
by Manaphy

A Reflection and a Caring Sister

It was midnight in Equestria, and while almost everybody was sleeping in their beds, Celestia was wide awake, mulling about in her living quarters, decorated with gold, marble, flowering pots, and so on. Celestia wore an expression of dread on her face, her bright, colorful, flowing mane looking like a joyful contrast to her visage of despair. There were no prophecies or warnings, but she still couldn't shake off this sinking feeling inside of her. As Celestia looked out of her window, she saw that the moon was surprisingly bright in the sky as it dominated the specks that were twinkling stars in the dark sky, providing a beautiful sight that even the Princess of the Sun had to admit rivaled her best views using the sun. Celestia looked over to a small desk, where a rolled up scroll, a quill, and an ink bottle were neatly laid out as though they beckoned to her. Celestia trotted to the desk and sat down on the red cushioned chair, which normally felt soothing, but not to Celestia at this moment. Levitating the quill with her magic, Celestia dipped it into the ink, unfurled the scroll in front of her, and let her thoughts pour from her mind to the scroll.

To whomever may be reading this, greetings. I am Princess Celestia, the kindhearted ruler of the kingdom of Equestria. I, along with my dear sister Luna, share responsibilities such as making sure everything in the kingdom goes smoothy and that the world we provide them grants opportunity. One of my duties is also to make sure that we can keep the kingdom safe from all sorts of possible threats, something that I no longer feel as though I can do effectively.

Such a fear would be unusual for me to even consider centuries ago, as it was widely believed that I was among the strongest beings in the world, with only Nightmare Moon eclipsing my power, but just barely. I had helped thwarted off many foes of varying shapes and sizes and have helped ponies march to victory against monsters, armies, or both at the same time. All who saw my magical abilities were in awe of what I could do, especially my skills of being able to manipulate the position of celestial bodies, which makes my name of Celestia quite fitting.

Despite being a tried and true warrior, it was far from my favorite duty. The duties I most adored were related to those who were my proteges. While many of them have long since crossed over into the afterlife, the memories I had with them, both good and bad, shine as brightly as ever. The vast majority of them went on to hold prestigious positions of power, such as earning the titles of duke, duchess, and so on. However, one of them went on to not only earn the very title I have, but far exceed the expectations I set for her, and it is around that time when my feelings of inadequacy began.

For those who do not know, I am talking about my faithful student, who is no longer a student, Twilight Sparkle. Her journey truly began when my sister, as Nightmare Moon, returned and in the observations I had made beforehand, I sent her on a quest with five others to restore Nightmare Moon to her once lovely form, Luna. The ploy worked perfectly, and when I felt Luna's presence once again, I returned to her, and she was deeply sorry for the rebellion she attempted a thousand years ago. Equestria seemed set on the course of peace, but that's where I was horribly wrong.

First came Discord's return, who, despite breaking all laws of physics, was dispatched despite some of his trickery impacting the effectiveness of the Elements of Harmony. After that, more monsters kept crawling out of the woodwork, leading up to the Siege of Canterlot, where, as though it was the will of the gods, I was quickly brought down by the aggressor, Queen Chrysalis. It was there I learned I was no longer the most powerful figure living on this world, and even though Chrysalis eventually lost, the scars of failure cut through my soul.

Some time after this episode, Twilight Sparkle was granted the powers of an alicorn, wings and everything, and while I initially gave it as a reward for how far she had come in her quest to levels unheard of, I could have never imagined how convenient it was, as the week after her coronation, Luna and I were made to look like pathetic fools yet again, due to the chaos caused by plunder vines. Luna and I survived, but with that, another scar was added to my soul, this one cutting even deeper into it. Things started to stabilize for once, but the worst was yet to come.

