//------------------------------// // Sleipnir and Thoroughbred // Story: Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// Valhalla was huge beyond any measure. The hall the size of a city. While true enough it wasn't really that big a city. It was still impressive. On the far end was a massive throne and similarly large table both made of sacred ash. The throne had some gold and silver trim, and a few gems here and there, but mostly it wasn't even varnished. The table was much darker with it's thick coating. The throne was covered in pillows, and Sleipnir looked quite comfortable. He was a magnificent stallion, coat white as snow, mane the same shade as a thundercloud. This was reinforced by the tiny streaks of lightning that would occasionally strike throughout his mane. Now, like most times I saw him the only thing he wore was a winged helmet with a plate that covered one of his eyes. There was a spear leaning against the throne as well. But of course as amazingly handsome as the large stallion looked, it was impossible not to stare at his most noticeable feature. As far as I knew he was the only stallion on the planet with eight legs. "Twilight, I think we're already in trouble." Said Blossomforth "Awww, they're so cute." Said Sweetsong I turned to see one giant wolf to the right of me, and another to the left. Both were black as night, and a little bigger than I was. They also had especially pronounced incisors rather similar to many of the extinct so called saber-toothed creatures. I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable. I could hear the cacophony of the hall behind me, though it seemed notably more silent near Sleipnir. We had passed a great deal of raucous ponies, mostly pegasi, as we came in, drinking and eating to their heart's content. Then the wolves finally began their assault, drenching me in their slobber. "They're, tasting her?" "Seriously Blossom, sometimes I think you might not be half as smart as you seem." "Yea, that did sound really dumb." Added Spike. "I guess they remember you, huh?" Sleipnir laughed. "Of course they do. So good to see you again Lady Sparkle, as always for a fellow seeker of knowledge." I opened my eyes and bowed. Thankfully Sleipnir's wolves were once again at the side of his throne and not licking my face. I brought up my head just in time for him to give me a slight bow of his head. Then he smiled. "So what is Celestia's greatest student here for may I ask? I doubt it is a social call." "Actually I've gotten much better at that." I smiled "In fact…" "You have five very special friends, and a good many more you are at least reasonably social with. I know that of course." I laughed. "Oh yes, of course you would." "Huh?" Spike, Sweetsong and Blossom echoed "Still, it is a long journey here, and I do not need to be calmed like some of the other fools out there, nor do I seek to gain from that misstep." I nodded. "Of course, though since I'm here anyway Celestia sends her apologies for allowing such a thing to occur. Pinkie is not easy to control and…" He nodded. "Yes, yes. Of course. I understand completely. I know that bloodline well and it's clear enough she at least is anything but malicious." "What?" I said, my traveling companions echoing a moment later. He shook his head. "Nothing of great import. Maybe we will talk of it later, but you do have a schedule to keep so let us move on. As Celestia expects I understand and will not only cause no trouble but support her if need be." "Uh, thank you." "Now, as I said, what do you seek here young one?" "A few books that should be only in your library, and also anything you have on flying without wings. Finally I want permission to study the world tree. Right now only briefly, but possibly later somewhat more in depth. Including samples ideally." He closed his eyes and nodded. "Yes, I could arrange that I suppose. Though I don't really have many books on flying without wings." "You don't?" asked Spike "Why would that be weird?" asked Sweetsong "Because my beauty, there are some things that you don't have to study, you just do." He then leapt into the air, little visible tails of wind keeping him aloft. You could also hear the odd fluctuations in the wind nearby. He laughed. Blossom and Sweetsong were staring. So was I, but not for the same reason. Now that I knew what I was looking for I could feel the currents of air magic surrounding him. Moonfire had suggested I think about trying to sense magic not just visually because my horn was more accurate than mere sight. She was so right, though she suggested mixing and matching other senses as appropriate, I found just focusing on how magic was flowing without confusing the matter with any other sense was just as easy. Also it was a wonderful sort of certainty. I knew exactly how his magic felt, even if I would have to study him longer to understand it fully. I smiled. "And it seems Celestia owes me ten bits. She should have believed me in the first place." None of us said anything to that. "I will do what I can, but as you know, there is always a price for knowledge. Not all as severe as what I paid, but for what you ask…" "You want more than simply a smile." He laughed. "Ah yes. Though a smile of a beautiful mare such as yourself is worth more to me than that of the cute filly I remember." I blushed "But yes, there must be a higher price than that. But you already guessed what I would ask of you, yes? You bring two valkyries