//------------------------------// // Chapter 66 - Refill // Story: Trixie's Forest Retreat // by crowscrowcrow //------------------------------// Trixie could not help but feel she had ruined the pace of the game after she chickened out on her planned dare, and tumbled all the way down to challenging Fluttershy to slay a speck of dust. The following dares had been nowhere near as interesting as the first two. The only exception was Rainbow Dash, who had dared Trixie to be a maid for a round. Which apparently included referring to everypony as though they were above her, and bringing in new drinks. Afterwards, Fluttershy had dared Trixie to balance on one leg, which was a bit tricky, but she was given a pass after they remembered that it would be especially bad if she fell and hit her head. By this point they’d done away with actually asking for truth. “Hey, Trixie, bring me some grapes.” Rainbow Dash shifted to lay on her side and propped her head up on one hoof. “Rainbow Dash, they are right next to you, get them yourself.” Putting on a mock scolding face, Rainbow Dash clicked her tongue. “Tsk-tsk, remember your place.” Trixie glared, but still got up to trot over to Rainbow Dash, snatching up the grapes. “Yes, Miss Dash.” She held them out, only to find Rainbow Dash opening her mouth, and closing her eyes. After a moment of Trixie staring at her with increasing fury, Rainbow Dash peeked up at her and stuck out her tongue, making a beckoning gesture. “Come on, you know what I want.” Despite herself, Trixie felt her cheeks flush when Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue invitingly like that. Her mind wandered. She found herself staring at it for just a little too long, and she remembered what she was supposed to be doing, then lowered the grape vine enough for Rainbow Dash to eat some. “Uh-uhm… Trixie, it’s your turn now.” Fluttershy reminded her. Trixie perked up. “Oh, thanks Fluttershy.” She set the grapes down and considered her next move when she felt Rainbow Dash jab her side. Trixie groaned while she looked down at Rainbow Dash. “Fine. Trixie meant: thank you, Miss Fluttershy.” After committing the smug grin on Rainbow Dash’s face to memory, and plotting to make her pay for it, Trixie looked over to Fluttershy. To Trixie’s delight, she found Fluttershy blushing. Just because Trixie called her miss? Heh, so cute. Now that it finally was her turn, Trixie got another chance to make up for her performance the last round. She had to get something good going. Her only solace was that Fluttershy had technically started it with her disappointing cherry dare. That was weird, but now that Trixie thinks about it. It was so lame, maybe Fluttershy feels the same as Trixie? Is she trying to make sure Rainbow Dash doesn’t get upset? But then what was with the hooves thing? She definitely did not mind upsetting her that time. Somewhere, Trixie felt like thinking this much should have brought on a headache, but she felt a small triumph when nothing came. Trixie knew she had to come up with something soon, but now Fluttershy’s behavior was puzzling her. The whole evening she's been switching between being perfectly nice one moment, and then, well Trixie does not want to say mean, but maybe ever so slightly less nice than usual? Ugh, if that is the worst Trixie can say about her, then surely Trixie looking too much into it. “Come on, Trixie. It’s your turn.” Rainbow Dash helped herself to another grape. Bringing her attention back to the present, Trixie smirked at Rainbow Dash. “Patience, Miss Dash. Trixie will get to it in her own time.” Trixie looked to Fluttershy and gave a smile, resolving to do better this time. She glanced over to Rainbow Dash, who she was still right next to. Okay, so, something that doesn’t upset Rainbow Dash, or Fluttershy… But is still great. How hard could it be? Uh, uhm… Trixie could feel sweat beading in her fur while she tried to think of anything good. Make her go out in the rain? But she’d be wet, and we’d have to dry her and, and Trixie might… Okay not that. Uhm, Have her kiss Rainbow Dash? Trixie felt her pulse quicken at the thought, but shook her head quickly. T-that’s only once per game… Trixie would r-rather… She blushed and tried to banish the thought. Trixie had been ready most of the round to throw Fluttershy a hard dare. But now that the pressure was on, all she wanted was something safe. Dare her to close the bathroom door? That was so lame even she winced at the idea. Trixie felt guilty about holding back again and picking something simple. Trixie shouldn’t feel this way, Rainbow Dash did not get mad at Trixie for Applejack, so… she’s okay now.. It’s not fair to her. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to risk it, Applejack wasn’t Fluttershy. “Uhm, Trixie, are you okay?” Fluttershy’s soft voice pulled Trixie’s attention. The words themselves were not what Trixie paid attention to though. She grinned, and pointed a hoof at Fluttershy. “Miss Fluttershy, Trixie dares you to scream, till Trixie’s ears hurt.” She found herself glancing at Rainbow Dash for approval. Rainbow Dash wore a bored expression, but at least she wasn’t angry. “Well, that’s an improvement I guess, but we are going to be here all night now.” Fluttershy smiled and took a deep breath, then screamed as loudly as a mouse in a library. “Aahhhhh.” Trixie blinked, and raised a hoof up to rub her ears, making sure they were still there. “What the? Fluttershy, you talk louder than you scream. That’s not right.” She looked over to Rainbow Dash, but she was just snickering at this point. “Oh, I’m sorry…” Fluttershy said, even quieter. “Told you. Hey, Fluttershy, come over here.” Rainbow Dash patted on a spot on the blanket near her and Trixie. “It will be easier if you’re closer. Though I’m not sure it will matter at all.” Then she turned to Trixie. “And don’t you think I didn’t notice you didn’t call her by her proper name, Trixie. Get on with it.” Trixie rolled her eyes, it was getting annoying. “Miss Fluttershy talks louder than that.” Nodding at Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy