It's Morphin' Time

by Dat Dash

Chapter 3

Back in Equestria, Princess Celestia sensed that Twilight and her friends were in trouble.

“My student and her friends are in trouble,” she said, “I must find Twilight and make sure she’s okay.”

Back at the Command Center, Alpha also noticed signs of trouble.

“Ay-yi-yi-yi!” he said, “We can’t reach the Rangers! Something must be wrong!”

“Find them in the viewing globe,” said Zordon.

“I’m on it!” replied Alpha, and as he looked through the viewing globe, he saw that five of the Rangers were discarding their morphers, and Tommy had been defeated by Zedd and Discord, and was now wandering in the desert. Alpha reported his findings to Zordon.

“Teleport Tommy back here,” he said, “We mustn’t let him lose hope.”

Out in the desert, Twilight was wandering aimlessly. She knew that the battle was lost. Nothing could stop Discord now. Suddenly, her mentor materialized in front of her.

“What are you doing here, Princess?” she sneered. “Come to preach about the magic of friendship?

“My dearest Twilight,” Celestia responded, “you mustn’t give up. You’re the Earth’s only hope.” And she cast a memory restoration spell on her student.

Twilight returned back to normal, and thanked her teacher.

“You’ll need these,” said the princess as she gave Twilight the Elements of Harmony.

She took them.

“Alright,” Celestia said, “Now get out there and bring your friends to their senses.”

“But, what about Rainbow Dash? She’s in Equestria right now…”

“Correction,” Rainbow Dash said as she appeared next to Twilight, back to normal. “I was in Equestria. Lucky I ran into Luna, eh?”

“Good luck, you two,” the princess said, “the fate of the Earth is in your hooves.”

And she disappeared.

“Well, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight, “Let’s go find our friends.”

Tommy materialized in the Command Center, confused at first, then angry at Zordon for teleporting him there.

“What now, Zordon?” he said, “We’ve lost. The Earth’s finished.”

“Tommy, the Discord entity has affected your mind,” replied Zordon, “Alpha, give him the memory recall serum.”

Tommy felt a sharp pain in his arm as a needle was poked in his elbow pit. All of a sudden, his skin turned back to normal, and his confidence returned.

“Here, Tommy,” said Zordon, as five memory recall serum syringes and five morphers materialized in Tommy’s hands. “Give these to your friends, and they will return to their normal state of mind.”

“Yes, sir,” said Tommy as he left the Command Center.

“Oh, one more thing,” said Zordon as Tommy left.

Tommy paused and said, “What’s that?”

“It’s good to have you back, Tommy.”

“Thanks,” said Tommy. And he left the Command Center.