//------------------------------// // Showdown // Story: Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree // by BronyDad //------------------------------// Chapter 10 Showdown The first thing that pierced Applejack's consciousness was the pain in her foreleg, followed closely by the wet ground that she was lying on. As she slowly stirred awake, she rolled onto her back and stretched, careful not to extend her injured leg. Gingerly climbing to her hooves and shifting most of her weight to her left foreleg, Applejack gazed down at the incline that she had somehow managed to scale the evening before. "I wouldn't have known I had it in me..." she mumbled. Finally, she shook her head in awe at her own feat of strength before turning away and continuing her journey east. The pain shot from her hoof to her shoulder with every step, but it somehow seemed more bearable than before. Worse than the pain was the sensation in her leg. It felt as though there were little pebbles rolling and grinded together whenever she took a step. After a couple of hours, Applejack noticed that she was steadily heading upward, and realized that she had finally reached the other end of the swamp. Thankful to be leaving this wet, murky terrain, she quickened her pace. Although it was more painful to walk uphill, she gritted her teeth against the pain and kept moving. Soon, the ground beneath her hooves grew firm once more as the trees and the canopy above grew more dense. Even though she still had no idea how far she needed to travel to return home, she felt a sense of accomplishment at having successfully crossed the swamp. As the hours passed by, Applejack gradually grew weaker as the pain and effort of walking with a broken leg drained her mentally and physically. She knew that she needed to rest, but she also knew that the full moon would be gone tonight, which would make travel after nightfall near impossible. She didn't want to stop while it was still light enough to see. In an effort to take her mind off of the pain, Applejack allowed her thoughts to stray to the family that was waiting for her back home. She thought of Granny Smith, and all the times that her stubbornness had made a situation worse than it needed to be. All because she was older didn't mean that she was always right. She needed to back off and let somepony who could remember what day of the week it was make the important decisions. Then she remembered all of the arguments she had had with Big McIntosh. He was as hardheaded as Granny Smith, and he seemed to always challenge her role around the farm. She was the one that kept the farm running strong and the family organized, and he needed to learn his place. She began to shiver as her breath plumed out in front of her. Without her realizing it, Applejack's angry thoughts turned to her friends. Twilight was always prancing around, lecturing everypony and trying to tell them what was right. Maybe she should let somepony lecture her on how to stay out of other ponies' business. Pinkie Pie was always such a pain on the farm. She often knocked things over, created messes that Applejack would have to clean, and once she even jumped up and down on a wheelbarrow until it broke. Fluttershy was always defending critters that wrecked the farm. From thieving rabbits to pesky groundhogs to beavers and their destructive dams, Fluttershy stood up for them all. She cared more for those stupid varmints than she did her so-called 'friend.' Rainbow Dash was unbearable. She was nothing more than a boastful idiot, and cared more about what she wanted than about their friendship. Rarity never stopped fussing over Applejack's mane and tail. So what if she wanted to keep her hair tied back? It was her business. Unlike her, Applejack didn't worry about what others thought of her, and she would never waste an entire morning prettying up her hair just so she could feel better about herself. Seething with rage, Applejack came to a halt. Why was she heading home anyway? All that was waiting for her were an ungrateful family and a bunch of pretend friends that weren't even looking for her. What was so special about Ponyville anyway? Applejack abruptly turned around and started back the way she had come. The Everfree Forest was the perfect home for her. She was going to start a brand new life out here. She didn't need any of those stupid ponies. She was better off alone. Suddenly, Applejack blinked and shook her head. "Alone? What am I thinkin'?" Sitting down, she tried to clear her mind. "I don't want to live alone. I want to get back to my family." Why? a voice unexpectedly asked in a deep growl. So they can rely on you to run the farm and tell them what to do? They don't deserve you. You're better than them. Startled, Applejack quickly looked around, but saw nothing. The voice had sounded as though it were echoing among the surrounding trees. "Who's there? What do you want?" she called, quickly standing up and turning in a small circle. I want