Trixie Lulamoon: Child of the Moon

by FenixBlaze979

4. The Gifts from the First Alicorn

Trixie had a restful nap back at her trailer after a long trip back from the forest, and already had gathered her clothes and accessories for the journey with Princess Luna as the sun slowly began to set. Luna was waiting for Trixie as she looked while Trixie locked her trailer with one of the magic locks she took away from the Tremor Brothers. As she slowly raised the moon with her magic, Luna was affirmed of the fact that Trixie was able to understand such a complex pony as herself.
“Well, The Great and Powerful Trixie, is ready for her wonderful journey with the Princess of the Night!” Trixie boasted when she finished locking up her trailer.
“I am glad to see you are excited, Trixie”, Luna said warmly, “I will lead the way for you. There’s a town we can stop at to eat before we get to the place.”
Luna felt invigorated by Trixie’s words, and then sparked her horn. The bluish light enveloped Trixie’s trailer, and it started rolling along near Luna as she and Trixie set off on their journey to find the place that Luna was talking about.
It was around 8:30 pm when Luna and Trixie arrived near the town of Petalburg. They could see a few lights were on, meaning that a few businesses were open during the evening time.
“I must ask that you go find us something to eat, Trixie”, Luna said softly.
“Why’s that, Luna?” Trixie looked puzzled.
“I really don’t feel like attracting unwanted attention right now. I don’t think my subjects would be able to sleep after they met someone from Canterlot, much less a princess”, Luna mused as she wrinkled her face.
“Fair enough”, said Trixie as she trotted towards Petalburg, “I’ll see what I can find. Anything suit your fancy?”
“Anything should suffice, as long as a store is open!” called Luna.
Trixie entered town, and found only a couple of stores were open. Their lights were blazing through the darkness as Trixie walked closer. She could see a pastry shop and a clothing store where the lights were on. Clearly, the pastry shop was far more enticing to Trixie than getting new duds, so she confidently trotted towards the wonderful dessert shop and opened the door with her magic. Inside stood a stallion wearing an apron, looking really gruff and ready to go home.
“Hey, yous. We ain’t got time fo’ window shoppers”, said the shopkeep, “I’ll be closing soon, so make it snappy, will ‘ya?”
Trixie exchanged a quick glance at him, almost mirroring his expression, and then she looked at the glass display near the register. There were a few things that Trixie liked, but there were only one of each kind. She then noticed two flat rolls of bread with what looked like to be pumpkin filling inside.
“Excuse me, kind sir, what are these two bread roll like desserts?” Trixie asked nicely with a hint of sarcasm.
“Those ‘ah called pumpkin empanadas. You want ‘em or naht?”
“Yes”, said Trixie, “I’ll take them both. How much for them?”
“I’ll sell them to ya fo 2 bits.”
Trixie opened her bag with her magic, and floated two golden coins over to the shopkeep.
“Thanks for ya business. Have a good evening.”
“Chin up, Sunshine!” Trixie grinned, “You have a magical evening, yourself.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, yous!” He said trying to hide his smile.
Trixie then trotted out of the shop and back towards the place where Luna was staying.
“Well, Moonbutt!” Trixie said haughtily, “Hope you like empanadas, or whatever. Didn’t think we imported here in Equestria!”
Luna chuckled at Trixie’s quip. “Honestly, do you have to call me that? Anyway, they do bring fine Latino caballos from Mexico…” Trixie started to furrow her eyebrows after Luna said that, “I mean, yes, I do like empanadas! They’re very good!”
They started eating as they continued to walk along the path. The moon softly lit up the road nicely as Trixie and Luna both enjoyed their delicious pastries. The stars dotting the sky twinkled every so often as Trixie wondered how a princess could make nighttime so beautiful.
It was in the overnight hours that Trixie and Luna were getting tired of the long journey.
“How much further?” Trixie whined.
“It seems we’re almost there”, said Luna, “Let’s stop here for now and get some rest. We’ve traveled long enough.”
“Thank the heavens!” Trixie sighed as she plopped on the ground. Luna slowed the creaky trailer to a halt and released it from her magic. She then levitated the sleepy Trixie into her trailer where her bed laid. Luna placed her on the bed, then sat down and closed her eyes for a little bit.
Dawn arose as Luna started to lower the moon from its perch in the sky. After her short recess, Luna had begun to move the trailer again while Trixie was asleep. Only now did she start moving the moon slowly to allow her sister’s sun its time to shine. As she was doing that, Luna discovered the place she was searching for. Finishing her routine, Luna stopped the trailer and went inside to wake up Trixie. Trixie’s stomach wasn’t feeling too good, probably because the empanada did not agree with her as much as she thought. She stumbled out of her bed as Luna excitedly rushed outside to find herself staring at a wide and dark cave that looked similar to a foul beast of Tartarus.
“I think I’m going to hurl,” Trixie uttered, almost ready to throw up from her new pastry experience.
