//------------------------------// // Twilight is just that amazing // Story: Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// I woke up in my hotel room. Spike hugged me the second I was standing. I felt, oddly okay. I think I could have easily gone way over my limit but I was, fine. I felt a little drained, but as long as I avoided any big spells I probably wouldn't even notice. Firecracker was indeed in the room. I smiled. "So the results…" "You are crazy magical. I wrote it down so you can know exactly how much you put out. I had the girls wait just like you said. You really didn't need our help." "Uh, Twilight, isn't that like Princess Celestia sort of…" said Spike "What?" I yelled "I was just saying…" "Not you Spike. What do you mean you didn't help me?" "There's another way to interpret that?" "No, I mean yes. I mean…" I screamed. "That makes no sense. I know I didn't finish it. I didn't have enough magic. If none of you helped me where did it come from?" "Uh, I dunno. There was some weirdness where it seemed to come from somewhere else but we were only to step in if you had trouble holding the magic steady. I thought you just pushed yourself harder." "Well I didn't. I didn't have anything left so…" I stopped. It didn't make any sense. I hit my limit. It had to come from somewhere but I can't imagine the Smooze would have tried to help me. I got out of bed and started pacing. It just didn't add up. The spell was easy enough, but the large area complicated things. I tired to make the runes as efficient as possible making the spell easy as could be, but I don't think I could have just miscalculated the energies necessary. Also I felt the spell it wasn't ready, then it was. Then I blinked. "Wait, did the spell shift?" "Huh?" "The spell, I couldn’t do it but did it shift, you had to be watching regardless so did it shift somehow, even if it didn't make any sense." "Oh, uh. Yea, but I figure that was just the stress of casting it." I sighed. "So you're sure it's not say, me altering the spell on the fly to make it work with the power I was able to pull out." "Nah, it definitely came from you, it even has your signature. We checked because it seemed like it didn't but it did." I just stood there for a long moment. Okay, so the good news is making such a major subconscious change to spell against all the laws of spellcraft really is impossible. The bad news I seemed to have subconsciously added power to my own spell in some way even though I was fairly sure I had hit my limit. I hung my head. "Oh forget it. I can try to figure out this later. I have an itinerary to keep." "Okay then." Firecracker laughed. "So what now?" "First a question. I'm regaining my reserves faster too, right?" "Crazy fast boss mare. By the way, you were right. That is a ton of refugees." "I still don't get what any of this was about." Said Spike I sighed. "I don't think I have to explain about the Smooze in general right? It's in tons of movies and comic books." Spike nodded. He was still standing on the bed. "Yea. It's actually less scary up close. Especially after it turned into jelly." Firecracker laughed. "Nah, it was always jelly." "Yes. Though scrying the past is tricky and sometimes you can't get the detail you want, it was always known somehow the Smooze was created in a baking accident by one Jelly Pie. And before you ask yes he's related to Pinkie." "So one of Pinkie's ancestors baked a monster?" Spike was nodding as he said it. "Yea, that makes sense." "I still want to know how to make a jelly pie." Said Firecracker. "I mean warm jelly melts and becomes juice and stuff, and it doesn't really work." "Huh?" said Spike "She toasts everything." I laughed at Blossomforth's comment. She came in followed by Sweetsong. Of course in truth there was such a thing as a normal jelly pie, in which you simply waited for the jelly to congeal and served it cold. Then there was the family recipe that Pinkie managed to recreate that baked the jelly rather than melting it. I tried not to think too much about it. Oddly Sweetsong had the wings of a bat-pony even without the armor. Technically the black torq was her armor, but the magic to turn it into that from blocked all it's other effects so it was odd. A lilac bat pony with pale pink hair just looked odd. Sweetsong trotted over to my bed and sat down. Blossomforth came to attention once she stopped, even giving me a salute. She was white with teal and pink hair. "Everything is going smoothly." Said Blossomforth "We also cordoned off the area in question immediately." "Well as smoothly as dealing with every pony the Smooze ate over years can be." Added Sweetsong. "Seriously, it's a huge mess, and that's even ignoring all the jelly." "Wait, so that spell killed the thing?" I rolled my eyes. "Spike, the whole point is the creature was all those ponies, and trees, and everything else alive. Somehow it all got magically fused and could continue fusing more and more into itself." "Yea, and Twilight is so awesome she blew it all apart." Firecracker then made a not especially surprisingly accurate explosion noise. "Did you really have to put it that way?" asked Blossom, then sighed. Firecracker laughed. "Duh, of course I did." "That's also why the elements only sealed it when used. It was made up of countless ponies, their pets, and any wild animals in the area as well." "Uh, but you guys fixed Luna, and isn't this sorta the same." "Well yes, but it obviously didn't do that the first time. In fact I mentioned to Celestia the possibility of us attempting to use the elements on the Smooze for just that reason, but she said it's too much of a risk. So I tried something else." "Why didn't anypony else try this?" asked Blossom "I mean they couldn't do it themselves but I'm pretty sure you didn't have to either, right?" "That was the plan. I thought eventually I would need help, but…" I sighed "I might have been wrong. I'm not sure but maybe I really am that powerful." "How is that bad?" asked Spike Oddly Firecracker sighed at the same time as her fellow guards. I guess as odd as she acts she is fairly good at her job, or at least understands this well enough. But even if the exact amount of power is in question, in the end I did control it. I really let loose in the first time in so long and I controlled it. Then I smiled. That fear has been there so long but now it's just, gone. I laughed. "I suppose it makes sense really. If I get understanding of magic far beyond normal it only makes sense to get control too." "Oooookay." Spike shook his head. "Anyway, so how did an earth pony manage that? And again, why didn't anyone else try this." "They assumed there had to be some other factor they were missing. Also they didn't know the cause and couldn't modulate the spell right. I did." "Eh? How?" "It's a bowl Spike. One we really need to go recover. Because if I'm right it's part of Gaia and infused with a ton of Discord's power as well." "What?" Everyone screamed it and I just smiled. Once I had an idea what to look for it wasn't hard to find something that fit the criteria. I didn't know it was a bowl at first, but it's the only thing in the whole valley intact that isn't glass. I could be wrong, but I really doubt it. It probably would have been easier to just teleport it out, but I had a theory to test, and most likely ponies to save. And I was right on all counts.