
by Pwn13s


My hooves glide gently against the strings of my lyre. I look up at the sky, a clear blue, dotted with white clouds that float gently in the wind. The sun shines down, illuminating the grass. Everything seems so peaceful. Everything is.

The lyre sings out the melody, a simple string of notes and chords, and I close my eyes, lost in the sweet tunes. I smile gently, and sigh. It's now been a year. A year since, well, since she died. My heart aches, but it is only a small pain compared to when I first lost her. But now, it is only a gentle reminder. I will never forget.

I don't want to, really. Remembering her helps a bit. It helps me relax, and although I grieved her for months after she was gone, now it almost gives me a sense of satisfaction. That I can remember her all this time. And although I am by myself, I am not lonely. She is with me forever, in my mind, in my dreams, in the tunes I play.

This was her favourite song. I learnt it soon after we met, and played it when I proposed to her. The smile on her face lit up the grass around her, and now, remembering her joy, I smile too. She would have wanted me to be happy. Move on. Because, ironically, death is a part of life.

And so I sit, playing the tunes, and simply enjoying life. The old picture of us sits on the table in front of me, and I cherish every image of her I have. But today is not any ordinary day. I pick the lyre up with my horn, and my turquoise aura surrounds it. Gently, I put it down on the table.

Getting to my hooves, I walk along to the kitchen. I grab a small handful of berries from the fridge, and put them in a bowl. I look around, and see an aged bottle of wine. Might as well. I levitate my berries and the wine back into the backyard, and place them down on the table.

Pouring myself a small glass, I pop a blueberry into my mouth. It bursts, releasing the sweet juices into my mouth, and I sip the wine. It has a strong, nutty taste to it, and I take another small sip. I look up at the clouds, and I see her face there. It is only there for a moment, but it seems to smile at me. I smile back.

Then, in a small gust of wind, I see it blown away. It returns back to another ordinary cloud, one that anyone might glance at, but none who would appreciate it. I do. It is a soft cloud, pearly white and with a shine on the edges of it. It's a beautiful sight.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. ‘Lyra? Lyra are you in there?’ I sigh, and leave my berries where they are. I get to my hooves once more and trot along to the door. ‘I’m coming!’ My horn glows and the door opens up.

A blue mare with mint striped hair is standing outside my door, and she smiles at me. ‘Colgate! What are you doing here?’

‘I just thought I’d pop by on my way back into town. May I come in?’

I stare at her for a second. I moved out of town into the countryside because Bon Bon felt it would be nice, a retreat from the town. I reluctantly agreed, but in the end, I was more attached to this place than she was.

I didn’t expect anyone to really visit us, even when we were together and maintained our friendships with almost everyone. But now, I never thought someone would come, let alone Colgate, the busiest dentist in Equestria. But here she was, right outside my door.

‘Oh I’m so sorry, please, come in.’ Colgate nods her head in thanks, and walks inside. She walks around the house a bit, and then into the backyard. I follow her over there, and she sits down on one of the benches. I take my seat in my chair.

‘So how are you these days? I hardly ever have time to visit.’ She looks over at the field, and then back at me.

‘Yeah, I’m fine I guess. It’s nice being away from town. It’s too busy over there, and I just needed some sort of a, well, a break.’

‘But don’t you get lonely here? It’s so far away from Ponyville, and there’s no small town or even a shack for miles! Except for yours of course.’

I smile. ‘I admit it’s not the nicest place for a single mare, but I enjoy the surroundings. Besides, how could I move out of Bon Bon’s home. After all, she chose it and paid for most of it. I just dont think I can let go of it.’ I look into the fields, at the berry bushes, the small birds playing in the tall grass.

I look up at the sun, shining gently on the land, and I smile. ‘I love this place, Colgate. It’s such a nice house don’t you think? I mean yeah, I’m living by myself. But this place, it’s almost as if she’s still here. In the fields, in the kitchen, in the bedroom.
‘And look at the sun! It’s almost as if, when she passed away, she blessed this place with perfect weather. You know that Colgate? I haven’t had a single storm or day of intense heat for a year. I just, I want to stay here. To remember her.’

‘Lyra? Are you.....’ Colgate looks at me nervously.

A tear rolls down my cheek. ‘I know, Colgate. I know she’s gone. But just, please, let me remember her. This house, it’s all I have left. I need it.’

She looks at me, and then smiles gently. ‘I’m always in town if you need me, and I’ll cancel anything, even a meeting with Celestia, if you want to talk. All you need to do is let me know.’ She gets up, and nuzzles me. ‘I’ve got to go now. It was nice talking to you.’

She gets up towards the door. ‘Colgate?’ I call after her.

‘Yes Lyra?’

‘Thank you.’ She smiles at me, and then leaves. I watch her go, and turn back to my yard. I look out into the fields, and I imagine Bon Bon playing in them, me chasing her as we tumble through the grass. I smile, and tears well in my eyes once more.

I sip my wine. ‘Happy birthday Bon Bon.’