
by Just_A_Nopony

Welcome to the Organization

Darkness reigned above the World That Never Was, as always. The night sky glittered with somehow menacing stars and a huge faded heart-shaped moon, shining down on enormous skyscrapers made of a dark silvery material with pitch black windows. The city sat atop a chunk of stone suspending it above a swirling whirlpool of Darkness that seemed to stretch on forever onto the horizon. Floating high above the city was a gleaming silver castle, hovering over the swirling vortex just off the edge of the city. It had many balconies and walkways and bridges connecting the chaotic mass of buildings. Twelve short towers rose up out of random spots on the castles main body, with a larger and taller tower then the other twelve reaching straight out of the fortress central point up at the faded moon. A giant black symbol was one of the sides of the tower made of tinted black glass; all in all the Castle That Never Was was cleaner and shinier than the City That Never Was, though no less menacing.

It was at the entrance to this floating fortress, a large gate built into the stone the castle rested upon that Kajex and Hyxs exited the Corridor of Darkness, the portal closing behind them with a warping sound. Hyxs took in her surrounding, slowly looking around with an emotionless look in her eyes. The Superior moved forward, the large door swinging open on its hings silently.

"Welcome to the World that Never was, and more specifically the Castle that Never Was, the Organization's base of operations." The two walked through the door into an entrance hall. The hall was a staircase that soared high up, high above Hyxs to the point where the top was just covered in shadow. Lanterns of blackish-purple flames hung from the ceiling by white chains just to where the tip of Kajex's horn nearly scraped one. While large, the hall was rather short, and Hyxs soon stood in front of a large black door, with a white symbol imprinted on it: a round curved end and three sharp pointed blades, a sort of deadly cross or heart.

"You will wait here until you are announced," said Kajex. With that he called up a Corridor of Darkness and left Hyxs alone. She stood there quietly, letting her gaze roam across the room making not a sound, thinking quietly.

"Enter, Hyxs!" The Superior's voice called out from behind the door, which began to swing open with those words. Hyxs walked into a round room with thirteen tall chairs lifted up at random heights, with the one directly across from the entry way being the tallest. Nine of them were occupied by ponies and one sturdy bipedal figure all wearing the same black leather cloak as The Superior but with different symbols hanging from the silver chains on them, with the same silver zipper. Hyxs assumed the one in the chair directly in front of her was Kajex, as she could see the tip of his grey horn and his grey wings. To his left was another alicorn, discernible by its wings and horn, these ones black, and to his right was the only non-equine, with canine like hands coming out from its sleeves. The remaining five were all equines, and five seats were empty.

"Hyxs, number 10 of Organization 13. All present are Noponies-" Kajex started.

"Nobody!" the Diamond Dog barked. He shrank back as Kajex turned to him, eyes flashing briefly.

"Do not interrupt me" Kajex's voice was as emotionless as ever "All present are Noponies, beings who have lost our hearts to the Darkness. But when we lost our hearts, our wills were strong enough that they left an imprint, leaving us empty shells to wander free animated by darkness. Us ten present are Master Noponies, ones whose hearts were so strong we remained intelligent and gained power through darkness. We are empty, echoes of our originals, with no emotions, no desires; but no limitations. Organisation 13 exists to reclaim our hearts so we may become whole again, by any means necessary. There is no place for you beyond the grasp of this organization, but I still offer you a choice in joining us. So, will you stay and find you heart, or will you go and make you own way."

"... I will... join the Organization" Hyxs' voice was barely above a whisper yet it echoed through the round room to its occupants ears.

"Then we welcome you to our fold. And we give you this cloak, a means of defense against physical harm and the Darkness we choose to wield," Under his hood, Kajex's horn glowed a blood red that wrapped around Hyxs, slowly turning darker and more solid until she wore a full body coat, just like the other members. "Therax will show you the premises. And with that, you are all dismissed. Go about your assigned tasks."

