//------------------------------// // Just Because You Can Write And Post A Story Doesn't Mean You Should // Story: Silver Soul // by Typewrittensoul //------------------------------// “We can't let Davy win, you guys!” The team huddled together. Even Smith was there, even though he was kind of a jerk. The four teens (and Smith) were hoof-picked by Celestia herself to defend the Earth and Equestria from evil. There was Eva, a girl with a penchant for shopping. While that wasn't a bad thing in itself, she tended to use the team credit card and never pitched in to cover the interest payments. That was sort of bitchy of her to do, but over the course of the last few episodes, it seemed to have saved the team. You see, the thing about credit is it's an important aspect of being able to purchase cars and get a mortgage. Currently there are a lot of countries like the U****d St***s and other countries in Eur*** that are having problems paying their debts because they borrow more than they collect in taxes...oh, sorry, I kind of got into a bit of a ramble. Anyways, back to the rest of the team: There was T-bone, the cultral character. And everyone else. So the team gathered in the command center in an effort to stop Davy, an evil mastermind who was an alicorn and Celestia and Luna's (who were princesses by the way) nephew. He had planned to cast all of Equestria and Earth under his control because he is evil and junk. Smith used to be on Davy's side until he was saved by the team. At the time it was just Eva, Twilight Sparkle, the leader of the team, Davy's son, Davy (ya I know thats a bit confusing but hear me out) and Rainbow Dash. This was before T-bone joined the team and became the fifth teenaged member. “Twilight Sparkle turned the to rest of the team. “We can do this you guys. As long as we have teamwork, we can use our friendship and defeat that evil warlord, Davidson.” Davidson was Davy's full name. Twilight calls him Davidson while everyone else calls him Davy because she's smart and proper unicorn who was Princess Celestia's personal student since she was a small mare. She's a purple pony with long mane and cropped bangs with a streak of pink in her mane and her tail also was well cropped with a streak of pink like her mane. T-bone was like “I concur” in a British accent because that's how I imagine how he speaks. Eva speaks sort of like a valley girl, if you've ever heard of the accent but if you haven't just think of a hipster or something. So Davy's son who's full name is Davy Jr. (But everyone calls him Davy but they know he's not like his father. Back when Twilight Sparkle and rainbo Dash first appeared on Earth as a result of Daby, that is, Davy's father Davy, attacked Equestria as his first part of his plan to conquer both Equestria and Earth. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash who Pinkie also calles Dashie for short, came to Earth and were on a mission to Earth to look for help. Davy Jr. was one of Davy's most loyal fighters but after realizing the friendship he never had as a child because his childhood was really sad (like Naruto and Sasuke) he joined Twilight Sparkle and Dashie but was taken away. Eva and the other teens, realized that Davy wasn't so bad and went to rescue him in the base that looks like the castle that Nightmare Moon was in but it isn't damaged and there are lights. That's when they me t Smith who was in charge of keeping Davy imprisoned because Davy ordered him to. He was trying to find his borther who had been sepearated from him when they were seperated by a fire at the orphanage they lived in as kids. But they still had parents it's just that they were placed there by their parents and they were both supposed to look for them. So Smith made a deal with Davy to help find his brother so he and his brother could find their long lost parents. They both have lockets. After coming up with a plan, the base was attacked. “Twilight, we're being attacked!” Dashie called out. Over the sirens and alarms of the base. Twilight's horn glowed and then she looked at T-bone. “T-bone! We need to know what's going on!” “I concurr” he nodded and typed on the console in front of him. The room they were in was the meeting room for the group. There was a large screen that was 50 by 50 feet where they would receive their orders from Celestia whenever Davy attacked with his generals like Davy Jr. or Smith when he was a bad guy. There was a console that T-bone was in charge of because he is really good with computers and was made fun of for being really an expert like he knew ohow to hack other computers. When he first met Twilight and Dashie he was working for this group that was trying to stop Davy but they didn't protect innocent civilians in