//------------------------------// // Chapter Three // Story: Dreams of Loss // by KalenNighteyes //------------------------------// Rainbow paced back and forth in front of the door to Twilight's hospital room. The pegasus tried not to worry but she couldn't help it. She wanted so bad to know if Twilight was okay. With a quick shake of her head, Dash managed to fight off the tears that, for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past hour, threatened to fall from her eyes. Confusion consumed her as she wondered why the situation made her so upset. Twilight was her friend and all, but it was like there was something more there. Something she couldn't put her hoof on. The sound of the door to Twilight's room opening pulled Rainbow from her thoughts, and she looked at the doctor. “How is she, doc?” “Not well, I'm sorry to say. For one thing, she's completely exhausted,” the doctor said. “Well, duh. I could tell that just by looking at her earlier.” “That isn't all. The princess seems to have slipped into some sort of coma-like state. Nothing I do will wake her. What was she doing when she passed out?” he asked. “We were flying, Twilight said she needed to slow down. I suggested that we should probably stop flying and land, but she insisted that she was fine. About thirty seconds later, she passed out,” Dash recalled. “Did she seem okay before you two began flying?” “Yeah. I mean, she looked tired, but that's really it. There was no other indication that something was wrong with her,” she said. “Strange,” the doctor said. “So, what do we do? How can we wake her up?” Dash asked. “I'm afraid that it isn't that simple. I'm going to have to inform Princess Celestia of the situation, as well as get in contact with the hospital in Canterlot. They may have some clue as to what is going on with Twilight Sparkle,” the doctor explained. “Basically, what you're saying is that you have no idea what's wrong and we are going to be playing the waiting game?” Dash asked impatiently. “Unfortunately, yes.” Rainbow's heart sank. A thought had begun snaking it's way through her head. A thought that terrified her and made her nauseous. What if Twilight doesn't make it? What if she's killed by what's going on with her? “Is she going to die?” The doctor shook his head. “It's too soon for me to tell. Once I speak with Canterlot Hospital, I'll know more, but for now, I can't give you a definite answer.” “Well, how about you give me a guess, doc?” Rainbow said, her temper beginning to rise. “Because I can't. I've never dealt with anything like this before. For someone to lapse into a coma without a clear indication as to why, is unheard of. I can't give a diagnosis when I don't have all the information I need at hoof. I'm sorry, Miss Dash, but I can't give you an answer,” he said. “Thanks for nothing then,” Rainbow said, turning and heading toward Twilight's room. The doctor hesitated for a moment then called after her, “Miss Dash.” “What?” she said, not bothering to face the doctor. “I don't believe she is in any immediate danger of dying, but comas are unpredictable. Even if she doesn't die, it's possible she could remain in a coma for weeks or, perhaps, years,” he explained. “I thought you couldn't give me an answer to my question.” “Sometimes it's better to leave aside professionalism, and try to give a little bit of hope to those who need it,” the doctor said. Rainbow turned and simply smiled at the doctor before continuing into Twilight's room. His words had made her feel a little better, but she still couldn't help but worry. If something happens to Twilight, I'll be devastated. After that thought, Dash gave herself a mental slap. Ugh! Why do I keep having these thoughts? Could it be that I have feelings for her? Dash sat down by the alicorn's bedside. She looked only as if she were asleep, and that she would wake up at any moment — and oh how Rainbow wished that she would. * * * * * Twilight was back inside the dream. Ever since she fell unconscious, the dream had just been on repeat. She tried desperately to wake herself up, but no matter what she did, nothing worked. I don't want to be in this dream! I hate watching Dash die over and over again. Please, wake up! Twilight looked around, and noticed that the fire hadn't spread very far yet. I could probably find my own way out before Rainbow shows up. From what she could tell, she was on the second floor of the castle. She figured that rather than try to make it to the stairs, she would just fly out a window. Once again, she looked around, this time for the nearest window. Spotting one a short ways away, she made for it. The fire hadn't blocked the path yet, which meant she could make it out. When she got to the window, she placed a hoof on it and it slid open. Twilight let out a sigh of relief, spread her wings, and flew through it. For a moment, everything went black. It was a blackness that threatened to suffocate her. Panic was just beginning to set in, when she spotted an opening in the blackness. The light coming from the opening reminded her of what other ponies said about dying. A light at the end of a dark tunnel. Am I dying? No, I can't be. Not now. I have to tell Rainbow how I feel! She has to know! With that thought, Twilight turned around and began to fly away from the opening. “Twilight Sparkle!” Hearing the voice made her stop and look around the blackness. “Hello?” “Oh, Twilight. Thank goodness you can hear me,” the voice called. “Princess Luna? Is that you?” Twilight said, now beginning to recognize the voice. “Yes, Twilight, it is. I'm so very pleased that you can hear me. I feared that I wouldn't be able to reach you,” Luna said. “What's going on? I'm so scared. I don't want to be here anymore. Please, help me get out of this horrible dream,” Twilight pleaded. “I know you are scared. My sister and I are doing all we can to help you. Twilight, you must return to the castle. You are safer there.” Twilight shook her head. “No. I'm not going there. The dream is just going to play out like it always does, and Rainbow is going to die. I can't bear it anymore. It's all I've been seeing for weeks.” “I know, but your friends are worried for you, including Rainbow Dash. She has been by your side for hours,” said Luna. “She has? Wait, hours?” Twilight said, shock in her voice. “Everything will be explained to you soon, I promise. For now, please go back to the castle. You are better off there. I know that it is hard for you to be there, but we are trying to wake you. It won't be long. I promise.” With great hesitation, Twilight flew back the way she came. When it was starting to feel like she'd never make it back to the window, it finally came within sight and she reentered the castle. “Okay. I'm here now. Luna, please hurry.” “Do not fear, Twilight Sparkle. It should not be long,” Luna said. “I hope not. I don't know how much longer I can stand this,” Twilight said. “Twilight! Where are you? I need to get you out of here!” came the voice of Rainbow Dash.