Hope / An Unexpected Ally

by brandsca123

An Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 2
An Unexpected Visitor

Rainbow Dash flew through the air as fast as she could. She needed to help this thing, regardless of it being dangerous or not. She couldn't explain it but when she locked eyes with it, she swore that something was tugging at her mind. She stopped suddenly and realised that the creature must have entered her mind somehow. She flew back to the crater and loomed over the creature. She wanted answers and she will get them. She landed next to the alien and sat down, the creature looked up at her and stared deeply into her eyes. Rainbow Dash shuddered, it felt as if this thing was reading her mind and looking directly at her soul. She then noticed the jewel on its head was glowing. She stared at it with curiosity and touched it with her hoof. She then felt a strong surge of energy enter her mind. The world around her dim and went black.


Rainbow Dash awoke next to the alien with a small headache. She groaned and got up onto her hooves. She shook her head and glared at the creature, who just stared back at her with longing.

"What the hay did you just do to me." Rainbow Dash demanded. She continued to glare at the alien, who answered her with silence. After a few long minutes Rainbow Dash sighed.

"You don't understand me do you." The creature just stared.

"You can stop staring at me now, it's starting to creep me out." Rainbow Dash was looking around nervously trying to avoid eye contact with the alien. She felt a small warm sensation on her right leg, she looked down and gasped. On her front leg was a marking, it looked like a dragon with its wings and mouth open. The marking was pitch black and looked more like a burn mark. She put a hoof on the mark and was surprised to find that it blended in with her fur. Rainbow Dash was trembling now as she took a few steps back.

"Why did you do this." Rainbow dash asked. Suddenly she herd a voice in her head say,

"Rainbow Dash" The voice sounded male. This freaked Rainbow Dash out and she started to back away some more. She then took off and flew away from the crater leaving the alien behind.


Fluttershy heard a knock on her door and a regale voice said.

"Fluttershy darling are busy at the moment?" Fluttershy let out a small squeak of surprise as she flew to the door.

"Just a minute Rarity." Fluttershy said. She opened the door to make way for her friend. The white unicorn then asked.

"I was wondering if you and Hope would like to go to the spa with me today. Sweetiebell is with her friends at the moment and I have some spare time on my hands." Fluttershy had completely forgot it was her and Rarity's spa date today.

"Sure thing Rarity just let me get Hope." She picked up Hope and went outside with Rarity.

The two were gossiping while walking towards a small building. Hope was looking around in wonder, curious as to where they were going.

"What's a spa Mamashy?" Hope asked. Rarity spoke up before Fluttershy had a chance to answer.

"Oh that's right it's your first time here. A spa darling is a place where ponies go to relax and get their hooves done." Hope just stared in confusion, still unsure of what might happen. They got to the doors and went inside, where Hope was then bombarded by two mares. Alo and Vera were twin sisters that ran the ponyville spa. They were leading the trio into a back room where they were then seated onto chairs. Hope still didn't understand what was going on.

"It's okay dear nothing bad is going to happen." Rarity said to Hope, putting a hoof on her shoulder. This seemed to calm Hope down a bit as the mares started putting a mud mask on them. Hope found this enjoyable and quickly fell into a deep sleep.


Rainbow Dash still couldn't shake the feeling of something tugging at her mind and was starting to panic. She didn't know what to do and ended up flying around in circles. No matter what she did she always ended up at the crater. After a few hours of flying she gave up. Rainbow landed next to the alien and sighed.

"Why are you doing this?" Rainbow Dash asked, but her question was left unanswered. She fell down defeated, and sighed some more.

"Look I don't know what you want or why your doing this but please leave me out of it." Rainbow Dash was begging, It didn't feel that good to her because she isn't one to beg. The creature just stared at her. Rainbow Dash was now starting to get angry.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!" She shouted. Just then the voice came back this time it said one word.

"Danger" Rainbow Dash was confused. This alien was starting to anoy her.

"What do you mean danger?" She asked. She waited for an answer but none came. She groaned and fell to the ground.

"What have I gotten myself into." It was then she got an idea. Maybe this creature wanted her to carry it into town. She quickly dismissed the idea as crazy and continued to glare at the thing. 'But then again it might be worth a shot' Rainbow Dash thought. She bent Down and placed the alien on her back, it was surprisingly light for how heavy it looked. She felt the thing grip her as she took off.

"It's now or never" She said.


Hope was woken up by Alo shaking her.

"Good your awake, your mother is waiting for you in the main lobby." Hope got up and stretched, Alo then led her out of the room to Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Never in my life have I seen somepony fall asleep while getting their face done." Alo laughed. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at Hope. They walked outside where Rarity then said goodbye.

"I really have to get back to work now Fluttershy, oh and Hope please take care of yourself." Hope just nodded. Fluttershy and Hope were walking into town when they saw a crowd gathered around ponyville hospital.

"What was that thing"

"Why would she bring it here"

"Is it dangerous"

"Did you see her leg, what happened." Were some of the things they heard coming from the citizens. They made way for a tired looking Rainbow Dash as she trotted foreword with some difficulty. Fluttershy ran up to her friend and asked.

"What happened?" Rainbow Dash looked at her friend and said.

"I'm not to sure myself, so why not take a look at it." She said as she took off flying towards her cloud house. Fluttershy looked at the entrance of the hospital and gasped. There lying down in a heap was a bleeding bipedle rabbit like thing. She watched as a nurse pony dragged the creature inside. Hope just stared in wonder and pulled on Fluttershy's hoof.

"Come on Mamashy I want to see it." Fluttershy hesitantly led Hope inside the building unsure as to what might happen.