their attacks. So Twilight and Dashie had to stop him by going into the internet using Twilight's magic to stop them. Then he went to jail but later on he came back and was reformed because the group was all he knew but realized he was mistaken. So he joined the group later on. “Here, Twilight.” T-bone said after typing really fast at the speed of light on his specilized computer that he made him self. It used magnets instead of how computers use regualar drives so his computer was faster. It's called “The console” he calls it. The large screen in the room lit up and hshowed how there were people in uniforms attacking the base. “Let's go team!” Twilight called out and the rest of the team followed her out the door. I got this! Rainbow dash called out and she did a rainbow nuclear explosion like from the episode when Twilight was tardy. But it was controlled and only affected the people attacking the base. “That's only my red explosion attack!” she said with a grin and tossed her hair with a cool grin. Her red exlplosion attack was one of her colored themed attacks based on how Dashie's hair has different colors too. Each of them have different abilities depending on what she has to do. Even though she made these attacks up she still didn't become part of the Wonderbolts because she first joined this team to fight against Davy. “Save me a spot, Spitfire.” She said to Spitfire. “Eva, now!” Twilight called out and Eva pushed the button that closed the doors to prevent the rest of the enemies to enter the base. “That was close.” Davy sighed. He brushed his fingers through his black hair and looked to the rest of the team. “Wait...where's Smith?” The rest of the team furrowed his eyebrows and wondered where Smith was. “Oh no.” Twilight said. She looked around the room in the team room and only counted the four of them. “Was he taken?” Rainbow exclaimed with a question. “That attack was just a distraction to get Smith back!” Twilight said angrily and slammed her hoof onto the table. “We need to get Smith back!” “I concur.” T-bone said. To be continued. Author's Notes: So this is my first story please tell me how I did but don't be mean because I'm not reallly expereience with writing. I promise it will be better later on I just don't have an editor or proofreaders yet. There will be a flashback chapter later on explaining how everyone got together so this was really to get the reader's attention with the story and the rest of the chapters will come back to this point in time. Thanks for reading! -- Sitting in a window-side booth of a cafe, Trixie looked up from the manuscript in her hooves and stared at the black earth pony colt sitting across from her. Her eyes then glanced again at the three pages, flipping through them as though there were something else to find. “So? I really don't know who else to ask, Ms. Trixie.” the colt's small voice squeaked. “There's this website based on the new show that everypony loves that lets the fans upload stories. Can you be my editor?” Trixie coughed and sniffed. Dazzle Blaze was a pony who had been friends with one of her client's kids at a party she had performed at a few months ago. His red and black striped mane pattern was strange at best, but it paled in comparison to the strange sorts of requests he brought to her over the past few weeks. It began with things such as her autograph, then teaching him some of her mundane performance magic...but then there was the time he asked for a lock of her hair... She silently looked at him for a moment and wondered what his tape measure cutie mark had to do with this mess of a story she had before her. “I found out that I'm really good at guessing measurements while working at my dad's tailoring shop.” He responded in a shy manner. The black coated colt fiddled his front two hooves together as anticipation to her answer built up. Trixie on her part tilted her head and sighed. Tailor-made was a fine and upstanding stallion. He was more than willing to repair her costume for her shows at a reasonable price. That is, at a discount. So the fact that he sent his odd-ball of a son to her for help made a troublesome situation for the mare. In other words, she didn't know any other tailor in the area that was even half as good as he could thread a needle. So she sighed and tilted her head in the other direction. She sucked air between her teeth and looked at the colt who had probably not blinked since she started reading. 