With his words, all the members save for the Dog dispersed into Corridors they conjured. Therax leaped down from his chair landing in front of Hyxs and drew back his hood. His fur was a dark brown, like dirt, with emerald green trimmings around his eyes and ears. His face split into a wide grin, showing off his ferocious fangs but still remaining to somehow appear cheerful.

"Hello pony. I Therax, and I show you around, eh? Lets get to! This way this way!" His voice was deep and echoy. Therax began to lead Hyxs through a random hallway, with windows looking out towards nothing. He stopped when he heard Hyxs whisper from behind him.

"How are you so... happy?" Therax let out a booming laugh, causing Hyxs to flinch before his face became serious.

"I no happy. No feel emotion. I just learn how to fake emotion, as all we do. You new to all this, but soon you will to. We remember what it like to have emotion, what like to feel, so we do best to remember what it was like" Therax's face turned joyful again "and now we go see castle! Big place, but I think we start at training room!"

"You think? Now that's a surprise, Therax." Therax and Hyxs turned to see a pitch black alicorn with a waving blue mane and catlike eyes of the same color. The crest on her chain was a cracked moon and snarky grin showed her razor sharp fangs. "I'm surprised an oaf such as yourself was entrusted with the task of teaching the fresh meat."

"What want Unlax?" growled Therax.

"Oh I just wanted to observe the little thing that The Superior took a direct interest in; she doesn't look that special to me." Unlax put her face straight up into Hyxs', who didn't flinch back. The two's muzzles were fractions away from touching. "She does seem familiar though..."

"And you seem like a bit prude," was Hyxs response "If you don't mind me saying..."

Unlax reared her head back her head back, momentarily surprised, before grinning and walking off.

"Who was she?" Hyxs looked at Therax, who had a blank but curious look on his face.

"That was Unlax, The Dreameater, Number II and second command of Organization; she hand out missions and relay commands from Superior and such. Very rude and bossy." Therax explained "Anyway, let's go. We have much to see." The pair set off once more. Minutes later, they arrived at a large rectangular room, filled with targets, hoops in the air, and a main empty white sparse with a line around it, serving as a fighting ground.

"I take it this is the training room?" Hyxs' voice had grown considerably more audible, as she became more at ease to Therax and her surroundings.

"Yes, this is where we train, though it not used much. We go on many missions and hone skills then." Hyxs was led onto the fighting ground where Therax then brought her a small white orb with golden numbers running across it at a rapid pace. "This is Learning Orb, and will take form of special weapon you will use. But first, call upon Darkness and channel it. Let it flow through your being and release in solid form. Everyone channel Darkness differently, so let's see what you do." Therax finished, and stepped back.

Hyxs looked at him for a moment before taking a deep breath. Focusing inward, she felt the dark energies deep within her, and brought the Darkness fourth. It was wild and powerful, seeking to consume her and everything around her, but it was surprisingly easy to beat down with sheer will power. The ground at her hooves cracked as monstrous thorny vines brook out from under her, lifting her up. Hyxs stood upon a large vine as many smaller ones stabbed forward and pierced a wall of dummy's, ripping them to shreds.

"Good, good, very good. Now you take this orb, and we see what it turn into!" Therax tossed the orb up to Hyxs, where it stopped in the air just of the the right of her position atop the monstrous plant. She reached out a hoof that plunged straight into the orb, which began to warp. The orb's shape shifted and mutated, becoming a shapeless blob floating around Hyxs' hoof before beginning to take a more defined shape and change color. The orb turned a dark mysterious green and stretched out, taking a triangular shape. A long yet sleek cylinder reached out of the narrow side of the triangle, while one of the two long sides evened into a flat line, creating a comfortable looking shoulder rest. Out of the angled side a trigger guard with black studs along it, while a round scope formed on what was most likely the top side. Eventually it settled down, turning into a sleek and powerful sniper rifle. Designs of rose petals were magically inscribed onto the entirety of the rifle, rose-red, and black stubby "thorns" . The name Rosebush was carved onto the side and the symbol X followed after.