sat down beside them and made herself comfortable. Trixie squirmed away just a little, keeping a bit more distance between her than Rainbow Dash did. Trixie shot a quick look at Rainbow Dash, then turned her attention back to Fluttershy. Taking another deep breath, Fluttershy closed her eyes tightly and yelled with so much intensity that it would over power even the sound of a needle dropping. She looked at Trixie, seeming pretty proud of herself. “How was that?” Trixie was not sure what to say for a moment then quickly raised up a hoof to her ears rubbing them again. “Uh, uhm. Ouch! Oh, did you say something, Miss Fluttershy? Trixie can’t hear you.” “Whoa, that’s the worst acting I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen Applejack try to tell a lie.” Rainbow Dash laughed, and leaned in closer. “One more try, come on, Fluttershy, louder.” Trixie caught sight of that particular smile on Rainbow Dash’s face. Something was up. “Trixie, get closer, don’t make it harder for her.” After staring at Rainbow Dash in distrust for a moment, Trixie leaned in closer and perked her ears. She was not actually sure what it would mean if Fluttershy did not manage to do it. She had tried and didn’t give up, but she definitely did not succeed. Maybe that’s good enough? For the third time, Fluttershy took in a deep breath, but this time it was almost immediately followed with a loud, high pitched squeal that shook the windows and pierced Trixie’s ears painfully. Folding her ears flat against her head, Trixie closed her eyes tightly with a hiss. She only peeked when the squeal died down, and saw Fluttershy holding her sides protectively. Fluttershy had recoiled away from Rainbow Dash, and was staring accusingly at her. Rainbow Dash laughed loudly, her hoof was stretched out, and upon seeing Trixie she made a quick tickling motion in midair to demonstrate how clever she was. Despite the ringing in her ears, Trixie felt a grin creep up on her face and shook her head. “Trixie should have known that you would know how to make a racket, Miss Dash.” She looked over at Fluttershy and grinned. “Should we make her pay, Miss Fluttershy?” To her disappointment however, Fluttershy shook her head. “I-it’s fine. Uhm, so it’s Rainbow Dash’s turn now.” Rainbow Dash recovered from her laughing fit, feeling very pleased with herself for giving Fluttershy a taste of her own medicine. Two seconds doesn’t really compare to sixty, but it will do. With that, she had salvaged at least one dull dare and turned it into something amusing. She was not sure why, but for whatever reason those two seemed to absolutely insist on trying to bore her to death when it was their turns. Strangely, the problem only seemed to occur when they were daring each other. Rainbow Dash herself had gotten plenty of interesting or funny dares, even if she was the butt of the joke, and all of her dares were awesome. “See, Rainbow Dash? Not so easy to come up with a good dare now is it?” Trixie teased while she turned to one of the snack bowls, selecting a slice of bread with strawberry jam. “Hey, first of all, you are still a maid till I finish my turn, so that’s ‘Miss Dash’ to you, Trixie. Am I taking too long for you? Don’t rush me, or I’ll make you dry the roof.” Rolling her eyes, Trixie shook her head. “That’s pointless, it’s still raining.” “Exactly.” Rainbow Dash grinned, then turned her attention back to the problem at hoof. What is up with them, they have no problem messing with me. Hm, I don’t get it. Well maybe it’s easier to figure out what’s up with Fluttershy first. Normally she’s pretty clever, but she just made Trixie eat cherries and stand on one hoof? That’s not like her. She doesn’t usually do touchy dares, but she’s had no problem giving me that monstrous hoof dare. So she definitely is acting weird. Hay, Fluttershy nearly crushed my ribs when Trixie straddled me, what’s up with that? She lingered on the thought for a while longer, but was not making much progress. “Trixie, could you refill our mugs with water, please? If you don’t mind that is.” Fluttershy asked. “Oh, sure, Miss Fluttershy.” Trixie set down her bread on the edge of the bowl and trotted off. Then there is Trixie. She’s been pretty well behaved all week, and I don’t think she’s told Fluttershy about our flight, so that can’t be it. Her dares have been pretty good with me, but she really falters on Fluttershy’s. Not to mention she keeps staring at me when she’s supposed to be daring Fluttershy, maybe she would rather give me more dares? “If she’s taking this long, one of us is probably in trouble, Miss Fluttershy.” Trixie called out on her way back from the kitchen, a tray held in her teeth. She smiled a little nervously. “She’s not gotten back at Trixie yet, so…” “Oh, maybe, but she already dared you last round. So you are probably safe for this one,” Fluttershy said reassuringly. Rainbow Dash, brought her hoof to her muzzle stroking it slowly while she watched Trixie return with a jug of water, refilling their mugs. Ugh, this is complicated, don’t they like each other? They’ve been living together for two weeks, you’d think they would be comfortable around each other by now. She blinked, and looked from Fluttershy to Trixie quickly. Wait, they totally get along when they are talking, Fluttershy barely ever stutters with her anymore. It’s just… that’s it! They aren’t used to teasing or touching one another! “It’s such a pain to have to wait for her, Trixie always knew thinking was not her strong suit. Trixie supposes that’s something she’s not as fast in.” Trixie gave a grin at Rainbow Dash, then raised up her bread again, fumbling with clumsy hooves for control over it as she brought it to her mouth. Grinning widely with her discovery, Rainbow Dash picked up a mug of fresh water to toast her succes. Of course! That’s the difference. They are totally used to doing that with me. Mhm, okay so I’ll just have to let them get used to it then? But how? I can’t just randomly tell them to start touching each other, oh wait, yeah I can! It’s my turn!