In The End We All Have To Fight

by BlastingCap

Hope you can shoot

‘Running. If you need to run to survive, then run. Keep running until your legs fall out from under you then… you crawl.’

The sounds of my watch woke me up like it does every morning. My eyes opened to see that Velvet pacing back and forth waiting for something. I sat up and yawned. “Morning.” I said doing that thing with your mouth in the morning.

“Thank Celestia you’re up. Lets get the fuck out of here!” She said hurdling my armor and rifle at me. I caught both of them in my magic before they made a crater in me. I undid the straps of the body armor and slipped it over my body and re-strapped it. I put the rifle next to me on the bed, the bayonet was gone. Looked down at my kit and it was no where to be found. I shrugged it off. I noticed that my bandages were wrapped around my body a little better then, I remember when I placed the strap where it was supposed to be. The dry blood was wiped off my dark blue fur. I looked at her as she looked at the ceiling as a little dirt came down.

“What’s going on?” I asked still dreary from the abrupt awaking but, what I got as an answer was the ground above us shook violently. Some more dirt fell from the ceiling onto the floor.

“That’s what going on, you moron!” She said pointing at the ceiling with her hoof, staring me in the eye. “The Zebras are starting to bomb the hell out of the city. And some of the bombs have already collapsed some of tunnels!” She yelled apple bucking open the door to what appears to be metro tunnel that has collapsed, the sounds of planes and gunfire flooded my hearing along with the blinding light of the morning. “We’ll through here and find some better cover.” She said running out leading with her rifle. “Lock and load, lets hit the road!” I did exactly that. I placed a magazine in the rifle and pulled back the charging handle. I released it with a satisfying clank. She looked at me and nodded ran out the door and I followed into the fray. Then, panic. I ran with my life as Zebras on the surface looked down at me and fired at me with their weapons. The bullets hitting all around me, a few grazing me in the back and legs. Warm blood was oozing downing my body as I ran. I saw some pillars, which I saw that Velvet was firing from with her rifle taking one down. One less Zebra shooting at me. But, as she continued to fire the Zebras moved back away from the fire.

I slid behind the pillars just as the Zebras were firing again but, this time at Velvet all at once; Forcing her to stay behind her cover as the bullets ate away at it. I took a deep breath before I began to fire my rifle at the Zebra wildly just hoping they would back off for a bit while she got a chance to recover for a moment. The firing forced them back for a second I continued to fire until I heard a click. “FUCK!” I yelled as I drew in my rifle and took out the empty. I kept the empty one and put it back in my pouch. I took out a fresh one and cocked the mag in with a clank. I drew back the charging handle and loaded the round. But, instead of firing I peaked around the corner and saw that Zebras were repealing down into the tunnel getting nearer to us. I turned to Velvet to see that she saw this too. “We need to get the fuck out of here!” I yelled firing my rifle wildly knocking one down the fifteen foot drop.

“I know but, there aren’t any exits this way. Also, the bombers are making another run! DUCK!” was all I heard as the sounds of explosions came in waves one right after the other. I ducked right behind the pillar just as two bombs exploded one on the surface and the second one in the tunnel itself killing a couple of the Zebras. The blast from the bomb inside the tunnel flew right past me. I could see the flames lick around the sides of the pillar. If I didn’t duck when I did, well… I hope they like barbeque. I looked at the Zebras that weren’t obliterated by the blast. Why are they killing their own soldiers? I don’t get it. I thought as the sounds of the planes started to fade. When the bombing run stopped the sounds of gunfire coming at us stopped. I looked around the pillar once again to see that the ropes snapped when the bombs fell. “Alright, that should be over for a few minutes before they send reinforcements, lets collect what we need and get the hell out of here and fast before more decide to bring some more chips and dip.” Velvet said going up to the dead Zebras. When I got to the Zebras I realized that the resulting concussions from the bombs killed the rest of the Zebras on the ground dead. Except for one. He was really burnt, how he survived the bomb I’ll will never now but, he will stay in my mind.

“Hey, I think that one of them is alive.” the moment I said that Velvet’s head shot up from what she was getting. She came to me and the alive Zebra that was now trying crawl away for dear life. He turned around on his back and looked at me as Velvet drew her pistol and without batting an eye she shot him in between the eyes, splattering his brains across the cement. I felt sick when I saw the blood and brains across the ground. This time I wasn’t able to hold the bile. I turned around away from Velvet and now dead Zebra, then vomited; mixing my bile with blood and gore on the concrete.

