The Last of the Memories

by THEqwabik

The Story you are Going to Read

Twilight has her own castle now. She rules her own land now and she good at it. No pony seems to care a thing when she's in rule. Her little assistant spike was sent away, Owlicious is gone, same with her friends. If just only there was a way to bring all the ponies, dragons, and owls that ment so much to her back. Even for one day, just to say what she wanted to say to all of them before they left. But they just went away, one by one. She walked sadly to her garden, when she then went to her back garden she could just see a mare. Pink hair and yellow fur. Three pink butterflies for a cutie mark. She had a way with animals. Her kindness was like no other. She smiled and waved, then reality kicked in and it was her gardener waving. She just smiled and waved and went to her balcony. Then she looked into the clouds.

She could only smile, when she looked into the clouds she could see a rainbow. That was a gift from a mare that became a great wonderbolt. A very crazy mare, obnoxious some would say. A rainbow for a mane and blue fur, a cloud with a rainbow bolt for a cutie mark. A brilliant gift she gave, the whole equestria could could see it. At night it gave a amazing glow. As bright as the moon. It was best visible from Twilight's castle balcony. The way she wanted it. It was a gift out of loyalty for she had was loyal to her friends like no other. She then looked to a farm named Sweet Apple Acres.

The earth pony that lived there was honest and never lied. She worked all day and all night bucking apples and only took a break to eat, sleep, or drink. Her three apple cutie mark showed that she belonged to the Apple family. Another earth pony then raced through Twilight's mind. This earth pony makes cupcakes at Sugar Cube Corner. A happy pony that throws parties, her three balloon cutie mark certaintly showed it. When she went down the hall she just rembered spike, her assistant. She couldn't get that memory out of her head.

"Spike, you have to go!" Twilight pleaded to spike in tears.

"Can I just stay for one more day? Please? I can't live for then two days out there!" Spike was in tears too when he pleaded?

"No, you can't, you have to go. You can meet others of your kind spike! They can teach you things that you didn't know before!" Twilight was pursuading at this point.

"Why can't I just guard the castle?!" Spike was crying too much now. It was too much for him.

Twilight shaked her head. Spike just looked down and walked towards the balcony and flew away.

Twilight couldent get that memory out of her head, it just kept playing and playing. Twilight just kept her head down went to the race track. This is where the cyan mare became a Wonderbolt. Her face just said it all when the announcer said "Rainbow Dash in first place" she just couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe she won and became a Wonderbolt, her dream had came true. When she walked off she looked at the yellow mare's house and saw a plant with a blue ribbon on it. She rembered when Fluttershy won first place for a plant contest. She was shy but she was proud, strong but silent. When she looked back at Apple Acres she couldn't get the orange mares face when she made a big sale on her apples. When Applejack made a big sale on her apples. She looked at sugar cube corner and rembered the pink mare. Pinkie pie was her name and she through a party with the help of another party thrower and made the biggest birthday party for Rainbow Dash. She then looked at Rarity's boutique, she could only smile that she gave away her position for the fashion show at Manehattan. Her generosity was the best anypony could have.

Twilight was trying to keep the good memories, the good memories that kept their friendship together. She took off on her balcony and headed for their graves. Up in the air Twilight can remember Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight how to fly and stay stable in the air, they laughed off her mistakes. She then went down infront of five graves. Applejack's grave had three apples, Pinkie Pies grave had three balloons, Rarity's grave had three diamonds, perfectly shaped diamonds, Fluttershy's grave three butterflies, and Ranbow Dash's grave had her signature cloud with a lighting bolt. They were all marked with their cutie marks, made assured by Twilight herself.

"I wish I could stay all day but I can't, my ponies need me more. I brought flowers for all of you," Twilight told them, "being a princess is really hard, I just wish I didn't have all this so I could come with you, where ever you ponies went," Twilight just felt guilty that she was the only one that could become a princess. "I wish I could have you all for one more day, one more day for fun and telling secrets, sharing food, laughing, but I," Twilight sobbed and laid down, "I need you guys, once more to keep me going. Because if I stop, I won't have anything left in me to keep going," Twilight but her head down, "Then I won't be me anymore."

Twilight laid at the graves, she couldn't stop crying. She just wished that her friends would appear so she could tell them one last thing. One thing she wanted to say to all of them before they left. But her imagination was in her head, and not on the paper. When Twilight friends went away they never came back to say goodbye to their Princess Twilight.