I had one last scar added, this one haunting me for as long as I'll live. I had made the fatal mistake of trusting Discord, who I believed to be reformed, to go after an ancient evil, who called himself Tirek. What happened next would end up being the darkest chapter not only in Equestrian history, but in Griffon history and Changeling history as well. Millions had their magic drained, and while the majority survived by the skin of their teeth, others were not so fortunate. I was among those drained, and I even got the bonus of having a one way trip to Tartarus, the screeches of pure agony still ringing inside of my head. It was after this point where I learned the harshest truth I had ever witnessed, even more horrifying than watching my sister turn into Nightmare Moon before my eyes. It was the realization that I could no longer protect Equestria. I was useless, someone who served to get beaten just for whatever villain it was to gloat about how amazing he or she is, though at this rate it is no longer a feat. Everything depends on Princess Twilight Sparkle now, whereas before, other legendary heroes such as the Lunar Guard and the Wonderbolts could always be counted on in addition to myself.

Why do I write this letter that may not ever be read? It is because when I die from something horrific, which, with the threats becoming stronger and stronger, has turned into an inevitability. I want my subjects to know I too feel self-doubt and that even someone who has powers related to the sun feels melancholy. With that, I say goodbye, which I'm afraid might be the last goodbye I ever write if things go south once again.

Three successive thumps echoed in the room and Celestia turned her head as she was putting away her supplies and rolling up the scroll.

"Come in," shouted Celestia.

The door opened and Princess Luna slowly walked inside, approaching her sister with a similar expression of worry painted across her face.

"Tia, why are you up so late?" asked Luna. "This isn't anything like you."

"I know, dear sister, but I needed to get my emotions out somehow, even if nobody is going to read what I've wrote."

"What kind of emotions?"

"Ever since I was nearly murdered by Tirek, I've felt as though I can no longer protect my subjects. I feel like a cosmic plaything, just waiting for the inevitable when someone strong and bold enough kills me. Perhaps I should spare them the trouble and do it myself."

"Tia, don't ever speak like that. Equestria loves you, and everyone would feel an empty hole in their hearts if you were to die like that, and my hole would be the largest of them all."

"It's just that I—I have no idea what to do." Celestia's vision started to blur as she felt something run down her cheeks. "I'm not supposed to be this useless. I don't know what happened. It's as if the Wheel of Fortune is being controlled by an entirely different entity, one that is out to make my life as painful as possible."

"I understand where you're coming from, Tia. I'm scared about my abilities myself, but I try to live as long as I can in the face of all of this. Do you know why?" Celestia shook her head. "It's because I love you. You are the greatest sister anyone could ask for. You are kind, caring, intelligent, and strong. I don't say those things about many ponies, but you, Tia, fit the bill perfectly."

"T-Thank you, Luna."

"You're welcome." Luna firmly hugged Celestia, both of them feeling tears drop down their cheeks.

"I'm beginning to see what you mean, dear sister. I cannot give up so easily. There are too many things in this world that are precious to me. I cannot let them disappear, and I cannot let myself disappear. I will not give up."

"That's the spirit, now say that last line again."

"I will not give up."


"I will not give up!"

Celestia and Luna released each other from their hug, looking into the other pony's eyes. Both of them could feel a warm, hopeful feeling that caused their eyes to shine brighter and brighter. It was a strange feeling, one that Celestia hadn't experienced since her reunion with Luna, but whatever it was, it felt good. The two sisters regained their composure and trotted past the window, noticing a shooting star speed across the sky.

"Tia, look. It's a shooting star. Good fortune may come to us."

"I hope it does, Luna. Not just for us, but for all of my subjects, especially those that need more hope in their hearts."

The sisters trotted out of the living quarters and went up the winding stairs to the luxurious bedroom, where huge, royal beds were neatly set up, ready to be used for the night. Celestia yawned as Luna looked at her sister with a cute smile.

"Luna, I want to thank you for helping me in my time of need."

"Not a problem, Tia. I'm glad I could help. I've noticed that there is a growing number of ponies who also have or had feelings of depression inside of them, if my dream walking is anything to go by. I hope that things calm down for once."

"Me too, Luna. I'm thinking about giving a speech about my feelings so that everybody feeling this way know they are not alone."

"That sounds heartwarming. I'll help if you need it, but for now, let's get some rest, because there are more duties as usual tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Luna. Thank you so very much. You are the best sister ever."

"So are you, Tia. Goodnight."