//------------------------------// // Battle for Ponytropolis // Story: Arachnity // by Rarity Belle //------------------------------// In the busy metropolis of Ponytropolis, there was always trouble lurking around every corner. The city was filled to the brim with crime which ranged from petty thievery to full-on heists done by figures that could be classified as abnormal. The police forces were unable to keep everything under control as many of them were even corrupt and consumed by their own power.         Yet the massive metropolis had a guardian angel. One that rose quite the bit ago and never truly had revealed itself. Or better said, the city had gained three guardian angels. Three ponies that were hailed by the civilians as so called superheroes. A pony of each race protected and served the people, instead of the system.         All three of them were feared by any outlaws within the borders and some had a couple close encounters with them. Who they really were, was unknown to the public. All that they got to know, was that those three mares were their worst nightmare.         Within the walls of the mansion that stood near the middle of the metropolis, a mansion that gained the comical name of Mansion du Carousel due to its shape, was home of the rich mare of Sweetie Belle. A pony who lived the good life in pretty much every single aspect as it was. Yet the looks in her eyes seemed to have been troubled. For she wandered through the dark hallways while the eyes turned to look outside of the window.         “How much longer before you strike again?” Sweetie mumbled to herself. She finally came to a stop. Her eyes looked further out of the window and over the city she was watching in the moment. The mare stood on just about the highest floor that the mansion had and with its build on top of a hill, the sights were perfect for her. She could have seen the entire city and far beyond.         A grumble both left and right could be heard before another set of hooves made its way into the hallway. A set of hooves that caused Sweetie’s ear to twitch softly but never looked up. “Milady Belle, it is late already, you need to get some form of sleep like your friends in the guest room. Albeit, I might start to call it a permanent room actually,” the voice of a concerned stallion spoke to her. It didn’t took long before he could be found within the light.         What was revealed was just about the only butler in the entire mansion, the one stallion whom had known Sweetie from nearly her birth. He was perhaps the only outsider trusted with her secret. Or, their secret. Yet the mare shook her head in response to his words. “I do not need sleep now, I never need sleep! The power of time is at my hooves and I can stop it whenever I want to sleep. No, I must stay awake almost all of the day, for she might return this night,” Sweetie replied.         “But you haven’t heard of this threat in more than a week. Perhaps it has already given up or is testing you!” the butler replied to his master with the concern still audible. “At least think about it, it might be playing with you, trying to demolish you before luring you out. And how would you react, when you have to face it but have merely no strength in your body?”         It were words that managed to hit Sweetie Belle right where they hit home and she released a deep sigh through her nostrils. “Maybe, maybe you’re right. Perhaps I do need a good night sleep with the girls before doing anything else,” she then returned to him. Only mere seconds later would she have turned herself around and began to make the journey to her bedroom.         “Though if I may ask, milady Belle, what is the name of this new threat?” None could blame the butler for his curiosity, he only was a pony as well. Though the sudden change in pace of Sweetie didn't go unnoticed to him. And it was in that moment that he had realized that the wrong question had been asked. “I’m sorry, for asking. Please, forget what I said.”         Though Sweetie Belle could have been seen as a bit of a rather stubborn mare. She knew what she wanted and would go to the limit in order to get it. “Her name, my dear Watson, is White Arachnity. Goodnight,” were the last words that she spoke to him.         The words caused Watson to gulp a bit. He began to imagine just how this being would look like. Though judging the name alone, it would have had some connection with spiders. Something that caused a shiver to travel down his spine. Then he parted from the hallway as well. “I bid thee all good luck, when facing her.” ---                       Yet all the way across the metropolis, in a place that was high up in the skies had one figure claimed the tip of one of the city’s most wonderful sights into her own personal hideout. Hidden on the very top penthouse of the abandoned apartment complex. Perhaps not the best hiding spot, but few dared to walk in the ripe for demolition neighborhood anyway. Which meant safety and no eyes.         