Velvet saw this and patted me on the back as I vomited what was left in my stomach and then some. It hurt but, I had worse. Hell, I‘ve been shot. I thought as I wiped my mouth. “Don’t worry you’ll get used to it soon. Don’t worry, they would have killed you without a thought. Now, lets get out of here before more of them show up.” I nodded as I took out his ammo for my rifle and pistol until I had filled all the pouches and pockets. I paused before I levitated his dogtags out. I tore them off and placed them in a pocket in the body armor. I sighed then, went though another Zebra that appeared to be a medic and I took his pack. I could hear the bottles and medical supplies as I picked it up with my magic. I still can’t believe just twenty-four ago I was home getting ready for work and played a game of CoD online before I left. Ironic, I think as I was killing other ponies on a game. It feels totally different, then on the game. After I took what I need, I looked up to see that Velvet was already walking down the tunnel with her rifle at the ready.

I was breathing very hard by the time I reached her. The weight of the med pack was really heavy. “So, where are we going?” I asked, catching my breath.

She thought about that for a second before she replied. “Well…I’m going to meet up with a group of fighter of what’s left of the National guard that are fighting the Zebra army until the rest of the military gets here. You on the other hoof. I don’t know nor care.”

I stopped when I heard this, while she continued to walk away. I thought about it for a moment. “Can I come with you?”

She chuckled at this. “No. I have enough trouble, just keeping me alive. I don’t need a soft pony wet behind the ears to baby-sit.” she said with enthusiasm with a mix of scolding

I was a little frustrated with this as I replied. “Eh? Why, not!? With two we can watch each other’s back. We can patch each other up when we are shot, like you did with me when I was out.” I yelled. She turned around in shock as I said that. “Yes, I know. My bandaging skills are not that good and I can tell if somepony did it for me or I did. I covered you when you were being pinned down by the Zebras back there!” I said jumping in front of her, making her stop. “So, tell me why do you want me gone?” I said.

She stared at me with a little fear in her eyes. But, not the kind of fear brought by guns or violence but, the kind that is brought by memories. The kind that brings back a flash back. Then, she snapped out it and shook her head. “Alright, you can come with me but, after we meet the resistance. You and me are done. Got that?” She said sticking her head high.

I smiled at this. “Alright, so where ar…” I was interrupted by the rumbling in my stomach. I blushed with a sheepish grin. “So…breakfast?” I said with a chuckle. She faced hoofed.

“Alright, but don’t b…” She was interrupted by her stomach rumbling. She sighed. “Alright, breakfast.” she said trying to keep a professional face but, she blushed from embarrassment. After about ten more minutes of walking down the tunnels enough that I had to glow my horn to make light. It was a dim green light that showed only about three meters away. We found a spot that wasn’t wet and hidden.

I took out the one of Three MREs that I got from the Zebras. It was oat pasta with red sauce, with a side of dried apples in a little packet. I poured a some water in the main packet and it started to steam. “Amazing what magic can do.” I said as my meal was getting ready with a little of a peppy mood as I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday.

Velvet looked at me with a raised eyebrow then, shrugged and looked down at her MRE. She began to eat, and after taking a few bits. She looked back up. “Is there anypony in the city that you’re worrying about?” She said breaking the silence.

I froze at the question and the memories of my sister and brother came to mind. After I swallowed the food I had in my mouth. “My brother and sister.” I said flatly looking her straight in the eye. She froze in mid-bit as I was speaking. “I’m going to find them. And if I find that anypony. Zebra and pony alike are trying to stop me from finding me. I will destroy them.” I said flatly returning to my food.

She looked at me with a little concern. We sat there in silence until we finished our meals and threw the wrappers away. We continued to walk in silence down the metro tunnel for about an hour and an half minutes until we came to a station. We hugged the walls as we heard voice when we got closer to the station. I drew my pistol as I took point. I peaked around the wall trying to see through the darkness. But, as my eyes adjusted from the light from my horn to the almost pitch black darkness, I could see that this was a major metro station as it had elevated walkways and platforms over the tracks. There were four sets of tracks and two of which were occupied but, the trains were pretty much unusable. The tunnels behind them were somewhat collapsed just part of the support arc of the tunnels. I began to look on the boarding area, I wish I hadn’t but, I had to. The floor was covered in blood and gore, along with pieces of body parts. Bodies slung over the railing and edges of the boarding area all of them dead, each were killed without mercy. Some of them still had the look when they died, pure terror. I saw a couple Zebras on the floor too but, they were just like any other pony here.