you, Applejack. You're everything I want in a pony. I knew you were from the moment I found you. "No!" she cried, slowly backing away. "Stay away from me!" You passed near me in the middle of the night, thinking of your friends Twilight and Rarity, and I felt the resentment in your heart. Then I tried to turn your resentment against them, but you pushed it away with surprising ease. I was intrigued. Her heart racing wildly, Applejack whipped around, trying to catch sight of her pursuer. "Where are ya? Show yourself!" And then you thought of your father. What an unexpected delight that was. Your mind was suddenly filled with so much pain, remorse, and resentment. It was delicious. That's when I realized that you were perfect for me. But you were remarkably strong-willed. You had brushed away my first attempt as if I were nothing more than an insect. So I tried attacking your mind while you slept, only to learn that you could resist me in your sleep as well. Suddenly, Applejack recalled the times that she had awoken frightened, but was unable to remember what she had been dreaming. As comprehension dawned on her, she accused, "You're the cause of those nightmares, ain't ya? Only they weren't nightmares at all. It was you attackin' my mind!" Yes. And then you resisted me again when I tried to turn your hate on your friend Pinkie Pie. I became angry and lost control and attacked you with all my strength. I would have had you there, but you jumped off that waterfall. I understood then that you were different than other ponies, that I couldn't simply overpower you. I had to be patient and wear you down. As she began shivering uncontrollably, her mind went back to the fire she had tried to build. "You're the reason why the fire kept goin' out." I couldn't allow you to signal for help. You were so perfect, I couldn't let you go. I had to make you mine. The awful voice began to laugh, and Applejack realized with an arduous horror that it was inside her head. And then you broke your leg. As soon as it happened, I knew that you were mine. I simply waited for you to wear yourself down, then I filled you with hate. You were so exhausted that you didn't even notice, and I slipped right in. Its laughter grew louder until it was nearly unbearable. Terrified, Applejack cried, "What are you?!" It doesn't matter. Now, I'm you. "No!" she screamed, falling to the ground and covering her head with her hooves. "Get out of my mind!" You were a difficult pony to break, but it made the reward that much sweeter. Suddenly, she was filled with a severe rage the likes of which she had never known before. She thought of her friends, of Big McIntosh and Granny Smith, and of her parents, and felt a searing hatred for them all. She was glad that she would never see them again. They were nothing but a bunch of useless foals sitting around at home. They had probably forgotten about her by now. Cradling her head in her hooves, Applejack wailed, "It's not true! I love my friends, I love my family! These thoughts are lies!" Are they? the voice growled mockingly. This is the resentment that resides in your heart. I'm just bringing it to the surface for you to see. Poor honest Applejack. She won't tell a lie, but she can't help but lie to herself. "Shut up!" Applejack shouted. "SHUT UP!" Yes, show me your anger. It is exhilarating. Completely helpless against this mental onslaught, Applejack began to sob uncontrollably. She couldn't fight it. She didn't know how, and its hold over her was too powerful. Realizing that she had lost, and she now belonged to this terrible creature, Applejack's mind immediately turned to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom! "You're wrong!" Applejack stated defiantly as she slowly climbed to her hooves. "There may be some resentment in my heart, but it doesn't mean that I hate them. My friends and my family mean everythin' to me, and nothin', not even you, can keep me from them!" Look inside your heart, Applejack. You hate them. Just admit it to yourself. Applejack retorted, "I am lookin' into my heart, and ya know what I see?" Suddenly smiling, she answered her own question. "Absolutely no resentment at all for Apple Bloom!" The voice remained silent. "Ya'll got nothin' to say bout that, do ya?!" Applejack demanded. She caused the accident that left you stranded in this forest. She put her cutie mark ahead of you. She doesn't care about you. This time it was Applejack's turn to laugh. "Is that all you got? She didn't put her cutie mark ahead of me. Her desire for her cutie mark led her to make a bad choice, it had nothin' to do with me. She's just a filly, and I'm not gonna blame her for makin' a mistake." Closing her eyes, she concentrated with all her might and yelled, "Now get out of my head!" No! This is impossible! I broke you, I turned you against your friends! Against your family! "You won't ever turn me against my friends or my family!" Applejack cried in triumph. "Because I'm an Apple! And Apples