“Well, while you are hurling,” Luna explained, “I shall tell you about this cave. This is called the Cave of Pandora. It is said to be the resting place of the First Alicorn Pony.”
Trixie looked after her queasiness went away a bit to see the gaping, dark mouth of the cave stand before them. Many jagged rocks and stalactites gave way to the harrowing entrance of the cave. A chill ran down Trixie’s spine just gazing at the hellacious façade. It was almost similar to that time when she faced the Ursa Minor back in Ponyville. She swallowed, building up her courage as Luna led the way inside the cavern.
Ten minutes past, and Trixie was starting to feel beads of sweat form on her body. Whether it was nerves, or just the condensation, she pressed on as she followed the soft, glowing light from the princess’ horn. From the light, Trixie could see the analog pattern of the stalactites reaching out to the cave floor. As scary as this was, Trixie found a thrill in this small adventure; not knowing what she and Luna would run into next.
Continuing onwards, Luna suddenly stopped, as Trixie slightly bumped into the princess, unaware why she stopped.
“Princess, why did you stop all of the sudden?” Trixie asked.
“We are here, Trixie”, Luna answered, as her horn glowed brighter to reveal a temple-like room. Inside, there scattered a few bats that loved the darkness of the cavern. The room was somewhat gilded, almost like it held the resting place of a pharaoh. As they looked around to gaze at the wonder of the room, Trixie and Luna then saw a few feet in front of them an altar. Lying on the altar was a box. Luna stepped forward while Trixie stayed at the princess’ side.
“The spirit of Pandora is in this box”, Luna explained as Trixie looked on curiously, “Her spirit lies in a dreamscape created long ago to seal her inside this box. I can use my dream walking ability to send you there; however, I can only do this for about thirty minutes before I exhaust my magic power, so proceed with haste.”
“What will I do once I’m inside?” Trixie wondered.
“You must complete the trials of the spirit”, Luna said, “Only then will you receive its reward. I’m not sure what exactly the reward is, but it will help you greatly. I have faith you will pass the trials.”
“Thanks…I guess”, Trixie said anxiously before gathering herself with boastful fervor, “Now, it’s time for the Great and Powerful Trixie to show this Pandora that Trixie is a high-level unicorn!”
Luna nodded in response. Her horn then sparked as she prepared to send Trixie into Pandora’s dreamscape.
Luna summoned a spatial door near the box. “Now, Trixie, please enter with caution! Have courage!”
Trixie, gritting her teeth, stepped inside the door, awaiting the unknown. Luna closed the door, and focused on keeping her magic power up to keep the door in reality.
As soon as Luna closed the door, Trixie instantly felt like she was falling. She gasped as she floated out into the space, where it was almost black, but it had multiple waves of dark colors as far as she could see.
“Who goes and disturbs the peace of Pandora!?” a voice boomed, shocking the weightless Trixie.
“It is I, the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie responded in her confident manner.
“I see”, said the voice of Pandora, “I know who you are, child. You are merely an illusionist, a show mare if you will…” The voice then revealed its true form; a gray alicorn with a flowing purple spectrum of color. Her golden eyes leered through Trixie, showing her massive presence, “That hotshot of a princess believes my spirit rests in eternity, but as a matter of fact, I have the gift of omnipotence which goes through any dimension of space-time. Even though I have no direct influence, I see everything from Equestria and beyond. This power was granted to me by the divine, among many other powers that have been passed down through millennia!”
Trixie gaped with a flabbergasted look on her face as the alicorn continued. “Everything that is good, I have passed down, but I also passed down the evil power in the world, which is why I was deemed too dangerous, and sealed away for eternity. I was blamed for the evil in the world. Even though the divine granted me all the powers, there remained my omnipotence. I have watched you in particular. You remind me of myself in a few ways; not knowing what your true purpose is or what your power truly serves to accomplish in the grand scheme of things. So, I offer you this challenge, O Great and Powerful Trixie! If you can answer three questions to the best of your ability, I shall determine the quality of your answers. If I am satisfied, then you will be rewarded; if not, you will never be allowed to come here ever again for the rest of your pathetic existence! Shall we begin?”
Trixie nodded with confidence. “I am ready!”
“Very well, then!” Pandora bellowed once again, “Your first question; why exactly have you come to me, child? Answer me please with the best integrity!”
Trixie thought her answer over for a moment; all the experiences she went through led up to this very moment. “I came to seek knowledge; knowledge of myself, and what my power entails. For years, I had been jealous of Twilight Sparkle ever since we were at the Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns. Magic came so easy to her, and for me, not so much. I had my tricks and such, but her magic was always pure. When she showed me up the first time in Ponyville, I was bitter, resentful even. I walked the path of vengeance, which culminated with me getting the Alicorn Amulet, and wreaking havoc upon Twilight and her friends. I then understood that the path of vengeance was not the correct path to take, and I continued towards a better path for myself. I know the amulet corrupted me, but what truly corrupted me was my vengeance. I know now what I should seek, and what I seek, is my true power, the power that I was born with. This is why I have come to you, Pandora!”