Two stallions walked through the set of blacked out, glass doors to the insides of the place. The stairs and elevators were out of commission. Which meant that the only way to access it was via the balcony and helicopter. Which was exactly the way that they came. Though neither of them were certain what they would see. They knew why, they hadn’t a clue who had summoned them.         When they entered, the amounts of purple spider silk that covered the room almost caused them to shiver. “Do you even know how she looks?” of the them asked. The other shook his head. Neither knew how this her appeared. Relief wasn't going to be found for either of the two and they could only hope they wouldn't become food for her.         Closer and closer did the two stallions walk to a series of screens that had a chair placed before it. And in that chair she sat, her head and body hidden from the two of them. Yet the huffing noises that came from her direction were enough to make them realize their final hour had struck.         “You two, have failed me yet again,” the high classed, feminine voice spoke to them.         The eyes of the stallions grew bigger and bigger. They couldn't believe just what they had heard. Though denying their mistakes would have been pointless. They knew exactly what the voice meant with the words. Their job for the night had gone wrong, terribly wrong even. It was only then that a strand of saliva dropped down. It dropped on the hat of one of them. The stallion didn't even dare to look up and to see where it came from. The fright of the unknown was too great.         “I gave you two goons one job, to rob the armored truck that carried the diamond I needed for my master plan to bring Ponytropolis to its knees. You two had nothing more but one job. Plead for your lives, now,” the voice spoke again towards them. It didn’t hint towards mercy at all.         “M-Mistress, you don’t understand, they were there as well! They managed to somehow get to know our operations and stopped us!” one of the goons pleaded to the voice. The other still tried to wipe the saliva from his hat without looking up.         “Yeah! They were almost waiting for us at the corner. No way we would have taken the cargo from that thing and just walked away,” the other replied before he set his hat back.         “Who?!” the mare in the chair spoke up before her hoof slammed on the spider silk which then sent vibrations through the whole room. “Who managed, to stop you two idiots?”         Two gulps then followed up. They started to feel themselves incredibly uncomfortable about the whole situation. One wrong word from that moment and their lives would have been pretty much toast. Which was the last thing that they wanted. “M-Miss Mare-velous and F-Filly-Wonder.”         The answer on its own caused the being in the chair to release a thoughtful groan. One that would have continued for a second or two. “No Mare-Do-Well this time? She must have been taking the bait then. Still, you two failed me and I can’t use failure in the organization,” the mare answered.         Across the silk, there was something that seemed like a black widow spider who crawled down. All the way down until it stood on the hoof of the other being and was brought behind the chair. “In the arachnid kingdom, the female black widow devours her partner after they have mated with one another. Let’s see how fast you two can run from her.” Her tone had turned from a grim one, to a sadistically enjoyment before the two goons heard the ceiling crack above them.         They both knew more than well just what was going to happen and galloped away before the massive body dropped to the ground, setting in the chase. What followed a couple seconds later were two agonizing screams of utter terror before the silence returned within the building.         The black widow had returned to the silk. The being in the chair spoke her words. “Feminine supremacy in the animal kingdom is normal, yet stallions think they are everything. Hmpf, time to recalculate. Ponytropolis bank, there they stored my babies. And I shall get you, personally.” ---                       The next night was Sweetie Belle once more wandering through her mansion. That was until she came to the room where her two friends were. Which happened to be the basement. An enormous training complex had been set up for the mares where they could train and become better with their abilities. Though Sweetie Belle didn't seem to be too happy. “Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, we need to talk. And we need to do it now,” she said to the two of them.         Both of the mares were using the other as a punching bag while also wearing protective gear before they ceased their boxing match. Fighting in a bipedal pose was something that neither of the two had fully mastered yet. They just wanted to train that more than anything. Yet they were surprised to see the other mare coming at them like that.         “What’s wrong, Sweets?” Scootaloo questioned after they joined their friend. Though a reply in words they wouldn't get out of her. Instead did the horn of the unicorn charge up in the green aura. The newspaper of that very day was conjured in, for them all to read.         The article about two superheroes stopping a robbery before it even happened was highlighted right on the front page. “Why didn't you told me about this thing?”         “Watson said that you were asleep when we left. We wanted to call you in for it, but he insisted on letting you kept asleep. Can’t deny it though, you walked like a zombie three nights back,” Apple Bloom replied without her signature, southern accent.         Even though the actions were well-meant by her butler, sweetie just couldn't believe it and allowed the newspaper to go up in flame. Only then her horn discharged itself and a hoof of Scootaloo went over her shoulders. “Hey, calm down here, Sweets, it’s not like we’re going out every night to stop crime without you. One for all and all for one, remember?”         Yet the time to keep talking and settle their thoughts wasn't allowed to the mares. The alarm started to buzz through the entire basement. Something was wrong and they needed to find it out quick. Sweetie Belle reached to the nearest closet and took out three earpieces. One she kept while the other two were thrown to the other mares. All three of them plugged them in before they rushed to a secret compartment of the basement.         “Watson, what’s the status?” Sweetie spoke before she stepped into a too narrow doorway. The door fell shut behind her and the mare laid down on the saddle. Mechanical arms appeared with various pieces of her suit. It clamped itself against her body and she allowed a small moan to escape. “Talk to me Watson! We’re almost ready to deploy,” she then spoke in urgency.         “Milady Belle, shouting to me isn't going to get me to work any faster. But I have located it, it seems that a massive explosion has happened at the front doorway of the bank. My best guess, somepony has unfinished business with the location,” Watson spoke  to the three of them.         Something that both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom could understand. With them suited up in the tubes and lying on the saddles, there still was some time to chat. “Well, well, well, somepony is making haste. You think it’s her?” Sweetie asked to the both of them.         “Probably her goons, but they might tell us where she actually is,” Apple Bloom replied before the reddish light of their tubes turned green. The horn of Sweetie Belle charged up one more time. She would have placed a field of invisibility around each of them. Only then did the engines began to rev up and the three shot away like cannonballs that were freshly fired. ---                       They all raced through Ponytropolis without making crashes and being invisible was an art the three of them had mastered. Since they were on motorcycles, the risk of getting hit by something was a lot less bigger than if they used a car of any kind.         The horn of Sweetie Belle charged up once more, but that time to drop the field. Upon the abandoned road towards the bank they appeared literally out of nothing. The engines of the bikes roared like never before with their riders not what somepony expected. The mysterious Mare-Do-Well, Mistress Mare-velous and Filly-Wonder were riding the mighty machines.         Terror had struck and they had pulled out. The time to stop the crime was there and then. Closer and closer they got to the bank. They all could see an armored vehicle that stood just outside while the black smoke lost itself in the darkness of the night. “Looks like we’re still on time for a party!” Mare-velous grinned towards the others. She readied her lasso while driving.         “It’s time to kick flank and chew bubblegum!” Filly-Wonder smirked. Though one quick search later she realized one thing. “...And I’m all out of gum.”         “Easy girls, we need at least one of them to bring us to her. I want to end her anarchy once and for all,” replied Mare-Do-Well to them. The horn charged up again under the hat. “Three, two, one, go!” The charge was released and the body dematerialized from the world. Mare-velous used her lasso and a street light to disembark from her bike. All while Filly-Wonder just spread her wings and used them at their full power to gain air. They had left their transport and were ready to charge.         The three bikes then came to a screeching hold before they automatically turned around and drove away again. They wouldn’t be standing there, able to used by anypony who knew how to drive.         The goons that were standing outside had looked at the sight and readied their weapons for the fight of a lifetime. With both Filly-Wonder and Mare-velous in the air and not a sign of Mare-Do-Well, it was nearly impossible to figure out what would happen. Though the pegasus then made a dive bomb directly at them. The earth pony released her lasso from the light and propelled her forward. It all happened within a fraction of a second.         