//------------------------------// // Mother nature is a b... // Story: Sparkling Field Research: RotE Episode 10 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// As I looked around everything suggested cold. The snow covering everything, the icicles hanging off trees, and the utter lack of any living thing moving besides my two companions. Reinia was ruled by the literal lord of winter so it only made sense that regardless of season the country would be cold. One thing I was not aware of is that because of this it was possible to trade warmth with another location for money. This town had fallen on hard times and thus traded almost all their warmth away. Spike was probably right that staying in the relatively warm Moosecow was the smart thing to do, but I didn't have much choice. I was wearing a heavy furred jacket, with matching boots, bodysuit, and even a mask that mostly covered my face in addition to the jacket's hood. According to the temperature map in Mooscow it still shouldn't be quite enough to really beat the cold, but I felt quite warm. Sweetsong had a jacket that covered her wings but that was it. Blossomforth was wearing a scarf. The pegasus ability to resist cold was truly amazing. "So seriously, why are we here?" asked Sweetsong "Song." "What, it's a legitimate question and it's not like it hurts to ask. She probably won't answer, but there isn't much else to do." "The town is right up ahead so it's not like…" We all stopped and stared. We saw the figure coming near us but we didn't think much of it. Most Reindeer are brown and she had been far away. Now though a few things were clear. She was a brown pony with mane a mix of countless shades of green. She was taller than most ponies, and fairly thickly built, a very imposing mare. She also lacked a few important things. The first was a cutie mark. The second was wings or a horn, which was obvious since she had nothing on to protect her from the chill. "Well, your aura means you have my attention, now earn it." I blinked. "What?" Then I gasped "You can see auras too?" "Yes, one of my many special talents. Let me guess, you managed to track down me as your ancestor and have some questions." "What? No, I'm not…" I then paused looking up. "Well I suppose I can't really say for certain that we're not related but that has nothing to do with…" Then I realized I wasn't sure of that either. Fluttershy led me to finding her and while I assumed that wasn't the connection she is immortal and from my limited research on who in this town the mystery could be she certainly doesn't shy away from having children. Then I shook my head. "Okay, maybe you could be related to Fluttershy, but that isn't the point. I know I tracked you via a similarity in your auras that is not related to a familial bond, though of course it could be, but that's missing the point." "Hold on girl, are you saying you used magic to track me down because I matched up with somepony else?" I nodded. "Yes, though this is all circumstantial and I decided it best not to delve too deep into your history if I'm wrong, since it would be a waste of time." She smiled. "Okay girl, you've earned it. Run your test." "How did you know there would be a test?" asked Blossom "Because I get a lot of fools and idiots searching for me asking for answers, most often those I don't have, or can be more easily found other ways. You aren't like them. You're the rare one seeking understanding beyond selfish desires." "That is arguably untrue, but I suppose it's mostly accurate." She frowned. "Oh, you might be the worst type, promising, but a disappointment. Let me guess, you have a few questions first." "I think just one, the rest probably aren't pertinent even if I want to ask them. I would guess it's one you've never been asked before." "I doubt that girl." She glared at me. "Ask girl." I gulped. For the first time I really noticed her eyes. They were a vibrant green, and I think shifted subtly and slowly in shade, but I wasn't sure of that. They also had a strange depth to them. As if there was an ocean of darkness behind them, unfathomable, and at the moment every single droplet hated you with it's entire being. I definitely said something wrong. "Do you know who this is?" asked Song "No, and I'm beginning to think I shouldn't care." The mare answered "I am Lieutenant Blossomforth, and the girl with the now obviously strange eyes is Lieutenant Sweetsong. We serve her majesty Princess Luna. In the coat is her eminence Dutchess Twilight Sparkle, personal student of…" "Celestia. I'm aware. That certainly doesn't impress. As I said, ask girl. I'm beginning to think this is a waste of my time." "But you're immortal?" asked Song "That just makes it more valuable." The brown pony answered "What, that doesn't make sense." "Song." Yelled Blossom "I once asked Celestia why she…" I drifted off a second, trying desperately not to panic. "Why she wastes her time with such minor maters. She said it was hers to give as she chooses, even if it was more valuable somehow." The mare laughed, it was sharp and short. "That sounds like something that over emotional fool would say." "How dare you say that." Song was now glaring at the strange pony. "No, that can't be right…." Said Blossom She was a very different mare than I expected. Right now her name was Oak but it was just one in a long string of tree names that clearly meant very little to her. I should have learned more. I thought I knew enough. I thought I had it all together but now meeting her I realize I don't. Then I smiled. Except other than her personality everything fits, and even my best case scenario. Well best case for me at