Discord on Diaper Duty

by CatFlash

Chapter One

It had all started on a very nice, unpleasant day. Oh you have no idea how tempting it was to jumble up a few things that day in Ponyville.
Anywho, I was walking down the street, licking a very delicious, but melting icecream cone. In fact, it was my favorite kind; chocolate livertails with hot sauce, artichokes, and mint flavored hot fudge on top. Yummy indeed!
I was passing by Sugarcube Corner, and decided that I wanted more delicacies to be added to my towering and oh so tempting dessert.
The bell by the door let out a cheerful jingle as I casually strolled in, “accidentally” letting some of my ice cream drip onto the floor, so some unlucky pony might accidentally slip…
As I made my way to the counter, Mrs. Cake came out of nowhere and stopped me in my tracks.
“Please don’t kick me out,” I pleaded, “I promise I’ll clean the ice cream-”
She cut me off.
“Discord! Quiet! Aren’t you reformed now?”
I was surprised by her question.
“Why, yes I-”
“Can you handle some big responsibility?”
“Sure, but-”
“I can pay very well.”
“Deal. How mu-”
“One hundred bits?” she offered.
“How about as much candy and sweets as I want for a week?”
“What’s the job? Cooking delectably delicious goodies? Or is it eating the burnt cookies and brownies? Or how about-”
“Enough. You will be babysitting Pumpkin and Pound Cake.”
I stood shocked, not expecting this at all.
Mrs. Cake began to run around the store gathering things into her arms.
“You have to remember to change them when they wet their diapers, feed them, play with them, burp them, and put them down by eight sharp. I’m so sorry, but we couldn’t find anyone else, and Mr. Cake and I were supposed to leave for a baking convention five minutes ago.”
She stopped talking to run into the kitchen. Mrs. Cake returned moments later with her husband; together, they were carefully carrying a cake that had to be five feet tall on a gold platter.
As it passed by me, I licked my lips and was planning on sneaking a bit of frosting when Mrs. Cake’s eyes landed on me.
Instantly I stood up straight and began to examine my claws in a casual manner.
“Again, I’m so sorry. Pinkie is our usual sitter, but she and her friends are off somewhere doing something for the Princess.”
As she was going out the door, she shouted something to me that was incoherent.
The door slammed shut accompanied by the tinkle of that stupid bell.
Staring at the now closed door, disbelief filled my mind.
Of course I had never babysat before, and the idea of doing so was so very revolting. Little fillies and foals were immense neausenses.