'So weird.' “I'll tell you what...” “YES!?” the colt jumped off of his chair and rushed toward the blue unicorn. Reeling back with her eyebrows furrowed, Trixie raised her hoof and pushed the colt away from her to create some breathing space. He realized his excitement and with a nervous smile he shuffled back a good two feet or so. “Like I was saying...” she began again. “I don't have a clue what the show's about and I understand through experience that lots of writers want somepony who can respect their...uh...artistic license...for interpretation...” “Yeah?” his eyes grew wider with her every word. Trixie decided to continue. “I feel that...I don't think I'd be the best pony to help you out, kid.” His ears immediately drooped and he dropped to his haunches. The colt's eyebrows arched upward and he looked like he was about to cry. Trixie cringed at the sight. “I'm not saying that I'm not going to help you!” she quickly added with her hooves waving back and forth. This caught his attention and the waterworks were delayed for a few more moments. “Well...I'm saying that I can't personally help you, but I can definitely point you in the right direction. I know some ponies that can help you! Heck, they're your age, so I'm sure they'll know what to do with your...uh...story!” “Really?” He didn't seem as excited about the prospect as she thought he'd be, but Trixie shrugged at the thought. She figured it could just be his shy nature or something... The blue mare stood up and confidently walked around the table and sat next to the previously downtrodden pony. Wearing a smile that a seedy used car salesman would be proud of, she patted Dazzle Blaze's shoulder in an assuring manner. “I'm sure of it!” -- “No.” “Heck no.” Trixie frowned at the record speed of the two young ponies' rejection. “What? How come?” The three of them were on the second floor of the Ponyville library, which was the blue mare's personal residence. It didn't take very long for Pip and Scootaloo to respond to Trixie's question. “He's kind of, uh...how do I put it...” Pip was the first to speak and placed his hoof to his temple in thought. “Dazzle Blaze is sort of a...nerd.” “He smells like old cabbages.” Scootaloo was more blunt about her reasoning. “What?” the white and brown colt stared in confusion at the pegasus filly's stone cold resolve over her answer but shook his head because he knew better than to follow that rhetorical argument to nowhere. “Trixie, I'll be honest. Nopony likes Dazzle Blaze because he's a spazz. He's really annoying to deal with and he's really clingy about you for some reason. I swear he has some sort of voodoo doll of me that he stabs when I'm not around.” Pip explained while absentmindedly rubbing his shoulder. “Yeah, and what's the deal with putting Twilight and Rainbow Dash into a 'Hydro Team Human Force' fanfic? For one thing, they're not even on that show and Rainbow Dash is so out of character!” Ignoring Pip's implication that being clingy about her was somehow a bad thing, Trixie first directed her attention to the winged pony. “How can you even say that?” She said with a frown of disapproval on her face, “you haven't even read the damn-awful thing, yet.” “Well I bet she is.” Scotaloo quickly countered. “Look me straight in the eyes and tell me that she's somehow in character.” She drew uncomfortably close to the unicorn and glared at Trixie with wide eyes. “Could you just do this for me?” Trixie tiredly whined. “I seriously have no clue about his Hydro Human...thing...how about if you help the kid out with his fanfic or whatever, I promise to get you two tickets to that thing that you wanted.” “You'll take me to the Equestrialand Themepark Arcade?” Pip exclaimed first. “You'll take me to an all-you-can-eat buffet?” Scootaloo's face lit up at the thought. “Sure, Pip. Hell no, Scootaloo, losing at the slots costs me less money than it does to feed you.” “Fine.” Scootaloo puffed her cheeks. “Then how about we go on a girl's day out and shop? We can get clothes, then stop by a cafe and-” “Your stomach is starting to piss me off.” Trixie said with a straight face. But since intimidation failed to wipe the wistful look on the pegasus' face as she was lost in her thoughts, Trixie could only shake her head and roll her eyes. “Fine, fine, but we'll get the smallest and cheapest items on the menu or stick to free samples and tap water if we can help it. Tsk...so?” she asked now less enthused since she would have to actually spend money to keep on the good side of her tailor's mood. The earth pony and pegasus glanced at each other and nodded with smiles on their faces. They both looked to the older unicorn with wide grins. They each stretched out their hooves toward her and simultaneously said “You got a deal!” They blinked and looked at each other again. “Well that was weird.” Pip said. “I know, right?” Scootaloo added. -- Author's Note: So this started out as a totally one-shot April Fools joke, but I ended up coming up with an original story arc...weird how things turn out, eh?