discord, who caught Saba and made it disappear. Then Zedd shot a spell at Tommy from his staff, causing Tommy to un-morph.

“Face it, boy,” said Zedd, “you can’t win!”

Tommy’s skin turned greyish and pale as he accepted defeat.

“You’re right,” he said sadly.