least. "The question is, what is your first memory?" She laughed "You really think that you're the first one to ask about my childhood. The first one to seek some reason behind my immortality in a vain attempt to…" "She's probably immortal already." Said Song "And that's not what I asked." I said "I wouldn't ask about your childhood because I doubt you had one. Or at least you don't remember it. I imagine your first memory is in Equestria sometime during Discord's reign. I'm just curious exactly what that first moment was. It could be very enlightening." Then she smiled. Her eyes lost that darker quality, but still had that depth so like Celestia's, so like Luna's, and every so often even hints of in Derpy and that strange husband of hers. She laughed, this time it was all honey with only the slightest hint of mania. I think this was better, and regardless I had to go on. "Okay girl, you have my full attention and my interest. You have no idea how rare that is, but you might have some idea how valuable. Let me guess, you were just being overly specific about not being selfish." "I wouldn't say that. Technically…" "Yes." Song and Blossom echoed The mare laughed again. "Do you even really want the answer?" "Of course. I don't need extensive details, but some idea. Also confirming that you really did have absolutely no memory at that point and it's shortly after Luna and Celestia first came to Equestira would be ideal." "It's all fairly simple. I was in a lot of pain and Discord began his long string of bothering me with unusual…" Then she just stopped and stared forward blindly. Blossom I noticed was also staring, but more obviously right at her. Song was looking between Blossom and the mare called Oak. "I always did like Gaia, it just seemed a bit presumptuous." "No way." Said Blossom. "I'm right." "Probably." I added. "How did you know?" "I'm old girl. I was there, and I know a lot of things that have been long forgotten by most. I was there when the memorial was dedicated. Always thought there was something odd about that tree. Guess I wasn't imagining it." "That means you're…" "The mother of your immortal rulers. Yes. It all fits, even if I imagine you have a few more details for me Ms Sparkle?" "Well I have a piece of, well, you, and there is a test that…" "Then get on with it. It's conclusive, isn't it?" "Relatively so. I could be wrong but…" "Then do it." I took out the container, set in on the ground, and cast the spell. I did it as quickly as possible, since any magical contact could be dangerous, but it went off without a hitch and green line of brilliant light now stretched from Gaia to the bowl. There was a margin for error, but Spike was right that it was so small it didn't matter. He was less right about me always being right about this sort of thing anyway, though he may have point even if it's vain to agree. "Positive, correct?" Gaia asked "Whoa." Said Song. Blossom said nothing "Yes, now I just need to…" When she grabbed the bowl I immediately put up the best shield I could around myself, Sweetong, and Blossomforth. However nothing happened. She laughed. "Let me guess, you feared something undesirable might happen if I touched it, but I know that feeling well. I have a bottle of hot sauce and an umbrella made of swiss cheese with a near identical feel." "You found two pieces yourself?" I asked "Swiss cheese?" said Song "That does sound like Discord alright." "It certainly is strange enough." Added Blossom "And you were afraid his taint could be dangerous." "Yes, but not just initially, but if you were to merge with a piece, which could have been as simple as touching it…" "And you thought that shield would protect you from a mad god?" "Not really, though there are a lot of pieces so who knows what you would get back if it worked. Also as I said there could be initial effects and…" "Fine. Come on. Lets go to my house, you're helping me pack." She turned around and started walking away. "What?" all three of us asked her at once "I assume now that you're certain enough I am what I seem to be and have some idea what happened, so obviously I should go see my daughters even if in the end it's not a good idea since I don't actually remember them beyond once being their subject." "But don't you have some responsibilities or…" "No girl. I'm obscenely wealthy. If I wanted one I could buy my own country. As to family, there is none I care about left. At least around here. That I know of. There is nothing to stop me going with you. That was the plan, wasn't it?" "If this went well yes, and…" "Then you are helping me pack. Also I assume you want to restore me and assume the pieces have my memory as well as powers?" "Yes but…" "Then that's another reason. I have always felt I was missing something important beyond my mark, and the power of a goddess sounds about right to me." "Wait, just power not…" "Power trumps everything else girl. Considering how much you have I would think you would know that." Then she stopped, turned, and looked me in the eyes. I didn't know what to do. Then she smiled and turned around again. She let out a short laugh then began walking again. I reluctantly followed, feeling a little unnerved. "You do know, don't you?" she asked "Fine. The strong survive. You don't have to make your strength obvious, and sometimes it's better if you don't, but in the end that's all that matters. You're just like Celestia that way aren't you? Strong enough to make the weak survive too, even though it's not smart." I stopped at that. This was Celestia's mother. Yes my theory about lacking her memories was correct, but regardless of her life how could she end up like this?