in all but fact with you, wearing armor as if you expect a fight." "Well I wasn't sure but it is traditional, especially considering…" "You are right of course. Yes, proof of bravery and martial skill is worth what you ask, and I know just who to ask. Son, come here." "Son?" I gulped. There was a flash and a muscular golden furred stallion appeared. He had a red mane and tail, as well as a matching long silky beard. His armor was a mix of dark blue and black, covering most of him but his head and tail. He also had a small silver hammer with an odd design on his back. "Oh no. No no no no no." "Now while I'm sure you know of him Twilight, your companions may not, and in any case proper introductions are in order. This is my son, Thoroughbred." He laughed. It was rich and booming. "But you can just call me Thor. Everyone does." "Yo, I'm Spike." "Lieutenant Blossomforth. Pleasure to meet you." "Sweetsong." Blossomforth glared at Sweetsong, but said nothing. I noticed two especially burly and surprisingly tall goats standing behind Thor some distance away. I sighed and hung my head. Then suddenly a strange feeling of calm washed over me. This situation was so hopeless there was literally nothing I could do. My head shot up, a smile on my face. It's surprisingly freeing to be utterly free of consequence. Thor took a step back with everypony else for some reason. Even Sleipnir retracted his head a bit. That's odd, it almost looked like they saw something scary. "So, we have to fight the god of lightning and thunder?" I said "Sure, sounds like fun. Let me guess, the Tann brothers too, right." "That was the thought." Sleipnir laughed. "I figure it's fair enough. Clearly a baby dragon shouldn't be in combat, but you brought warriors with you so three on three seems appropriate." "Yea, so what if he's a god and I'm only a slightly above average unicorn. Don't worry, it will be no problem at all." "Good, I was worried you might object. Now, on to the rules." I blinked. It was then I realized there actually were a few things I could have done. Asked for a another challenge first, simply refused outright and left without risking life and limb, and asking if there was some thing other than a test of strength I could offer instead. "Uh oh, her hair is getting worse." Said Spike "Father, is she okay?" asked Thor "Oh yes, trust me, you would know if she wasn't. So my son, I will let you pick either the battlefield, or the victory conditions." Thor laughed "Hah, simplicity itself father. I choose…" "Hold." Sleipnir raised one hoof. "This is a test for you as well my son, so think carefully about what you choose." "I do not choose rashly. It matters little what battlefield I choose only the victory conditions could allow me to loose. I choose a fight to the death, but with the stipulation that either side my give up before so if they wish." Sleipnir laughed. "And I didn't even have to tell you to insure there is some way for your opponents to win. You have learned something, though as expected you missed the point of this lesson, do you understand it Twilight?" I felt one eye twitch. Then I waved a hoof in front of me while taking deep calming breaths. Cadence had actually taught it to me, along with a lot of other relaxation techniques. I'm not sure why she taught me so many really. I hadn't used any of them for some time, my academic induced isolation limiting my stress. This question was important, and answering it should be simple. Then I suddenly had it. "There isn't a right answer. Both options are equally bad. If he had let me choose the victory conditions, I could have chosen something like, being female." "Hah." He said. "I knew that already. The weakness of the letting her choose the location is far preferable. While I may be weaker and limited some places, where on this great big world would she be able to defeat me?" Sleipnir nodded. "Ah, good, good. Though I said battlefield, not location. The lesson here is that as Twilight said there was no right answer." "Battlefield…" I muttered, finally getting the second part of the weakness. "Father, that makes no sense." "So any battlefield I can imagine?" I asked "If it is within my power." "Do I have to tell him what it is?" Sleipnir smiled. "No, you do not. And you have proven your wisdom. You need not speak the second part of your answer, my son's defeat will be answer enough of the failing. So are you prepared?" I stood tall and nodded. "Yes. So do you want me to write a note or…" "Whatever you…" Then he laughed. "Lets make this a bit more fun. You can hide the truth from my son, but you must tell me right now." "That doesn't make any sense." Said Sweetsong. "He means in code." Added Blossom "Seriously, how are you even still in the guard?" I didn't have to think of it at all. "I know at least one battlefield where Thor has no true power and I am supreme. You once called it the truest source of my power." He laughed of course. "Very good Twilight. Excellent in fact." I smiled. "Father, I don't understand, is there some secret about this girl I should know?" Sleipnir nodded. "Should know already, yes. But you don't, or at the very least don't see the truth of it as it relates to her request. Let it begin." Then he waved a hoof and suddenly the world seemed to be just gone. I smiled widely. Then the world seemed to come back, the Everfree forest seemed to surround me, the castle of the pony sisters a stone's throw away. Oh this is going to be fun.