Pandora grinned slightly at Trixie’s answer. She seemed satisfied as she readied the next question. “Why do you seek knowledge of your own power?”
Trixie answered, “I want to know what my true power is because I know I have a place in this world. Somehow, I keep living, but for what? If I find out what my true power is, I will use it for good, not for vengeance. Revenge is never the answer. For the first time, I actually worried and cared about not just any other pony, but the Princess of the Night herself! She’s been through things like I have, and we both share a lonely road, but for now, I travel with her. I hope that she will guide me towards seeking what I need to know.”
Pandora closed her eyes for a moment to mull over Trixie’s words. “I see you have learned from your past. Now tell me, for my final question, what is it you most fear?”
Trixie closed her eyes and thought about the question for a moment. As she was thinking, memories flooded into her mind of her younger days as a filly when she was with her mother. Trixie’s eyes shined like a beautiful star as her mother was reading a story to her. Then, her father came home from doing a magic show and he came over and hugged Trixie and his wife. For that brief moment, Trixie felt warm and comforted. She was at peace. She had parents who loved her, and did amazing things for her. Then the feeling turned cold, as now a grown mare, her parents started to fade away into nothingness. Trixie tried to reach out to them, but they seemed too far away from her grasp.
“Mom, Dad! Don’t leave me!” she shouted to them as they continued to drift away, “I need you guys! I’m nothing without my family! I love you, don’t leave me! Mom! Dad!”
Trixie then opened her eyes as they filled with tears. Through her tears, she tried to look Pandora in her steely eyes as she found it difficult to speak. She closed her eyes again as the tears streamed down her countenance.
“I’m afraid…that I’ll be alone…forever,” Trixie muttered as her mouth quivered while she spoke.
Pandora, having barely heard Trixie’s sorrowful words, brightened up the darkness with her awesome power. Trixie then felt the same warmth she felt in her memories as Pandora’s light flowed through her. She wiped away her tears with her hoof as Pandora spoke in her usual booming voice.
“You’re a fool, Trixie Lulamoon! For as long as you roam this land with a dream in your heart, you will never be alone! Do you not see the ponies that care for you at this very moment? I shall tell you that you cannot lose those that care about your well-being! Your parents, Beatrix the Powerful, and Stalliodini the Great, are not in your life right now, but their love and kindness for you will always be inside your heart! Live for now and for the future!”
Trixie beamed with pride as Pandora then produced a golden bag from the bright space and floated it over to Trixie. Trixie’s eyes were drawn to the bag in wonder as Pandora continued her speech, “Since you have the same affinity for magical artifacts like your mother and father, I want you to have these items blessed by my power. There are three items in this magical bag that has virtually unlimited space. These items will help you as you tap into their magical properties. If you truly want to have a place in this world, you will learn to use my items for protection instead of destruction, but it is ultimately your choice whether to follow a positive path or not. Now, I shall return you to the entrance of my cavern, but heed these words, Trixie Lulamoon! There are two other items of mine that are missing out in the world of Equestria. One is in the form of a key; the other is a magical, elemental rod. Please find them before they fall into the wrong hands. Good luck to you. May the light shine upon you, child…” Pandora’s voice started to fade as Trixie felt her body being pulled in an uncomfortable position as her eyes glazed over while she was transported back to the outside of Pandora’s Cave. Trixie fell from the portal’s area, but Luna was waiting for her outside to catch her on her back.
“Nice of you to drop by, Trixie!” Luna smiled, still wincing a bit from her sore wings. Trixie struggled to open her eyes for a second, but she was able to slide off of Luna’s back onto the rolling plains near the cavern. “That was certainly an experience”, Trixie said as she tried to adjust to being on solid ground again. Luna noticed the gold bag that housed the gifts from Pandora, and her eyes lit up with joy. “I see you have the items from Pandora, then?” Luna asked just to make sure.
“I’m not sure what they are yet”, Trixie answered, “But I guess we’ll figure it out when we get you home.”
Luna suddenly gasped upon hearing that revelation. “Starswirl’s beard! I totally forgot that I needed to get back home! I’m sure my sister and the royal guard have been out searching all over Equestria for me, even though I have just raised and lowered the moon since I was with you, so they must know I’m doing all right! We must return to Canterlot at once!”
“Where are we going to find a train station out here?” Trixie wondered, “Did Petalburg have one?”
“Not really”, said Luna, “It’s over at the next town at Trotstown.”
“Is it close by?” Trixie asked.
“It’s relatively close to here”, Luna explained, “We can make the next one if we hurry!”
Trixie was already off towards Trotstown. “Come on, slowpoke!” Trixie called.
“What about your trailer, Trixie?” Luna wondered what would become of Trixie’s trailer.
“It’ll be fine!” Trixie shouted, “It’s protected by that lock, anyway!”
Luna, satisfied with the magic locking mechanism, hurried along to catch up to Trixie as they set off towards the Trotstown Station. Next stop, Canterlot Castle, as Trixie goes to return Princess Luna home.