//------------------------------// // Story of my ancestors (optional read) // Story: The Last Shadowlight // by Idhrenion //------------------------------// “It was the dawn of a new age, Discord, god of chaos and temporary ruthless ruler of all of Equestria, was finally defeated. It was a long cruel time in which Discord ruled over Equestria. There were many brave ponies that tried to challenge him. Some lived, others were not so lucky. In the end they all failed, even them. Now, some may have never heard the story but I will never forget it. It was wet that faithful day. Chocolate milk covered Discords playground and soaked those who dared to enter, down to the bone. It was a sticky, bittersweet wetness. This was the heart of the chaos storm and it was cold. A cold that could freeze your very soul, but not to them, their hearts burned with the flames of vengeance. Long had they suffered under discords rule but no longer. 64 magically gifted unicorns faced the harsh, cold, and heavy rain, but above they all faced their oppressor, their self-proclaimed ruler. Oh how it would please this old pony to speak of their brave and courageous victory over that monster, but alas, no such victory came and none would come, not for a long time at least. Discord won that fight with such ease that all hope seemed lost. Only 10 survived and he barely lifted a finger. That single defeat obliterated all hope for Ponydom. Then, years later, the single two most important ponies in Equestria arrived ready for battle. They called up arms, but nopony would listen. Nopony wanted to die. So the sisters named Luna and Celestia went alone. They took with them only a collection of peculiar gems now known as the elements of harmony. This time was a little different. I suppose Discord underestimated them, for he had let his guard down. No rain or cold, just him in an open field of broken reality. In the end, as everypony is well aware, the sisters won. Trapping Discord in a stone prison. Years went by and the sisters were crowned as princesses and made to be the new rulers of Equestria. In their old age the 10 unicorns that survived that fight with Discord returned to the sisters and said, “Oh great princesses long has there been peace in Equestria because of you, long have we prospered because of you, as a token of our eternal gratitude we give you our lives and the lives of our descendants. We will long serve to protect you and all further rulers of Equestria with our very souls. Luna, Celestia, I present to you the Shadowlight Royal Guards First Generation”. From out of the shadows manifested 8 young unicorns. The tallest and oldest of the group then spoke out. “We are your hidden guard, we will silently protect you unless otherwise necessary. We will always obey your every command and put your lives far ahead of our own. We wish to forever serve you until the day our heritage is lost. Do you accept?” Luna looked at Celestia and then back at the guard. Celestia smiled and nodded. That was all they needed to fulfill their self-established destinies, they smiled and bowed. The encounter was over and as quickly as they arrived, they vanished, only reappearing when called or in times of danger”. That Shining Armor is the story of my ancestors and the creation of the Shadowlight guard.