Each pony had a hole in their heads, execution style even though most of them were already shot several times. I saw that a few of the mares had fresher wounds, lacerations to their rears and they had tear stains around their eyes. I sadly concluded that they were rape then, killed. It made me sick to my stomach, I nearly threw up again but, I fought it down. I sighed to the fact of the dead bodies, it didn’t matter if you were a pony or Zebras as long as you lived here, then you died. I looked for a way onto the boarding area. I noticed a set of stairs leading up to it and that when I noticed the light from the entrance along with several voices came from the entrance point of the boarding area. The sounds of laughter, playing cards and bottles told me that they were celebrating. That pissed me off a lot but, I decided to keep calm as I turned to Velvet and she nodded. I switched to my rifle as I climbed the stairs to the boarding area. I hugged the wall to the entrance to see that there were three mares tied up together and gagged on top of the overhanging platform.

I could faintly hear their sobbing and it pulled on my heart. Fuck, why do I have to have consensus? I thought as I looked at Velvet. “Velvet, there are three mares tied up on the overhanging platform. We should free them before we go farther. ” She sighed a little but, nodded in agreement. I peaked behind the wall to see the Zebras were still playing their card game. I took a deep breath as I slowly back away trying to step on any thing, which was kind of hard as the entire floor was covered in bodies. I just took one step at a time, over a body or pool of blood. Careful not to make a noise as I reached the stairs leading up the platform, which is kind of hard with hoofs on a tile floor. Thankfully, The Zebras didn’t hear me and didn’t see me thanks to the darkness but, I could see them. There were four of them each that standard Zebra soldier from my accounts. Blood soaked gear, wicked smiled and a laugh that makes you cringe. I turned around as I slowly as Velvet got to the stairs was a little more trouble but, didn’t make a noise and stayed out of sight.

When Velvet and me got to the stair we say the three mares still sobbing, all of them bloody and beaten to an inch of their lives. When they saw us they started to panic as we got closer. I started to panic as I tried to calm them down. But, before I could say anything Velvet to my side and started to untie and ungag the mares. “Keep quiet do you want us to get caught and killed?” she hissed as I sat there next to her when I heard a snort behind us. I took out my pistol to see a sleeping guard behind us. Velvet looked at me then, the guard, “Take care of him.” She whispered as she began to untie the second mare. I looked on my vest and saw that there wasn’t a knife in the sheath. ’Fuck!’ I thought as I looked for one. I saw my chance for a knife on the guard himself. It had a retention sheath making the knife hard to get out without waking the guard. I flared my horn a little, slowly opening the retention part of the sheath at the hilt. The knife began to slowly slid out of the sheath little by little.

Thank Celestia that he is a heavy sleeper. I thought as I wiggled it out a little more. But, I stopped when his watch started to beep and he started to wake from the noise. Velvet‘s head whipped around to the watch as it started to get louder. I took a deep breath and with my hoof I pressed the button and it stop the beeping, the Zebra slowly fell back to sleep. I then finally pulled the knife all the way and had it in my aura. Velvet just released the last mare, with a relieving sigh. I looked at the Zebra as he slept and hesitated. ’Should I kill him? Why should I kill him? We’ve already got the mares and freed them. Can I take another being’s life while his sleeping? Well, he is defenseless?’ I thought with the knife in my aura shaking. Velvet saw this and shoved me aside and took the knife in her own aura. “If you don’t have the balls to do it then, let me do it. We don’t have time for this.” She hissed as she plunged the knife into the Zebra’s neck. Blood began to spew out in a uncontrollable way. The Zebra was dead in a matter of seconds. Again the bile began to build up but, not as much as it used to. I swallowed it down with some force. I took a breath when I did swallow it. I looked back at the mares that seemed traumatized by the act of Velvet plunging the knife into a sleeping Zebra.

They seemed so terrified that they didn‘t move. I sighed and looked at them. “Don’t worry about him. He would have killed us the moment that he saw us. Then, they would’ve rape you.” I said giving a moment for that to set in. “The tunnel that we came in isn’t collapsed all the way. Go down there until you find a giant hole in the ceiling of the tunnel and to your right will be a metro employee lounge. It is somewhat reinforced. It has supplies and a radio.” I paused for a moment if I forgot something. I turned to the rifle and pistol on the now dead guard. I flared my horn enough just to grab the weapons. I gave one of the mare a pistol and a second the rifle. They looked at me with a concerned look. “Take these. If you find a Zebra that is attacking you. Just aim down the sights and pull the trigger. Only fire if you need to. Got it?” They nodded as the two mare bit into the weapons and began to sneak down the stairs. One mare stayed with us as she looked at me. “Go, before the bullets start flying.” I said with concern.