"The orb should make you already know basics of your weapon, so how we try it out now? Therax snapped his fingers, causing some Corridors of Darkness to appear. Several silver Noponies slithered out of them, their bodies moving like snakes before standing on two legs. They were thin yet slightly muscular bipedals with a large cylindrical head, and black stripes running along it; up along the sides of their legs and torso, and two wrapping around their arm's. Speaking of which, its arms and legs ended in a rounded tip. Atop the Dusk's heads was the Nopony symbol, the strange warped heart, and running across their faces were zippers, where mouths would be.

"Go get them pony girl! Let see what you do!" Therax strolled out of the ring as a purple wall of mysterious energy flashed into existence before fading from sight.

"Alright, lets do this" Hyxs' voice came out emotionless and shy as she looked through the scope of her rifle. A Dusk lunged forward like it was swimming through air, but exploded into a flash of silver and purple sparkles as a pink blast ripped straight through it. Two more moved towards Hyxs but were grabbed by a pair of thorny vines and smashed together. Another attempted to sneak up from behind her, but Hyxs just noticed the Dusk and with an adorable squeak hit it with a hasty buck that knocked it of course then finished by slamming her rifle onto its head. The final Dusk rammed into her side and slapped at her with its arms, packing a surprising amount of force. Hyxs was thrown back, skidding to a stop before she hit the wall, and fired Rosebush twice more, the powerful attacks ripping through the Dusk easily.

"Ow," squeaked Hyxs "That kinda hurt." She shook herself off as the invisible barrier disappeared, allowing Therax to step forward.

"I think that good for now. I show you around rest of castle now, eh? Hope it not to boring!" Therax let out a booming laugh while Hyxs just stared at him with a slightly off-put expression.

"Pretty good new girl, pretty good! Course, Dusks are pretty weak in a straight up fight, so I wouldn't get to excited!" A unknown voice called out from the room's entryway. The origin was a cream white pegasus, with a sideswept cut fiery-orange mane and dark green eyes striding into the room. A dye of a flame was on his left cheek in the same color as his eyes. He was wearing the Organization coat and the crest hanging on his coat was a flaming match.

"What you want, Cham-" began Therax only to be cut off by the new stallion.

"I will do my own introduction, thank you very much. I am Chamtx, number 8, V-I-I-I, The Hellbringer, of the lovely Organization 13. A' how do you do?" Chamtx gave a mock bow to Hyxs before spinning on his hooves to face Therax "How bout I take over tour guide duty? You can go bitch slap a couple of Heartless around, switch with me. Its just another cleanup missions, the ones you enjoy so much eh?"

"Superior assigned me task personally. You should be on mission, not wandering around," said and annoyed Therax.

"Bah, The Superior is all rules and formalities, we don't need another stick in the mud . Its not that hard to walk around here, we hardly use even a quarter of the rooms, you'd show the newbie every boring hallway and empty room." Chamtx was next to Hyxs with a quick flap of his wings, throwing an arm around her neck "I know, lets let Hyxs decide! It is her we talking about! Would she rather go with me, the awesome pyrotechnic, or you the dog who off by watching paint dry?"

"Excuse me, but if you wouldn't mind getting off me, it doesn't really matter to me who shows me around, as long as it gets done," said Hyxs as she ducked away from the enthusiastic stallion's arm. "But if you really want me to i guess..." Chamtx fell to the floor and rolled on his back, looking up at Hyxs.

"Com-on, say you wanna go with me. I don't wanna go on some boring sweep run, and your all new and interesting," Chamtx rolled back onto his hooves and stood back up, putting on his best puppy dog face, "It'll be fun, promise! Pleeeease?"

"Oh, well, its ok I guess. If Therax doesn't mind that is." Hyxs looked to the side momentarily before looking at Therax.

"Oh fine. I go and do mission. But if Unlax get onto me you going to be one who gets hell for it," grumbled Therax. He took a roll of paper from Chamtx, who passed it over eagerly. Therax then turned and snapped his fingers, opening a Corridor of Darkness and vanishing through it.

