The Never War

by TurboTheGameGuy

The beginning of the end

What would you do?
If everything you know was taken away?
Smashed to pieces before your eyes?
If you don't know, then you wouldn't be in my situation right now.
Lost in a world of death and destruction, that is where me and 60 others are right now.
My name?
Is Turbo. I will tell you the story from the very beginning, as far back as I can remember.

A black wavering abyss, that's all I could see as I woke up, I tried standing but a force pulled me back down.
"What the-" I asked as I tried again, failing the second time. This time my body felt like barbed wire was cutting me and ripping pieces off of me.
"Do you remember?" A distorted voice asked in the distance.
"Remember what?"
"That day, the day of your death?"
My vision faded."Turbo! Watch out!"
That voice... it sounded like-
"Answer the question!" The voice demanded growing more distorted.
"I don't remember anything!" I said truthfully.
"The day of Darkness?! The Never War?! The wars that don't exist! Tell me why they're here!!!"
I growled at this. "I don't know what the BUCK you're talking about!"
"Then who am I, Turbo?" The voice asked. The source of the voice began walking out of the shadowy abyss. In a few seconds I saw a dark blue pegasus in front of me. His cutie mark was three sixes. The pony had teal eyes that matched mine exactly, his wingspan was much larger than mine. I only knew this bastard by one name.
"Nightingale..." I growled narrowing my eyes as I tried to stand, the pain increased tenfold forcing me down again.
"Aww, isn't that cute? My own son remembers me!" Nightingale laughed insanely.
"What do you want?!" I asked angrily. The very thought of Nightingale as my father just made me want to-
'Calm down Turbo, just calm down. Remember what Jon Bucker told you, don't freak out over things you can't control.'
"Well, since you asked nicely, I'll tell you. This war, The Never War was not supposed to happen."
"And how do you know that?!"
Nightingale smiled at this. "I have seen the past, present, and future. This war is in none of them." Ramblings of a madcolt, I might as well ignore him.
"I want you, my son to find out the reason behind these wars."
I felt the barbed wire feeling go away, with the sound of chains rattling, allowing me to stand up. I turned my head enough to look at my back. I felt something warm and wet running down from it and my legs. I cringed when I saw holes and deep, ugly, scratches along my back.
I growled and turned my head toward Nightingale.
"And to assure your allegiance to me." Nightingale lifted his hoof, the bottom of it began glowing and fired at me sending me flying back at a lightning speed skidding to a stop yards away from my father. I sat up and looked right where my neck met the rest of my body. Right there was a necklace with an obsidian chain that was dangerously close to my neck. The gem at the end of the chain had a mark, no, the mark, his mark. The mark of death, the mark of The Beast, the three sixes that were Tirek's number were sitting right at the end of this dreaded chain of destruction.
I looked away from the dark force that had me to hear what Nightingale had to say.
"That, my son, is the assurance that you'll do what I want. That necklace is the same that The Dark Ones worship, if you don't complete your task within nine years, that necklace will overload your weak little heart with Death Magick, destroying you and all your insides, making you into nothing more than a hollow shell to be stuffed and placed in a museum exhibit." He laughed insanely.
"You-YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!!!" I yelled at Nighingale running to him. I jumped and lifted my hoof to punch him. But before I could land a punch on him a tremendous wave of pain launch through me, somehow throwing me above Nightingale and landing on the ground, grasping at my chest. It felt as though millions of knives and railroad spikes were going through my heart.
Nighingale only grinned at this, revealing his yellow sharpened teeth, that in my opinion haven't seen a dentist in 40 years.
"My, my, my, my little pony. One does not succeed if he disposes his friends."
"Y-you're no friend of mine. GAH! And I'm already dead! This necklace won't do anything!"
"Why, it will, it will grant you ultimate power. Power to match that of the alicorn's. But when I bring you back to life that necklace will travel with you. And trust me, if you fuck with the time you have," He lowered his head to reach to my eye level. "You will die a death that will be in eternal pain and suffering!" He smiled mockingly at me. Nightingale reached a hoof to my head and pressed it on the ground creating cracks underneath me.
"You have nine years to find the cause." The ground broke entirely sending me falling into the sodom that was Equestria.

Would you say that I am wasting my time?
Would you say that I became a hero for Equestria?
I became far from it, lost in a land of death, destruction, with your friends, who were also cursed with the same curse that I have.
This world has nothing but destruction.
The Dark Ones: The worshippers of Tirek.
We are only at the beginning, the beginning of the end.