She shook her head. “No. Not, until I give you give this.” She said going into a trash can right next to her and taking out a cloth wrapped object. “It was my father’s. He gave it to me when I moved here to Baltimare. He said that it saved his life during the Changeling War. Since you saved mine. I want you to have it. It may save yours.” She said smile a closed eye smile. She opened her eyes and looked at me again. “But, I want it back. So, when you feel like giving me that back; I’ll give you something in return but, you just have to wait to find out. Also, if you wondering. My name is Simmering River” She said giving me a wink. My face started to burn like a forest fire. Even, in this place I was being hit on? Today is going to be interesting. I thought as she snuck down stair and to the tunnel with her waiting friends.

Velvet came me a smirk and I started feel the fire again. “Alright, that was the mares, lover colt. Happy, now? Cus, we’ve got some Zebra ass to kick.” Velvet said she as checked her magazine. I nodded but, I hesitated as I looked down at the cloth covered object in my aura. I unwrapped it to reveal a revolver with a blued steel frame. It has been used a lot before with all of the teeth marks and scratch marks on it.
On the side of the barrel it said: .44 Magnum. I swung out the barrel and there were four fired shells and two still not fired. I check my magazine in my rifle and clicked it back in.

“Alright, lets do this because I’m really starting to hate subways.” I said as we came down the stairs running.

One of the Zebras got up and stretched. “I’m going to check on Xai and see how he’s doing.”

“He’s doing just fine. He is taking a nice long nap now.” Velvet said aiming her rifle at the Zebra that was about to check on his friend. “ Miss us?” Velvet said as the Zebra standing up tried to reach for this rifle. “No, I don’t think so.” She said as she fired once and shot him in the head. The Zebras sat there in shock as one of their teammates’ blood is pooling on the ground. Velvet’s voice went demonic for a moment as she said. “Now, you’ve got hell to pay for what you did to all of these innocent ponies. Now you die.” When she was finished she mowed them down. Their blood was like a new coat of paint on the walls. Damn, it was bloody. I looked at Velvet as she mowed them down. She was crying as she did it but, wiped them away when she reloaded. She still had the sob voice when she spoke “Alright, that should have their hair in a mess. Lets run and kill any Zebra that we find. Have no mercy, remember they stand between us and the surface. There we move should move west toward the National guard depot.” Velvet and me perked our ears as hoofs came down weighted down hoofs came running to our ears. Shit. “Hope, you can shoot.” Velvet said flipping the metal table that the Zebras were playing on, spilling chips and cards across the floor. I got behind a pillar scared out of my mind as the sounds of hoofs steps got closer. ‘Can I do this? Can I take a life even after all the shit they’ve done to me. I’m not a fighter, but I want to live. FUCK! Why can’t I do this?! You are a fucking excuse as a stallion, Jack Rabbit! A fucking excuse’ I thought as Velvet reloaded and threw me a taped magazine from one of the Zebra‘s rifles. Two magazines were taped together upside down. “That will help and make sure to use your ammo wisely. Don’t fire wildly or it could get us both killed. Now, get ready for a fight!” She said looking over the table and firing her rifle into a group of Zebras. A few of them went down and the other looked for cover. They, fired on us with no mercy. The bullets pounded on the pillar and table that Velvet and me were taking cover in.

I looked around the pillar and I fired. The bullets of my rifle went straight into a Zebra. Then, time went to a crawl. I could see the blood splatters out of his and I could see him gasp in mid-air, when he felt the pain. Then, everything sped up and he fell to the ground. I nearly dropped my rifle but, I couldn’t I just continued to fire in bursts, to save ammo. I knocked down three more but, they just kept coming. I turned and placed my back against the pillar. I took out the magazine and twisted it a 180 degrees and reloaded. “Velvet, these guys just keep coming!”

“I know but, we need to get to the surface or this place with collapse on top of us!” She yelled firing her pistol as a Zebra got too close.

“WHAT!” I yelled as I pulled back the charging handle and chambered a round. “What do you mean that this place is going to collapse!”

