Trixie's Forest Retreat

by crowscrowcrow

Chapter 65 - Rotate

Eventually everything had come together, the three ponies, each with a fresh cup of cocoa, found themselves on a blanket before the fireplace. Several bowls worth of ‘carefully’ prepared snacks had been placed strategically between them. All of which did not require any actual cooking, but Trixie never said Rainbow Dash had to cook something, merely make snacks.

So it was that one bowl contained different kinds of fruit thrown together, another housed slices of bread smeared with various kinds of jam, and so on. While it had been satisfying to see Trixie moan in discontent about her lack of effort, Rainbow Dash still did not feel like it weighed up at all to the dares her two friends had put her through. The kitchen took absolutely forever to clean, but even that was much better than a seeming eternity of breathless squealing with laughter.

Raising up her chocolate, Rainbow Dash sipped while she alternated her gaze between Trixie and Fluttershy. She had to get back them, one way or the other, and she was going to find the perfect way before the end of the night. “My turn, Fluttershy, Truth or Dare?”

Without hesitation, Fluttershy responded. “Dare.”

It was no surprise to Rainbow Dash herself, but Trixie gasped in shock.

“Dare? Uh, Fluttershy, Trixie thinks you misspoke. Are you sure you didn’t mean truth? You realize you will have to do all sorts of crazy and humiliating things right? It, uh, just does not seem like something for you.” She stared at the timid pegasus incredulously.

Fluttershy shook her head and smiled. “I’m sure, Trixie. Dares are only for a little while, the truth is forever.” She turned her attention back to Rainbow Dash and gulped. “So… Dare.”

Rubbing her hooves together, Rainbow Dash grinned wickedly. Savoring the nervous guilty look on Fluttershy's face for a moment, she considered if she wanted to get back at her immediately, or let her sweat a little longer. “I knew you’d say that. Okay let’s see. I dare you to…”

Tapping herself on the chin, Rainbow Dash thought long and hard on what she wanted to make Fluttershy do. She could see Trixie and Fluttershy looking at her anxiously. Her reputation was riding on this dare, as there was no way she could keep her title of champion prankster if she did not top Fluttershy’s dare. Think Rainbow. Oh, you could have her run through Ponyville naked! Wait we’re always naked. Uh, guess I could have her shave first? That’s stupid!

Finally, she brightened up as the perfect idea stuck her. “Oh, Fluttershy? Do you remember that thing you were practicing? To talk with bees?”

Blinking, Fluttershy nodded. “Uhm, yes? It’s not really done though, I haven’t had any time to work on it lately.” Rainbow Dash did her best to contain her glee. Fluttershy had no idea, which was going to make this all the more sweet.

Trixie could not quite believe the weird turn this conversation as taking. Wasn’t Rainbow Dash supposed to be daring Fluttershy? Did Trixie pass out without noticing? What’s this nonsense about bee speak? “Talk to bees? That’s just silly, bees do not talk. Trixie knows that much, all they do is buzz. Oh, are you learning to speak buzz, Fluttershy?”

Hearing the question, Rainbow Dash laid down comfortably on the blanket, and picked up a peanut butter sandwich, settling in for the long haul.

Fluttershy giggled and shook her head. From the look on her face, Trixie could guess a small lecture was coming, Fluttershy always got this wonderfully enthusiastic look whenever she got to talk about animals. “Oh, no, Trixie. Bees don’t talk with noise, instead they talk with this amazing little dance routine. It is called ‘the waggle dance’ because the bee dances in a figure eight pattern. It is named that because while it dances in the direction of the food, the bee will wiggle its abdomen. Other bees watching the dance can tell all kinds of things from it, like how far away the food is. I’ve been trying to learn how to talk in their own language, because it’s hard to understand bees sometimes, so I thought if I could speak bee it might help.”

Trixie had to struggle to really pay attention to what was said. It was just so easy to get lost in the otherwise so reserved mares expressions and energy. Her eyes actually seemed to sparkle when she talked, or maybe that was the light of the hearth catching them just right, either way Trixie loved it. “Trixie was not aware of that, buzzing seemed more obvious… So, any luck with talking through dance then?”

“Oh…” Fluttershy deflated before Trixie’s eyes. “…No.” she said dejectedly.

Finishing the last bite of her sandwich, Rainbow Dash spoke up. “That’s okay, Fluttershy. It’s just because you haven’t gotten much practice in yet. You haven’t had time for it, but there’s time right now. Hey, why don’t you give us a demonstration?”

Fluttershy perked up and smiled. “Oh? That’s a great idea, Rainbow Dash. I’ll go get my bee costume.” She got up to her hooves and trotted towards the stairs.

Trixie tilted her head. “Really? You actually dress up as a bee?”

“Wait, Fluttershy. Forget about the costume.” Rainbow Dash smiled, and there was something in her voice that caught Trixie’s attention.