don't fall far from the tree!" She heard a scream of rage in her head as the evil presence was forced from her mind, but then realized that she could still hear it. She looked up and saw a light blue, somewhat transparent horse-like spirit above her. It had the head and body of a horse, but its hindquarters disappeared into a swirling mist. She could see its cold breath pluming out from its snout as its glowing blue eyes glared at her with an intense hatred. "A Wendigo!" Applejack gasped. Several years ago, Applejack had learned all about the Wendigo when Princess Celestia had asked them to star in a play celebrating Hearth's Warming Eve. The Wendigo were spirits that were drawn to the resentment and hatred in a pony's heart and greatly intensified it before turning it back onto the pony. Then, they feasted off of the negative energies their hosts emitted as the pony turned on their own kind. But they had been banished from Equestria several thousand years ago. How could there be one here in the Everfree Forest? "But why are you here? Unless..." A sudden thought occurred to her. "Unless the Wendigo have been hidin' out in the Everfree all this time." "No," the Wendigo answered with a growl that was no less menacing than when it had been in her head. "We have only recently returned to your world." Applejack gasped at the implications of this statement. "Why now?" The Wendigo began to laugh. It was a deep, heinous laugh that shook her to her core. For a moment, Applejack thought to flee, but knew that she wouldn't be able to move very quickly. No, she knew that she needed to end this here. "Even now, there are plans in motion that will lead us to our rightful place as rulers of this world," the spirit told her. "Before long, all of you pitiful ponies will belong to us!" As the Wendigo spoke, Applejack began scanning the ground, and finding what she was looking for, quickly positioned herself. "And I'm guessin' your tellin' me all this cause ya think you already won." "Yes," the Wendigo replied as it began to circle over her. "You may have succeeded in resisting me, but it matters not. You will die in this forest." Without warning, the Wendigo dove toward her at frightening speed. Applejack tossed the rock that she had previously located into the air, and quickly spinning around, kicked it with all her might at the creature. The rock soared toward the Wendigo and struck it in the forehead. Although it passed straight through the spirit, the Wendigo flinched and pulled up out of its dive. It don't seem to like having things pass through it, Applejack thought to herself. I may not be able to hurt it, but I can keep it at bay. The Wendigo glowered at her as it slowly descended. In one fluid motion, Applejack kicked another rock at the creature, but it quickly shifted to the right. Growling menacingly, it reached out a hoof to touch her. Suddenly, something massive flew over Applejack's head and landed right in front of her, causing the Wendigo to draw back. Her mouth hanging open in astonishment, Applejack watched the huge manticore turn toward the Wendigo and crouch low to the ground. Raising its scorpion tail up over its head, it bared its long, sharp fangs and roared furiously. As the Wendigo tried to soar over the beast to reach her, the manticore swiftly plunged its stinger into the Wendigo's body. Even though the tail passed through it just as the rock had, the Wendigo flinched and retreated. After being foiled several more times by the manticore, the Wendigo shrieked with fury and threw itself straight into the beast. Colliding with the animal, the Wendigo disappeared into the manicore's chest. With a savage roar, the manticore began flailing its paws into the air wildly as its breath plumed out before it, but after only a few moments, the Wendigo was expelled from its body. It don't have any power over the manticore, Applejack realized. It's a wild animal, it don't have any of the anger or resentment that us ponies have. Watching the massive beast as it once again crouched protectively in front of Applejack, the Wendigo growled, "I tire of this." It swooped high into the air and hissed, "You haven't won, Applejack, you have only delayed the inevitable. Soon, we will rule this world, and when we do, I'll be back for you." With an ominous laugh, the Wendigo escaped into the surrounding trees, leaving a trail of freezing vapor in its wake. As the manticore turned to face her, Applejack stated, "Well, I reckon we're even now." For a long moment, the manticore simply stared at her. Her heart racing and her hooves shaking, Applejack desperately tried to think of a way to defend herself, but knew that she was at the beast's mercy. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the manticore took to the air, and with one last roar, it disappeared from sight. Unaware that she had been holding her breath, Applejack exhaled and collapsed to the ground. After a moment, she began to laugh as relief washed over her. She had done it, she had beaten the Wendigo. Her love for Apple Bloom had overpowered the vile creature, and it had been forced to flee her mind. If it hadn't been for her sister, she would have been done for. Smiling as tears of joy ran down her face, Applejack felt like a brand new mare. Her mind had never felt so clear, and her heart felt lighter. Her thoughts strayed to her parents, and there was only happiness. She didn't feel even a shred of her old pain. Exhausted, Applejack closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. As her consciousness faded, it felt as though her parents were right there next to her. Without warning, she suddenly snapped awake several hours later. Gazing up, she realized that she had an unobstructed view of the night sky. Still feeling the same happiness that she had before falling asleep, she smiled as her eyes scanned the familiar constellations. But then, she noticed the two bright stars. "What the hay..." Applejack breathed in puzzlement. The two stars were directly above the horn of the constellation Taurus, and they were glowing more brightly than any other star in the sky. Certain that they had never been there before, Applejack stared at them in wonder as she felt a peacefulness envelop her. Without understanding why, she knew that she had to follow these stars. Slowly climbing to her hooves, Applejack started off in the direction that they seemed to be indicating. For the next several hours, she limped on through the near perfect darkness of the forest, confidently following her stars. Whenever she lost sight of them, she allowed her instincts to guide her, and when the canopy opened next, she always found that she was still on the correct path. Abruptly, she stumbled through some dense brush and found herself in a clearing. Looking straight up, she found that the stars were now directly overhead. "Why did you lead me here?" she spoke softly. "Oh my gosh! Applejack! APPLEJACK!" As she turned toward the sound of the shout, Applejack was knocked off of her hooves. Landing flat on her back, she smiled up at the excited face of one of her closest friends. "Howdy, Rainbow." Rainbow Dash burst into tears and hugged her friend fiercely. "I found you! I can't believe I found you!" Returning the hug with only her left foreleg, Applejack began to cry as well. For several long minutes, the two simply held each other, then Rainbow Dash stood up. "Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked worriedly as she reached for Applejack's right foreleg. "Not that one," Applejack said quickly, then offered her left foreleg instead. She allowed her friend pull her to her hooves, and then answered, "I've never felt better in my whole life." Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow. "You sure about that? Cause you look pretty awful." Applejack laughed. "I may look as frowsy as a shredded wheat biscuit, but I feel great." Unconvinced, Rainbow Dash gestured toward her right foreleg. "How bad is your leg?" "It's definitely broken. I can walk on it, but it hurts somethin' fierce." Rainbow Dash stooped low to the ground. "Get on my back, I'll fly you to the hospital. I'll have you there within the hour." Applejack shook her head. "No, take me home." "Are you crazy?!" Rainbow Dash retorted. "Your leg is broken! You need to go to the hospital." "No, Dash," Applejack argued. "I need to see Apple Bloom. Once I've talked to her, I'll let you take me." "All right," Rainbow Dash relented. "I guess if this happened to me, I would probably be just as anxious to see Scoot." Climbing onto Rainbow Dash's back, Applejack gripped her tightly with her three good legs as the Pegasus leaped into the sky. As soon as they rose above the treetops, Applejack gasped. She could see nothing but trees in every direction, and realized that if Rainbow Dash hadn't found her, she would never have made it home. Leaning forward so that she was inches from her friend's ear, she said, "I reckon I was pretty deep into the forest." "Yeah," Rainbow Dash called back over her shoulder. "Once we found the balloon, and realized how far in you were, I was really scared that we would never find you." "How did you find me?" Applejack inquired, suddenly curious. "It was the strangest thing," Rainbow Dash yelled. "I was way off to the west of here, and I thought I heard a voice call my name. It sounded like a mare, but I guess it was just the wind. Anyway, I decided to go the direction that I thought it came from and ended up at the clearing just as you stepped out of the trees." Applejack found that she couldn't speak through the lump that had formed in her throat. Quickly glancing up at the sky, she found that the two bright stars were gone. Throughout her entire childhood, she had believed that her parents would always be with her, and now, she knew that she had been right. Laying her head down on the base of Rainbow Dash's neck, Applejack allowed the Pegasus's strong, rhythmic wing beats to lull her to sleep.