“You didn’t see the damage from earlier! They were bombing the hell out of this place and the supports can’t handle this kind of abuse. This place will collapse on us in a matter of minutes!” She yelled as she fired her rifle again, downing two other Zebras. I looked at the pillar that I was taking cover behind. The cracks were slithering down the concrete like a snake through the jungle and fast.

“FUCK!” I yelled as parts of the pillar began to crumble. I jumped out to avoid being crushed by a part of the pillar as it fell. A bullet hit me in the chest but, the armor protected me just barely as I could feel the burning mushroom of the bullet. I realized that I was out in the open. ‘Fuck it.’ I thought as I charged them, as I fired. Bullets whizzed all over me but, for some reason I wasn’t scared as I downed three of the last Zebras behind some of the pillars. Then, silence for a moment. I was breathing heavily as I could feel the pain of the bullets that grazed me and the few that hit my body armor. It hurt but, it was a dull, sore pain, like a bruise or several.

Velvet looked up to see that I was standing after my charge. She came to me with anger in her eyes and voice. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why in the hell did you charge them, like a fucking Timber wolf on fucking Dash?! You could’ve been killed and I don’t want that on my shoulders!” She was about to say more but, then the sounds of concrete hitting concrete came from the stations. Velvet and me turned around to see that the ceiling was collapsing in the stations and then, the cracks began to run down the ceiling over us. “RUN!” was all she said before the ceiling started to collapse over us.

“FUCK!” I yelled as we ran. The pieces of debris were following us like a boulder in a ancient tunnel. The collapse was going from underground to surface. We ran through crowds of confused Zebras as the ceiling was following us. They were crushed as they tried to fire on us. Those stupid bastards, they should‘ve ran. We made our way through the bag check and the security office taking a few more bullets our way as we ran pass them. I heard Velvet grunt when we passed the office. I moved behind her just in case if she fell down. A few Zebras decide to fuck it and run besides to fire on us. ’At least some of them are smart’ I thought as I tiny bit of concrete hit me in the head. “Ow.” I said as I rubbed my head. Then, we got to the to the ticket booths and maintenance offices. Some of the Zebras had set traps before we got there for any pony that planed to ambush them. One was three grenades on a trip wire hanging over our heads. I nearly got my ass blown off but, good thing I was running for my life. And of course they have fucking motion sensor landmines. They exploded all around us and I could feel the warming feeling of blood on my flanks. Then, the last but, not least. They, had placed four semi auto shotguns in front of the entrance. I took a few of the buck shot pellets to my side and I moved about a foot to the right as we ran up the stair to the chain link entrance. Then, it stopped. The collapse stopped about five feet from where we dropped on the stairs leading up to the surface. But, the Zebras continued to run to the surface. “Damn. Now, that’s a way to get you morning run.” I said with a chuckle but, I stopped when the pain in my chest came to the realization that I was hit several times.

“How are doing on ammo?” Velvet said taking a drink of water from her canteen.

I looked down at my kit and replied “I’ve got four more mags and a maybe ten rounds in my rifle. You?”

“Pretty much the same.” She said looking down at me from a couple steps above me. Then, she saw the blood flowing down the stairs. “You are a bullet magnet you know that? But, good thing you took that med pack.” She said with that same motherly tone mixed with concern. She used her magic to take off my body armor which kind of made me feel naked for some reason. “Shit. How in the hell are you still alive?” She said as moved my fur from a few spots. “You took some bullets to the chest which as bruised you badly, you took some buckshot to the side from those shotguns, which several had gone through, plus in a matter of dumb luck it probably just grazed some internal organs. It didn’t hit anything too badly.“ I knew that she was lying. From the way my insides hurt I could tell that they hit something pretty bad. She continued to look at me. “ You took some shrapnel from the grenades and mines in your ass and legs. You are some piece of work you know that? But, you can take some punishment, I ought to give you that.” She said this time with chuckle but, she winched and she stopped.

I saw this and saw that blood was flowing freely through her green coat. “You’re shot.” I looked to see that she had been shot in the shoulder, probably during the run. How she was able to run after that during the collapse, I will never know but, I sat up which made her made but, I ignored it. “I need to help you.” I said starting to open the med pack.

“What?! Why!?” She said like a child who was about to be force to take their medicine

I sighed “Because, even my doctor can get hurt and she needs my help now.” She went silent as she realized that I was right. “Now, drink this. This is an experimental healing option. The Zebra that attacked me in my home, he had it on him after I killed him.”