Fluttershy froze and looked back, blushing. “Uh, n-no I really should get the costume…”

Rainbow Dash’s smile spread, turning almost lecherous. “Fluttershy, leave the costume. I dare you to do the waggle dance, right now. Pretend there is honey on the stairs.”

Blushing scarlet, Fluttershy turned to face Rainbow Dash and backed up a few steps while she hid behind her mane. “A-are you sure you wouldn’t rather see the w-whole thing? It looks much, uhm, better, I swear.”

“Oh, I doubt that. Now, come on, Fluttershy. A dare’s a dare, or are you giving up?”

The exchange did not make any sense to Trixie, it seemed innocent enough. Why are they being so weird about a little bee dance? Honey on the stairs? What? She struggled to recall what Fluttershy had said about the dance, because clearly Rainbow Dash had to know what she was doing if it was making Fluttershy so flustered.

Trixie could see Fluttershy make quick glances towards her, before settling back on Rainbow Dash. “I-I-I… I don’t….” Fluttershy’s whole face was red when she sighed and lowered her head defeated. “…O-Okay.”

To Trixie’s confusion, Fluttershy walked in two little circles, one on the left, the other on the right. On the line the two circles met she always walked away from them, then would turn to the left or right, walking towards them to make the circle and start over.

“Trixie doesn’t get it, this is her dare? Trixie expected more of you, Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, don’t take it out on me. Fluttershy isn’t doing it properly yet.” Rainbow Dash grinned and pointed at Fluttershy. ”You know, Fluttershy, Trixie is right. You are not getting off this easy, come on there’s more to this dance.”

“D-don’t’ rush me…please.” Fluttershy mumbled as she turned towards them again.

Fluttershy looked just horrendously awkward, performing a dance with no rhythm, in a room with no music, to only the clip-clopping sound of her hooves.

She was still blushing heavily, but Trixie could see a look of resolve form on her face. Or was that resignation?

Just as Trixie was starting to get bored of the odd bet and looked towards Rainbow Dash to chastise her lack of creativity, but then a sudden movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She looked back towards Fluttershy, but only saw her turning back towards them again. Fluttershy’s blush was deeper than before.

It was only at the second pass that Trixie understood. When Fluttershy walked away from them again, she shook her rear from side to side in quick wooden shakes, sending her lush tail swaying behind her. Trixie felt her cheeks heat up, and a quick glance towards Rainbow Dash revealed she was blushing as well now, squeezing her wings tightly against her back.

“That’s more like it, Fluttershy. Hey, Trixie, do you suppose she should be buzzing to help her practice?” Rainbow Dash tore her eyes away to look at Trixie as she spoke.

Sparing only the sideways glance to meet Rainbow Dash, Trixie thought about it while she watched Fluttershy, noticing that she gave Rainbow Dash a glare. Fluttershy coughed as she began her wiggle portion of the dance again, causing Rainbow Dash to look over to check on her.

This time though Fluttershy swayed her hips much more fluidly and slowly, Trixie could swear this portion of the dance lasted a few seconds longer than earlier, then Fluttershy turned around again to circle back. Her eyes settled on Rainbow Dash, who was watching her with her mouth open, then she smiled.

Feeling a sense of recognition, Trixie smirked. “Eyes front, Rainbow Dash. It’s rude not to watch a show you’ve requested you know.”

Rainbow Dash apparently did not recall she’d asked any kind of question as she took no notice of Trixie’s lack of an answer. Rather she focused on the show Fluttershy was putting on. The timid mare gradually gained in confidence as each passing she strayed further and further away from the bee dance, keeping only the basic steps.

Trixie watched Fluttershy, she’d never have guessed she could move like that. The orange light of the fireplace danced over her fur in alluring patterns while she danced. A twirl made her mane swoosh along her face, hiding and revealing her eyes in turn, revealing a look of single minded determination while the curves of her body flowed with her resolve.

Rainbow Dash gawked with equal parts surprise and delight. Her wings unfurled as her full attention was drawn in by Fluttershy, knocking Trixie against the side of the head with the feathery appendage. It was barely worth the notice for Trixie as she found herself equally drawn to dancing mare. With her experience it was easy to recognize a pony taking joy in her performance, and Fluttershy most certainly was at this point.

It was as though Trixie was watching an entirely different pony, rhythmic, gyrating motions held her enthralled. To no beat but her own hooffalls, Fluttershy was completely immersed in her evolving dance. Her eyes swept over them with each turn, reveling in their reactions. The occasional quick spin send Fluttershy’s mane flying, and wafted the room in the sweet honey aroma of her shampoo.

Trixie had lost track of time, but panting softly, Fluttershy finally came to a stop. She stared at the two of them with a bright blush across her face as if she’d only just realized what she’d been doing. She tilted her head down to cover her face with her bangs.

