Diamonds are a girl's worst enemy

by Rarity Belle

Act 4 chapter 3

Minutes had the two ponies been talking to one another while circling in a dangerous manner. With the rain and thunder not slowing down in any way, shape or form, Twilight began to fear that the only outcome of the events would have been a battle between her and her friend. Or better said: ex-friend.

        The hateful words that Rarity spoke up in her deluded mind were everything but kind against her or for her. Yet even though Twilight had almost been killed by her, she still wanted to give the unicorn a second chance. It was an accident and she knew that. Rarity never had been that tough when it came to blood, so it was only logical that she fled. Yet it didn't change the fact that she still was insane. The sheer amount of insanity that rushed through her was unimaginable.

        Not even the logical and reasoning voice of Twilight could have ever gotten through her thick skull. The only thing that was left to do, was for Twilight to accept the facts as they were. The fact that Rarity herself had turned into a villain of a comic book. As odd as it may have seemed, it was just the truth.

        Every reason to get the mare back to earth as it was, was thrown right aside as the firm believes of Rarity always seemed to get the upper end. It was something that annoyed Twilight perhaps a little bit more than it originally should have, but it was the way she worked.

        A deep sigh was released through the mulberry unicorn’s nostrils before the eyes tore themselves away from Rarity. They gently looked out of the windows to the black cloud covered land. The storm would continue to rage on, endless and violent. Much like she had seen Rarity in her actions and way of speech.

        There were little things that gave almost everything away from her changed psyche to Twilight. The way she walked wasn't refined, but seemed to be more brutal. The way she spoke her words wasn't smooth, but near stuttering. Many wouldn't have been able to notice these very tiny things. But Twilight did. For even she had changed.

        Ever since her talk with princess Celestia at the gala, there also was a change in her. One best left undiscovered for the crystalline limbed unicorn. “It was you, wasn't it? At this year’s gala.” Twilight then spoke up. It seemed a bit odd to bring up the fact, but she had always believed that it was Rarity from the first second.

        “You clever, little, pony,” hissed Rarity through her teeth. It was indeed her who was at the gala all that time ago. There was no need to keep denying the facts as they were for Twilight. She was perfectly capable of discovering every last little secret there happened to be. “It was indeed I who happened to have been there. Morphed my little babies here right into that beautiful little dress.” It was already more than clear that she had grown fond of her arms, for it was the first time that she even called them like that. Only more trouble could be knocking on Twilight’s door and that was just about the last thing she needed.

        “Makes your words becoming the truth. That when somepony left, you might see it in strange places,” countered Twilight to her. That was before a grin went across her face. From her point of view, she had set Rarity check and perhaps even mate. Yet there wasn't much in the world they knew that could actually have prepared her for what would be coming next.

        Rarity released a deep grin before she finally lowered herself upon her arms and nodded to the words. The arms then released the ground and assumed their more peaceful position as she spoke her words. “They indeed were the truth, for believe it or not, even I was surprised when I first saw you. A ghost of yesterday, I encountered that very day. And it was only today that that lingering thought was confirmed. Months I have been doubting to know whether or not was actually you.”

        Then she suddenly assumed a fighting stance as the claws snapped shut a couple of times and the horn charged itself up. “But don’t worry all too much, little Sparkle, for I may not have succeeded the first time, I won’t make that mistake twice.”


It were those very words that caused the mare didn't expect and took them as a direct death threat. It was something caused her to lose faith in the fact that the effects on Rarity’s psyche could ever have been reversed. And for that, there was only one option that could be done in order to make sure she wouldn't harm any other ponies. “I really didn't wanted to do this Rarity, but you leave me with no other choice,” growled Twilight to her once-friend.

        “Ha! I’m actually delighted to be hearing that, bring it on.” The horn of Twilight allowed itself to be cast within the magical aura. Both of the mares were ready to fight it out once and for all. The eyes managed to find one another again and they locked on. For just a small period of time did time itself actually slow down.  Seconds seemed like hours as both of their beats were beating in sync and the memories of one another played themselves out before their eyes.

        Memories which both of them actually enjoyed at one point or the other. Yet in the moment they despised them. Rarity released a low growl whereas Twilight had to fight back the tears. It was difficult for her to accept the truth, but it was even harder to unleash the plan that was planned. Time then returned to its more normal state and one thundering roar from the weather marked the beginning of the end.

        The mares were given the freedom to do whatever they wanted, for their final stand had begun.  They both had reasons to be kept alive and keep on living. Yet they wanted to end the other.

        Twilight started to galloped towards Rarity, who in return did the same. Though the ivory mare used her arms to gain even more speed. Their horns did both release a blast of magic that was unexpected for both sides. For where they thought the other would release a blast, they formed either an arcane sword or crystalline sword right on top of it.

        The sights alone were interesting to see. Though they became more curious when the mares crashed against one another and had their swords in a lock. Both Twilight and Rarity looked each other deep in the eyes as they tried to push the other away. Both of the two ‘horn-swords’ were incredibly powerful as their source was the actual magic each of the unicorn’s possessed.

        “So we are still going to do this honorable?” asked Rarity to her. She continued to give her everything.

        “Now that I know what you are… there is no more honor in your deeds,” replied Twilight with a stone cold and calculating voice. It was actually precisely where Rarity had hoped for and with one swoop she managed one of her arms to hit Twilight and fling her into the air. Though Twilight wouldn't be going down that easily and teleported herself out of harm’s way.

        With a poof she stood on the orb of magic on the altar and looked over to Rarity with a stern expression. “I should have expected it, from the likes of you.” Only then did the sword on her horn fade away and much to her surprise, so did Rarity’s. It could only have meant one thing and that was that it would have become a brawl of hooves and crystal limbs.

        With an elegant jump did Twilight made her way back into the area. With that, battle continued. Rarity received blow after blow from Twilight’s amethyst leg while the arms continued to punch the other mare. It was incredible that they could both hold so many hits and not go down. It was thanks to their own magic as well as the adrenaline that was pumping through their bodies that they managed to keep going.

        Neither of the unicorns wanted to give up. They both wanted to win for different reasons. But one thing they did have in common was that they wanted to end their torment from the other. That was the only fact that made the mares even more dangerous for each other.