Assassins Creed: Harmony

by caveman0803

Chapter 1

It was late afternoon outside the small village of ponyville when a Unicorn stallion with a white coat and brown mane stepped atop a hill overlooking the village. He gazed at the village below him taking in a deep breath and letting out a content sigh. Beside him stood a filly with a purple coat and dark blue mane. Her leathery wings were resting at her sides as she watched the older stallion.

“Is this our new home Papa?” The filly asked.

“Yes Nightwish. This is Ponyville.” Her father replied. “Lets head down there and find our new house shall we?”

They began trudging down the trail that lead to the center of town. While they were walking Nightwish heard a sound that came from some bushes nearby.

“Papa, did you hear that?” Nightwish asked.

He turned his head and nodded to the little thestral filly. “Yes sweetheart I did. It seems there’s a pony who would like to meet us. Isn’t that right miss? He asked no one in particular.

“Oh you’re good.” said the bushes.

The bushes began to rustle as a pink mare with a cotton candy like mane stepped out of the bushes.

“How’d you know I was there?” The pink mare inquired.

“Well, my daughter and I heard you coming. She has better hearing than the average pony and I have spent my life honing my senses to be able to detect others if we’re being followed.” He explained. “Allow me to introduce ourselves. My name is Professor Bunsen Burner and this is my daughter Nightwish.” Bunsen explained.

“Well it’s nice to meetcha. My name is Pinkie Pie.” She said with more enthusiasm than a normal pony would have.

“It’s very nice to meet you Ms. Pie. However if I may inquire, how’d you know where we’d be?” Bunsen inquired.

“My Pinkie Sense told me.” She said.

“Your what?” Bunsen asked with a quizzical expression.

“My Pinkie Sense. I get different feelings meaning different things. Like when something is about to fall my tail starts twitching.” She explained.

“I see. Well it was lovely meeting you but we must be on our way.” Bunsen Burner stated.

“Wait! Before you go I need to give you this.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“And whats that?” Bunsen Burner asked

“An invitation.” Pinkie said

“An invitation to what Miss?” Nightwish asked.

“A welcome to Ponyville party silly filly.” Pinkie Pie said with her signature smile.

“Thank you Miss Pie we’ll definitely consider it.” Bunsen said

“Okey dokey see ya tonight at Sugarcube Corner.” Pinkie replied. She turned around and bounced off singing to herself.

“She’s weird Papa.” Nightwish commented.

“Yes, but she seems like a good pony at heart and I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of her.” Bunsen Burner replied.

They began heading into town towards city hall to see the Mayor.

A ways away Pinkie Pie was still bouncing when she was stopped by a lavender unicorn.

“Hey Pinkie, who was that?" The lavender pony asked.

"Oh hey Twilight. That was Bunsen Burner and his daughter Nightwish. They're new to Ponyville and I was giving them my patented Pinkie Pie welcome and inviting them to their "welcome to Ponyville" party." She said with a huge grin.

"Well that's nice Pinkie." Twilight replied

"You know what's weird though? Right before they got here I got this shiver throughout my whole body. Like that time at froggy bottom bog." Pinkie explained.

"What do you think it means?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know but I do know that whatever it is it's gonna be something big and it's gonna involve those two somehow." Pinkie continued to explain.
Bunsen Burner and Nightwish had just finished at town hall speaking to the mayor about getting a house in Ponyville. Bunsen Burner decided on an old shop near the outside of Ponyville. He figured that would be the best idea so that way he would have a source of income without having to deal with “inter-office politics” so to speak. When they got to the building, Bunsen noticed a few things that needed to be patched up such as a broken window and quite a number of missing boards. Other than that the building was in decent enough shape so he didn’t have to do too much work on the exterior.

“Wow Papa this place is a dump.” commented Nightwish.

“Yes, but it’s cheap and that’s what I wanted. It doesn’t bother me all that much to fix it up.” Bunsen explained “After I’m done with this place you’re going to love it sweetheart.”

“If you say so Papa.” said Nightwish “Now what do we do?”

“Well, first thing is we get furniture for our house. I bought a two story building so we can live on the second floor and i can set up my lab and repair shop on the first floor.” Bunsen said.

“Ok Papa.” Nightwish said.

“So since it’s still daytime we’ll take care of that and we’ll sign you up for school.” Bunsen said with a smirk on his face.

“But Papa I don’t want to go to school!” Nightwish protested.

“Sorry sweetheart but you don’t have a choice in the matter.” Bunsen stated. “You need to get your education just like every other filly and colt here in town.”

“But Papa..” Nightwish began

“No buts Nightwish. You need to go to school just like everypony else and you won’t be able to change my mind.” Bunsen said firmly.

“Alright Papa. When are we going?” Nightwish asked

“Well since I still need to gather the supplies to help fix this place up, we’ll go ahead and head over to the school and then we’ll go from there.” Bunsen answered.

“Ok Papa.” Nightwish sighed.

They left the run down shop building, on their way to the other side of town where the local schoolhouse was. As they walked through town Nightwish noticed all the different ponies staring and muttering as they walked past them.

“Don’t mind them sweetie, they’ve probably never seen a thestral before.” Bunsen said trying to reassure his daughter.

They continued onward ignoring the various stares they were getting. They continued walking when they saw a giant oak tree coming into view. When they got closer they saw a purple unicorn with a purple mane with a pink stripe through the middle step outside the door. She saw the two walking by and trotted up to them.

“Hello. You must be new in town.” The purple mare said.

“Indeed we are Miss. My name is Professor Bunsen Burner and this is my daughter Nightwish.” Bunsen said

“H...Hello Miss.” Nightwish said shyly

The purple mare looked towards the thestral filly and smiled. “Well hello little one. I don’t believe i’ve seen a thestral outside Princess Luna’s guard before.”

Nightwish looked at her with surprise in her eyes. “You know Princess Luna?” She asked.

“Of course. Oh i’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said

“Well that explains a lot.” Bunsen said. “Of course the personal student of Princess Celestia would know about thestrals.”

“Of course. Pinkie told me about the two of you. So how are you liking Ponyville so far?” Twilight asked.

“It’s a very nice town and i’m looking forward to staying here for a long time.” Bunsen replied

“Thats good. If I may ask, what brings you to Ponyville Professor?” Twilight asked

“Please Miss Sparkle call me Bunsen, I’m only a Professor when i’m working. As for why we came to Ponyville, well it’s quite a long story and I don’t want to bore you with the details. In short we came for the peace and quiet.” Bunsen explained.

“Just Twilight is fine Bunsen.” Twilight said “And I’m sure I’d love to hear it but it looks like you two are busy.”

“Yes ma’am. Papa is taking me to sign up for classes.” Nightwish said

“Oh you’ll love your teacher. She is a very kind Earth Pony and the kids love her.” Twilight explained. “What are you a professor in Bunsen?”

“Well, Twilight, I specialize mainly in research and development. I find things that need to be fixed, research it, and develop various things that help it whether it be mechanical or chemical. It’s my job and my special talent to do this and I enjoy it very much.” explained Bunsen

“Oh really. What have you developed so far?” Twilight asked

“Well so far I developed the EMD V20-710 locomotive currently used by the Equestrian Train Bureau. Now trains get to their destinations in about half the time." Bunsen explained. “ Well we really must be going Twilight but I'm sure I'll be seeing you again."

"OK. Bye for now Bunsen." Twilight replied.