The goons knew it was the end of them but they still managed to fire some shot from their weapons. Only to realize it was ineffective as their projectiles just bounced right off of the mares via a green shield. They threw their weapons on the ground and wanted to run away from them. But got both caught by the actions of the mares.         Both of the two stallions were knocked out and then tied up with pieces of Mare-velous’ lasso. That way they couldn't go anywhere. Only then did Mare-Do-Well teleport back in and her cape waved in the wind. “Good job, girls, but now we have the rest of the bank as trouble before us. The deepest vault, my best guess where they will be,” she spoke to the other two.         It was a guess that better could have been right. The bank of Ponytropolis held many treasures and artifacts that had been collected over the years. Not to mention the massive gold reserve just ready to take like that. Though perhaps the most important thing that laid there was the crystal delivered not twenty-four hours ago. Nopony knew what magic it contained. But if White Arachnity wanted it, it was a lot of trouble that could happen from it. ---                       The three supermares had made their way down to the deepest vault of the bank. All along the way, they had taken out numerous goons that were either working directly for the new villain or were just hired guns. Though when they arrived, the door was already standing open wide and some henchmen were just standing guard. Something didn’t feel right though. It was simple, too simple.         “This is too easy, she is smarter than that,” Mare-Do-Well whispered before she continued to look around. It was a feeling deep within her guts that told her that. A feeling that could be right.         “And that’s why we spring the trap. She’s expecting us, let’s give her the surprise of actually capturing us,” Filly-Wonder replied. Then she wanted to move, to give the present to them all.         Yet she was stopped by Mare-velous’ lasso and pulled back to the other two. “Hold it right there partner, if we go, we all three go. Ready?”         “Ready as I will ever be,” Mare-Do-Well replied with a nod.         With those words spoken did the three mares stood up from their hiding spot and walked into the hallway. The henchmen couldn't believe their eyes and readied their weapons to fire at them. The sight was rather imposing to behold. To see the three mares who kept the city safe coming right at them, it terrified them. Yet the wrath of that one mare could have been even worse.         Though the magical charge of Mare-Do-Well caused their weapons to jam before they were taken out of their hooves and flung aside. What happened next for the henchmen was the fact they both received a strong hoof to the head to get knocked out.         In silence did the three mares continue their journey inwards. Once they were all three within the vault, they stood eye in eye with the crystal that was wanted. The one thing, desired.         “I still don’t get it, why hasn't she taken it yet?” Mare-velous began to question. She had started to inspect the wonderful gem. She had to admit that it was difficult to take her eyes off of it, but other than that, she didn't notice anything. They had broken in, opened the vault just to, leave it?         “Your guess is as good as mine,” the pegasus added with a shrug. She continued to walk around the room. “High explosives to blast the lock out of the door but the rest of the room undamaged. No escape, nothing. As if she expected to walk out of this place the way she came.”         Mare-Do-Well’s horn was charged up and scanned the gem in order to see what kind of powers it could contain, yet discovered something else. “Easy Filly-Wonder, we don’t know this enemy yet. All we have is a name and assuming.” Her magic then all of the sudden was tucked her upwards. The head looked to the only place that neither of the two other mares had even thought about looking at.         On the very ceiling of the vault did she notice the massive amounts of purple spider silk. That, together with a blacked out body. “Oh boy, girls, I think we have found her,” said Mare-Do-Well. Then it were the other two that also looked up. The best way to describe their reaction was to be baffled. For the body just hung almost directly above the crystal. “It’s, absorbing the energy irradiated from the gem, take a step or two back. I’m going to try something,” Mare-Do-Well added.         The other two heroes did what was asked of them. Neither the earth pony or the pegasus had even the slightest bit of clue. They didn’t knew what possibly was hanging upside down from the ceiling, but they could be having a pretty good guess.         “No need to zap me, Mare-Do-Well,” was suddenly spoken from above. Motions started to happen in the hanging body. What followed next was the revelation of a lifetime. The creature dropped itself down with two of its legs attached to some silk that came of the abdomen. “I think I am willing to cooperate, for the time being,” it continued to speak to the three of them.         Seconds later was the monster revealed to the three of them. It was unlike anything they had ever even been able to fight against before. What the thing was, was an arachnid pony which seemed to have been a unicorn before. “Allow me to introduce myself, ladies.” Without the chance to reply was the black cloak taken off. The body was revealed to the three heroes. A body that was covered up in an armor that seemed to have been made out of gems.                     Though that wasn't the worst part, the worst part had to be the gem and metal construction that could be found within the mouth. It looked like the actual mouth of a spider with the large venomous fangs sticking out. Safely said it was a horrible sight to behold.         “White, Arachnity, I presume?” said Mare-Do-Well. She kept a stern eye upon the mare.         “Oh, how smart of you, what gave it away? The body? Usually does that,” returned White Arachnity before she released a chuckle. Yet in the corners of her four eyes she noticed how Filly-Wonder was trying to do something. Which resulted in the curved horn to charge up and a ball of silk was shot towards the hooves, freezing her in place. “Don’t, even think about it. I see everything.”         “What’s yar plan! What are ya trying to do!” Mare-velous began to question. She took her hoof away from her lasso. Answers was the thing that the three needed from the being. Perhaps a bit of a backstory as well. The only problem happened to have been the little fact that she was perhaps too smart for them.         “My plan? Anarchy here, bit of destruction there, world taken over by spiders, perhaps? I mean, it’s not that difficult to guess! I’m half spider for crying aloud!” the mare giggled up before she took the gem from the pedestal and walked to the exit of the vault. “Now if you could be just a pair of good little ponies, don’t follow me or things might turn really messy. This little gem here, shall become the pride center piece of my collection!”         With one last laughter did the arachnid unicorn walk away from the vault and turned topside. There she just jumped into the armored truck and gave the signal to one of her henchmen to drive. The henchmen itself had been lying in the truck ever since the arrival of the heroines but they never bothered to check the thing through. “Watson, can you hear me, or better said: did you got what she said?” Mare-Do-Well brought forth. She was trying to melt the silk that held the pegasus in one spot.         “We ain't gonna find her anymore, she’s long lost and gone,” added Mare-velous. Then the hoof of Filly-Wonder went over her shoulder.         “We are still alive, but the glare in her eyes told me something,” she spoke up as another one of her legs had come free, “she could have killed us all on the spot with those fangs of hers, yet she didn't. I don’t want to say there is still good inside her, but hesitation there is. As if she never had killed a pony before.”         It was information that was really valuable for the three of them. Though to find out who it was, and where she went to, had to wait until another time. They all needed a good night of rest before the final stretch of their journey would begin. Or at least try to get some. ---   “Milady Belle, may I address you upon the ridiculous hour that it is? You have been sitting here for hours to no end ever since you came back from the bank. The sun is almost about to rise!” the voice of Watson echoed through the bedroom of Sweetie Belle. She could still be found behind her massive computer. Whatever she was doing, it concerned her butler.         “I already had my sleep. Time lock, remember?” Sweetie replied to him. She was going through the files of the police. Watson knew there wasn't anything that he could bring in against those words. He would have simply stood next to her in silence. His eyes went over the screens and tried to pick up crucial pieces of information.         “May I ask to the information that you have already managed to discover?” the butler then asked. His sight turned back to his master. He had to admit that his curiosity was perhaps getting the better of him, but he needed to know what had been discovered.         Sweetie’s own eyes looked back into those of her butler before a deep sigh was released. “You might want to sit down for this one.” Without a word he did what was asked of him and prepared for the worst. “Okay, so judging her face, I ran a full scan to ponies with the matching pattern, not many walk around like that. And what do you know, I managed to find a hit. Rarity, last name unknown, was a scientist who specialized herself in the magic of gems.”         