She gulped as she took it in her magic and was about to put it to her lip. But, she hesitated and looked at it then, she looked at me. “Wait, can’t we split it? Because, you are pretty banged up, and that is a understatement.” she said stating the obvious. This time I went quiet as I realized that she was right when I looked at me without my body armor.

I sighed and looked down at my body then, back at her. “Ok, I’ve got a cup right here so we can split it.” I said flaring my horn taking a metal canteen cup from my pack. I placed it on the step as my head was starting to pound hard. “Just pour it in and I’ll be ready.” I said rubbing my head. She poured about half of the round bottle’s contents into the cup. I smiled and looked up at Velvet, raising the cup. “Well, over the lips, through the gums, watch out stomach, here it comes.” I said before I chugged it down. It tasted nasty like a cupcake made with rotten eggs but, not as bad as my school food in high school. When I looked down, Velvet had finished hers and I could almost immediately see that the flow of blood was stopping and the holes and cuts were closing and healing. “Damn.” Was all I could say as the bullet wounds on Velvet started to heal before my eyes.

“Right, damn. Your bruises are healing along with the wounds from the buckshot.” then, I heard something fall out of the ground. It was tiny bits of metal tumbling onto the ground. I saw a piece fall out of the wound it made. I got up and I couldn’t feel any of the pain. “How are you feeling?” I asked Velvet as she got up.

“Pretty, damn good. Right now.” she replied shaking her shoulder. “And my shoulder doesn’t hurt like a bitch any more. Since, it doesn‘t hurt now and we‘re not being shot at I can do this.” I was confused for a moment as she said that. Then, she slugged me in the leg. “That was for charging like a fucking idiot into a crowd of Zebras firing on you without considering your own safety, you dumb ass. But, this is for helping me.” She said hugging me, which made me blush like a wild fire again. When she released me from her grasp, she slugged me in the leg again. “And that was to make up for it. And don’t expect me to give out that many hugs. Now, lets get the fuck out of here. From what I could tell this was an outpost.” She said opening the gate with a smirk. I pulled on my armor and kit then, got up. I walked up to catch up to Velvet to the gate. She looked at me as we walked out.

The moment that we walked outside we heard the sounds of rifles being cocked and was blinded by headlights. “Drop your weapons or we shoot!” said a voice over a microphone. We dropped our rifles and pistols. I even had to put down the revolver that Simmering River gave me. I looked down where I were standing. We were behind a bunch of bodies that seemed to be shot down. Their weapons scattered around like sand at a beach. I was about to step on one right in front of me.

“Wait! We’re ponies! Don’t shoot!” Velvet said to the masked figures with no noticeable markings on their armor. Just black.

There was silence for a moment before one of them came to us and looked at both of us. The figure turned its head toward what appeared to be a Humvee with a mounted machinegun. “There telling the truth, sir! These are captured Zebra weapons and body armor.” He said pointing at our equipment. “They’re civs and from the way there armor looks they were the ponies responsible for the firefight that we heard!” He looked at us. “Don’t worry your safe. I can see that you two have a long walk.” He said with a chuckle.

I breath a sigh of relief as the figure on top of the Humvee was a pony as he took off his mask. There was a three long scars running along the side of his face from his ear to the base of his jaw . “So, I hear that you can fight.” He was about to say some more with something that sounded like it was chopping the air come over the air. “Fuck!” as the pony on top of the Humvee turned to his left.

“Choppers inbound. I repeat Iron team, Choppers are inbound to your position. Do not engage. Avoid contact at all possible. We need you to see if there are any survivors of the metro collapse. I repeat look for survivors.” The pony’s radio in front of us rang out.

The pony on the Humvee looked at us with concern. “We can talk about your fighting later. Get in the fucking Humvee right now or we will be mincemeat.” Velvet and me looked at each other and nodded.

Velvet grabbed her weapons and ran in one of the Humvees that had a BAG (Big Ass Gun) on top of it. I grabbed my pistols and without looking I took a rifle. It felt a littler heavier for some reason but, I didn’t really notice at that moment. When the door closed, they gunned it and we were off.

Chapter end

“You have just really pissed off the Zebras now. Now, they are not holding back since you just destroyed a critical supply point in the city. But, since they don’t really know who did it, they are now going to find a way to track who ever did it and they will kill innocent ponies to do it. Now, since it is gone. The power of that area is now up for grabs. Also, who are the ponies that you’ve contacted after the collapse?” The pony in front of Jack Rabbit said taking a drink of water.

“Well, I’ll just continue now.” Jack Rabbit said a little smile. “This is where the fun began.”