Ponies and the Alpha Team

by Optimistic Pessimist

Candle Stick keep

Applejack and Lyra landed with a resounding clunk. They shivered from the cold air of the area. Stone walls with sad excuses of banners stretched far from the light from the candle.

"What's that?" Applejack looked over to a small yellow machine lying on the floor near the ghost wall. She walked over and pressed a button. A small message popped up.

Beware the Grimalkin!
These giant Spookats cannot be defeated!
Instead, run into the safe light of a warding candle.

Applejack shivered at the last memory of the Spookats. "There are BIGGER ones?" Lyra nodded. "I told you before. They're are so many more down here." Applejack gulped. "Alright. Let's go. In and out. Nothing to it." She stepped through the ghost wall.

"Dagnabbit. Can't see the hoof in front of my face." Applejack looked around the darkness all around her. She looked behind her to the little area where the candle was. "Come on Lyra! We ain't got all day!" The unicorn walked through the ghost wall holding her blade up. "Let's get going."

No sooner then a second after she finished speaking a dark shadow appeared on the floor. Lyra turned towards the dark moan from behind her. Slowly her head followed the growth of the shadow.

It was a large fearsome Spookat wearing a skull. Its' teeth were not really teeth, but leftovers of whatever closed its' mouth. An evil purple glowed from its mouth.

"RUN FOR IT!" Lyra dropped her blade and ran as fast as she could. Applejack followed closely behind.

"Oh Celestia, what IS that thing?" Applejack held her hat on her head as she ran. Lyra just kept on running. "Grimalkin! What else?" Applejack looked back. Several Spookats had appeared along with some skeletons. "Oh come on!"

They quickly ducked under the glow of a candle. They watched intently as the Grimalkin neared closer and closer. Then suddenly it bit at the air and disappeared back into the floor.

"Whew! Too close." Applejack whipped out her gun. "Now we gotta deal with them." Lyra turned to find several Spookats and skeletons had followed them. They were also somehow immune to the light. "Let's... wait."

She suddenly realized she dropped her blade near the ghost wall. "Applejack, hold them back. I'll be right back." Lyra dashed off, dodging between Spookat and skeleton.

Applejack held her gun unsteadily at the ghosts. "Ah shoot. This just ain't right." She fired quick bolts of light and slowly back up. "There's just too many of them!" Applejack kept backing up. The more she fired, the further she walked away from the light of the candle.

Applejack was busy keeping the ghosts away when a sudden moan stopped her in her tracks. She turned slowly to find a Grimalkin had appeared behind her. "GAH!" She quickly dodged around it.

Applejack only ran from the Grimalkins. She looked around in fear for another candle, but despite how many she saw, none of them were lit.

She suddenly met a wall. "No. No. No. No. NO!" She turned and backed against the wall. She watched as the Grimalkin turned the corner. She prayed to Celestia that it wouldn't see her, but it did anyway. Applejack watched hopelessly as the Grimalkin closed in on her. He lofted her hat. "See ya later, Lyra."

A great cackling echoed through the hall, stopping the Grimalkin in its' tracks. It slowly turned and disappeared into the floor. Applejack turned her attention to the sound of bone rattling. She started to shiver as it got louder.

Suddenly a dark skeleton, clad in a dark purple armor turned the corner. Its' cold yellow eyes looked around, and it fell upon her. Applejack began to shake even more as it walked closer to her. Applejack soon realized it had three horns. Applejack closed her eyes and muttered prayers.

"Whoa hey Applejack, calm down! It's only me!" Applejack opened her eyes. "Lyra?"

The skeleton took off its' head to reveal the familiar face of the unicorn.

"I found this while running from the Grimalkin. Pretty neat huh?" She spread her hooves out and spun in a circle. Applejack started to laugh. "What are you laughing for?" Applejack laughed even harder. "You scared the living cahoots outta me! Don't do that again!"

Lyra smiled. "I found this nice blade and shield to go along with it." Lyra showed off her new blade. It was slim, and it looked evil, like it was forged from obsidian. The shield looked like a rib cage ripped off the skeletons. "Wow, those look strong!" Lyra smiled. "Yeah, but now I got these voices in my head. 'Remember to block', and 'attack when you know you can' and things like that." Applejack smiled. "But what about you're old blade?"

Lyra smiled as she dropped it in front of Applejack. "How about you hold on to it. i don't need it anymore." Applejack picked up the heavy blade. "Wow! I didn't think it was that heavy!" Lyra chuckled. "What? Too heavy for you?" Applejack huffed. "Lyra, stop it. It ain't funny." Lyra laughed again.

Applejack looked around. "What happened to all the ghost?" Lyra shrugged. "I sent them back. Apparently this armor can tell them what to do." Applejack smiled. "So we won't have to worry about it?"

Lyra smiled as she walked onto the elevator. "As long as I'm around, you won't." Applejack frowned as Lyra powered up the elevator. "Wuzzat supposed to mean?"

Lyra laughed as they descended into the dark.