Giving Rainbow Dash a quick prod with her elbow, Trixie clapped her hooves together in applause. Rainbow Dash took the hint and joined in on applauding Fluttershy’s performance with great enthusiasm, then called out, “Whoa! Way to go, Fluttershy!”

“That was some show! Trixie never knew bees were such great dancers, Fluttershy,” she teased. “Trixie did not think you had it in you.”

Fluttershy quickly trotted back on her old spot on the blanket and sat down, still hiding herself. “W-well, it was a dare. I had no choice but to do it…”

Trixie stared at Fluttershy while Rainbow Dash gloated about her dare being the better one or something along those lines. Mhm, so that’s what she meant before. Even though she was embarrassed to death, she definitely got into doing that, but Trixie supposes she wouldn’t normally get to try something like that?

Another thought suddenly struck Trixie which made her freeze up. If THAT is what she made her best friend do, then what is Trixie in for? She looked over to Rainbow Dash, worried.

As though she could read her mind, Rainbow Dash looked back at Trixie, and showed just the smallest of grins as if telling her she was right to be worried.

It was then that Trixie took notice of something else, as her eyes drifted away from Rainbow Dash’s eyes. She grinned while she swept her mane out of her face. “Going for a midnight flight, Rainbow Dash?” She motioned to the pair of magnificent wings, spread out in all their splendor.

For a moment, Rainbow Dash looked confused, then followed Trixie’s direction and looked to her sides. She gasped when she saw her wings and reached behind her to forcefully pull her wings against her back, blushing furiously while she tried her best to look unphased. “M-maybe later, let’s keep the game going, yeah.”

Fluttershy, upon Trixie’s mention, had peeked out with one eye from behind her mane. She stared at Rainbow Dash, one hoof held against her mouth while her face was burning up. “O-oh my, d-did…uhm, y-yes game.”

Laughing, Trixie reveled in the moment. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was aware that any further humiliation she heaped on Rainbow Dash was definitely going to come back at her ten-fold when Rainbow Dash got her turn to make her do something, but she was already going to get hell, so she might as well not bother holding back.

With her wings managed, Rainbow Dash turned her full, undivided attention to an apple, as if it was the most important thing in the entire world. She bit off a piece with all the grace and natural behavior of an animated hard plastic golem. “Alright, so next is you, Fluttershy.”

“Oh, uhm, right. Trixie, truth or dare?” Fluttershy’s voice was softer than it had ever been, barely overpowering the rain outside.

It was all too obvious Fluttershy was trying to spare Rainbow Dash for the turn.

“Dare. Hit Trixie with your best shot.” Trixie said, a little more eager than perhaps she should have, but Fluttershy’s first dare had been so interesting to Trixie that she was impatient to find out what she could come up with next.

To Trixie’s disappointment however, Fluttershy dared Trixie to see how many cherries she could fit in her mouth. Even the juvenile humor that Trixie got out of that was dispelled after cherry number fifteen. Rainbow Dash did not miss the chance to take advantage of her inability to speak though.

“Whoa, Fluttershy, do you hear that?”

“Uhm, hear what? I don’t hear anything…”

“Exactly! It’s silence, I’d almost forgotten what that’s like. I wonder why it’s back now?”

“Mhpf puh!”

After a good twenty cherries, making a complete mess of her fur, and cement the fact that everything would taste like cherry for a week, it was finally Trixie’s turn again.

Trixie looked from Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy and back, weighing her options as she rubbed her hooves together. “Oh this will be good! Okay let’s see. To keep it fair, Fluttershy only has had one turn, so, Fluttershy, truth or dare?”

Fluttershy smiled a little nervously. “Dare.”

“Excellent. Trixie dares you to…” She stretched out the last word while she thought about it. This is Trixie’s chance to make her do something good! Oh, how about a lapdance? Too close to bee dance. Make her chase that annoying rabbit with a knife? A bit dark. Dare her to kiss Trixie? Trixie felt her cheeks flush.

“Trixie dares you to ki—” She froze, looking at Fluttershy she was reminded of her warning. Wait! Rainbow Dash will kill Trixie if she sees! A shiver ran down her spine when she recalled being pushed up against the cold walls of the castle. “—ill, kill a uh…” That will upset her! Trixie’s eyes darted to the corner of the room that Rainbow Dash and pinned her in for making Fluttershy cry. “Kill a, uhm, dust…bunny?” She could only hope that sentence made sense, while looking at Rainbow Dash anxiously for approval, there was no response other than mild confusion and irritation.

“Kill a dust bunny? You’re daring her to clean a single mote of dust? Ugh, I had to clean a whole kitchen, no fair.” Rainbow Dash huffed.

“Y-yes! That’s exactly it.”

“Uhm, okay.” Fluttershy got up to fetch a broom and sweep under the couch.

"Geez I expected something better from you, Trixie."

This game was going to be harder than Trixie thought.