Watson couldn't follow it anymore already. Yet the tale wasn't over yet. Far from it, in fact. “According to numerous newspaper accounts, ten years ago, some kind of terrible accident happened within her lab which blew it up, but also the lab next to hers, where they researched spiders. Somehow, somewhere. Somehow did her DNA and that of a spider been mixing up which transformed her body. Also allowing her to suck up the radiation magical gems give off.”         “So, she’s like a flower in the sense that she can sustain herself? Able to provide food for herself without the help of actually eating?” the butler questioned. Though the question wasn't something that even Sweetie could answer. There were still too many gaps within the origin story of this, White Arachnity. A lot of things made sense, but even more didn’t.         “Possibly, but it isn't the whole plan, she is also planning something differently. Something that we have not even a clue of. Though I did manage to find out where she hides herself,” the mare replied to him. She opened a map of Ponytropolis and zoomed in at one particular spot.         “The old district? Why would she be hiding there? Why at the penthouse of a structure that’s near collapsing?” Watson questioned himself aloud. He stood up and walked closer to the screen. His eyes looked upon the images that appeared and tried to wrap his head around it.         “Because that is where she used to live, it’s her old home from when she was in university. Perhaps not a smart move, but few come there. Rally the girls, it’s time to suit up and bring the fight to her for a change.” The fire that was visible within the eyes of Sweetie was something that the butler did kind of love from her. Just that sheer amount of confidence that she would be having in order to make any mission a go.         Everything was known what they needed to know. The three heroes once more suited up and revved the engines of their motors. They were ready to bring down the anarchy of White Arachnity. The time had come to squash the big under their hoof of justice. ---   The engines of their bikes came to a silence when they arrived near the residence of the arachnid unicorn. With the information that was shared, they could conclude that Rarity had gone both crazy and found a way to keep herself alive without food. As wonderful as it was, the ends for which she used it were just wrong. What could have caused the mare to take the criminal path in the first place? It was a question on which nopony had an answer. One shrouded within even more mystery.         “So, how do we get to there without her noticing us?” Filly-Wonder asked just before Mare-Do-Well released a gentle chuckle. “Oh you gotta be kidding me!” Before any other word was being spoken, the massive charge of the horn was released and they all disappeared out of existence. Only to reappear right on the doorstep.         All three of the heroines rubbed their heads as they got back up and looked at their surroundings. No goons in sight, no imminent danger whatsoever. Only the door to the penthouse with the windows blackened laid between them. Yet not to mention the sheer dangers that were inside of there as well.         Time to think there wasn't as they all three just rushed inside and crashed through the door. The crash itself did sent vibrations through the spider silk which caused the massive body on the ceiling to twitch. “Oh this ain’t good…” said Mare-velous. She readied her lasso. The other three also prepared themselves the perhaps the battle of a lifetime and Mare-Do-Well did have one crazy idea.         “Lure it to me, I know a way to handle it,” she spoke up before the body rose itself up and revealed itself as a truly massive black widowed spider. A roar of power was released by the thing before the chase was on. It’s powerful legs thumped against the floor as the fangs were clapping.         The creature was hungry and three meals were literally dropped by, just like that.             Mare-velous and Filly-Wonder both did a step aside and both hid themselves against the outer wall. Which then left Mare-Do-Well to deal with the massive spider. It came crashing through the doorway, destroying whatever doors were still in there. It was a surprise to the three of them that it even managed to crawl its way through the opening.         Yet the time to admire just wasn't there. The snapping mouth and the piercing fangs were a danger to be reckoned with. Once in the middle of the balcony, the other two joined the fight. Another roar was released by the spider before the massive abdomen smashed itself into the floor. Shockwaves were sent through the stones of the building which caused them to crack even further.         “It’s gonna destroy the whole building!” Mare-velous commented. Filly-Wonder took to the skies. Soaring like a bird did she  tried to get the attention of the massive spider. That was all while Mare-Do-Well had prepared a flashlight. It was literally all or nothing for the three of them. One shot was all that they had, one attempt to bring the creature down. ---                       The legs of the spider did try to swap the pegasus out of the air, but failed on pretty much every single attempt that it made. “I think that you missed! You big, ugly spider. Only your mother could have loved you!” Filly-Wonder teased the massive spider. Though in response she only got yet another powerful roar. The beast was angry, at her, at them even.         Then it was the time of Mare-Do-Well. She had the flashlight ready and positioned herself on a place she knew the thing would get to the end of its life. “Want some freshly wrapped dinner?! Come and get me!” she yelled at the creature. The massive spider turned towards her and the abdomen once more smashed into the ground.         Only then it just rushed itself towards the unicorn who at the last moment revealed her light. She shone it directly into the eyes of the spider. Blinded by the light, the spider tried to shield its eyes from it while continuing to run at her. Mare-Do-Well jumped out of the way. A fraction of a second later had the train of insect passed her. A loud crash was the thing that followed the events and the hissing of a spider in flight could be heard, as well as crashes into the building every so often. To end it all in a huge splat.         All three of the heroines looked over the railing. They all saw the dead creature twitching its legs for the last time. Though when they turned themselves around, they saw a sight rather left unseen. Within the demolished door opening stood White Arachnity with her gem armor, spider teeth and two axes within each of her upper hooves.         The expressions in her eyes were looking at just sheer and utter pissed. They had killed her beloved little pet. “You three have a lot of nerves, coming at me like that, destroying my home and killing my pet!” she spoke up before smashing both axes right into the stone. She walked closer to the trio with fire in her eyes. The grinding sounds of the gems against the stone was almost like nails on chalkboard and they had to grit their teeth for a moment.         “You called this all upon yourself, Arachnity!” Filly-Wonder replied to her. She landed next to the other two again and prepared herself for the battle to come.         “We know your history, but why did you turn to crime?” Mare-Do-Well questioned in an act to try and reason with the mutated creature. Though if she would be getting a sensical word out of it remained to be seen. She didn’t place her chances too high though.         Arachnity huffed deep when she finally came to a standstill. Yet she never loosened the grip of her axes. “I once was a mare who had everything, much like you three. But the one simple mistake caused me to become this hideous monster! I swore to myself on that day forward, that as long as I would be alive, nothing would be safe. Not your home, not your family, nothing. It’s going to be an enjoyment to crush your bones, under my hooves!” she spoke to them. Each of her armored legs stomped itself into the ground, furthering the cracking of the balcony.         “This isn't going to work, the structure is able to give in!” Mare-velous whispered to the other two. Who knew almost exactly what they had to do. Within a second had Filly-Wonder gained a hold to the earth pony and got airborne. White Arachnity readied her axes. She had expected an attack from the two any second.         Yet it was Mare-Do-Well who did it with a charge of her horn. The blast of energy did miss the arachnid unicorn, but managed to hit the ground where she stood. Not to mention the crash of the armored hooves back when she landed. It all added up to the already weak structure and more cracks and creaking noises appeared.         All of the sudden did White Arachnity knew what they were trying to do. The eyes went wide but it was already too late. The ground beneath her hooves let go. The mutated mare plummeted down to earth. With one last yell she went silent again, possibly forever.                The three heroines held a moment of silence for the fallen mare before they went inside of the house and downloaded all the data from the computer. Which in return revealed to them that she had been active in the city for nearly five years but only recently showed up. They had to give it to her, patience was something that she had mastered.         Yet when they all had left and the silence had returned into the middle of the night, the front doors of the apartment building were destroyed by two axes and out of it jumped the creature they thought to have died. “Mark my words, you three aren't rid of me yet!” she spoke up to the very moon as highly toxic venom was dripping out of her broken teeth.         One thing was certain, the trio hadn't seen the last of White Arachnity yet.