//------------------------------// // chapter 5:test his might (EDITED VERSION) // Story: Dark Souls:the descent into friendship // by star dust pony //------------------------------// I could not believe what I was seeing, the knight I had brought to my castle was not only trained to fight but he was skilled and resilient with no shortage of experience. "My, my, you are quite the fighter." I still hadn't stopped summoning creatures, By this point I had created other copies of him with the same fighting style and yet even then he managed to surprise me... He would wait for them to strike before throwing his shield arm into their weapon to stumble them before... well, finishing them. He would hold back their arm as he drove the tip of his blade clean through the thick cloth on their chest and past the chainmail beneath to force his way through their ribs and spine. His foot pushed them from his blade and to the floor. They didn't get back up. "Thank you, Princess." He put away his sword, I would have demanded he draw it again but from what I saw already, this may be a plan. His hand twitched and an ember set his palm singed, it seemed to glow in his hand as the ember suddenly became a flame, I could see much power in the ember and in the flame even more... Then he did something I did not expect, he set his hand ablaze and pressed it into his chest, glowing almost flame like energy seemed to make him grunt in slight pain... But even then another flame formed as one of the demon creatures, which were shaped like a minotaurs, attempted to strike him down... Only to be greeted with a swirl of fire engulfing it in the SEARING embrace of a small sun, burning it away. "You... Are quite powerful, when it come to magic." "It's Pyromancy... I learned from the best." I could feel him smirking so just as a bit of fun I did something simply to rile him up: I giggled as he looked behind himself only to notice a large monstrous creature I had pulled from my mind, I specifically designed it to make it appear as much as like him but with the armor of my guards and with great chains around its massive wrists... Perhaps the most disturbing thing is that he did not react. "You... Are not afraid?" I was nearly wide eyed by this point and my eyes were larger than plates by the time he shook his head. "...No... I don't see a reason to fear it, if it will bleed like any other pig..." He braced his legs and leaned forward, focusing all of his weight into his front... "RRRAAGGGHHH!!!" If I were to see his eyes I feel as if I would see them bloodshot and hungry, it's as if the threat of something larger and stronger than him did not strike fear into his heart, but filled him with blood lust and rage as if it's less of a threat, and more of a devotion to toppling whatever is larger than him. As he put the final rending blow, with very minimal hits taken on this part, I was left amazed; nothing I threw at him had a chance of even SLOWING him down. "...Mother of me." "Was that satisfactory, princess?" He wiped his blade clean before returning it to the sheath and turning to me for judgement. "...You were simply MARVELOUS." I snapped out of my trance just as I heard my faithful student arrive with her rainbow maned friend, the others would have to wait to be introduced to this new warrior. Twilight trotted down the hall and it was quite pleasant to see her again, as always is the case. "Greetings princess, have you already tested the... Uhhh...The thing." I could tell Rainbow Dash was getting annoyed. "He has a name, you know!? And just 'cause he's not a pony doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it." I decided it best if I were to step in before this gets out of hand. "His name is Sparks, and yes, I already tested him. He is incredibly resilient and versatile; he passed through all the tests with ease... Whatever he fought in his home land- it was definitely worse than Tartarus." Twilight seemed to go wide eyed. A natural reaction, of course, when getting news like this. "Really? Worse than that- that vile, foul pit that requires not one, but eight of the strongest magical wards in all of Equistria and the three-headed gate keeper, Cerberus?" I nodded. Sparks returned to my side. "We may need him in the future, I'm going to plan out an... act, of sorts, to make it seem like we made contact with a peaceful race to help us., Hopefully the ponies will be accepting of our new found friend." I looked to my right to gaze at Sparks' steel face and knew that he had so rarely been called that with sincerity.