"All right! Lets go see the cool stuff! Open up a Corridor and lets go Hyxsy!" shouted Chamtx.

"Oh, um well, I don't know where were going, or how to open one... Sorry," said Hyxs.

"Ah. Right. Well, the opening of a Corridor is easy, almost second nature to Noponies and other creatures of Darkness, but your right about the destination. I'll do it then! Allonsy!" Chamtx opened his own Corridor and bolted through the path of darkness, Hyxs following behind.

At the end of the Corridor the to Noponies appeared in a circular room littered with plush chairs, couches, a large table in the center, and a bar in one corner of the room. Strayed about the primarily white room were a few of the bits and bobs that appear when multiple ponies live together; small food stains, random articles of clothing, playing cards, leftover drinks, and so on.

"The Common Room, where we can chill of hang out or whatever when were not on missions!" Chamtx opened another Corridor and charged through it. Hyxs followed after a quick glance about.

"The kitchen! Literally a room next door to the common, but whatever! Lets go!" The kitchen was also white, just like the other room Hyxs had seen so far but it had the most color of all others because of the various food stuffs . It had the standard works of a kitchen, though one counter was covered in red and orange throwing knives, with what looked alot like the green dye on Chamtx's face. But Hyxs only got a swift glance around before Chamtx bolted into yet another Corridor.

"Grey Area!" Half of the wedge shaped room's walls was made up of black tinted glass, and allowed sight of part of the castle and the sky just above some of the twelve towers rising out of the castle; this led Hyxs to believe they were located behind the giant Nopony symbol on the central tower. The room was nearly bare, the only furniture being a half-circle couch in the center. Sitting in the corner of the room atop a pile of boxes was a small figure wearing a mini Organization coat, its face obscured.

"Library!" The library was filled with large white bookcases, overflowing with books of white, with only a quarter-amount being of other colors. One of the larger rooms Hyxs had seen, it seemed to have every subject and genra she could think of, and various desks and ladders (guess what color!) all over.

"Computer -puff- room!" The room had several sleek monitors linking up to a huge tower built into one of the rooms square walls. This room had more fluffy white chairs and couches, set in front of the desks that the monitors on. On another wall across from the door was a large computer, with three monitors looking down at a spot in front of the main console.

They popped through many other rooms, like a washing room and a pool and other insignificant rooms around the castle. They were all white, the only color being whatever random items left about by other members.

"And -huff- finally we have -puff- the Round Room, Where Nothing Gathers. Whew!" Chamtx collapsed on the floor as the two Noponies stood in front of the large round room filled with the raised chairs that Hyxs had been in earlier. The chairs were all at level with the floor now though.

"Oh my, are you alright?" questioned Hyxs worriedly, already seeming to show more "emotion" than before, though only as much as Noponies can do.

"I'm fine, Corridors are a bitch to open and close multiple times. I'm good, just give me a moment." Chamtx breathed in and out before leaping to his hooves. "Ok, so now I'll show you to your room, and then we'll go get a little treat. How bout that? Follow me, once more, into the dark!" Chamtx opened yet another Corridor, trotting into it at a slower pace than before, with Hyxs following of course. The room they appeared in was extremely plain, with only a plain white bed with the Nobody symbol as a headboard, a closet, a white lamp, and a mirror. A window showed out towards the central tower, as the room was located at the top of one of the short towers of the castle.

"Its very... cozy?" Hyxs made a quick lap around the room before returning to Chamtx's side.

"You can get some more stuff for it later, if you want. But were out so often working and such Nopony ever really uses their room for much other than sleeping," Chamtx leaped over to Hyxs' bed, flopping on its mattress before rolling off.

"So where should we go now?" asked Hyxs.

"Well first, try opening up a Corridor to the Gray Area real quick, so we can see if you can do it yourself."

"Oh, alright," Hyxs once more called up the Darkness that quickly felt like second nature to her, forming it instinctive into a swirling door. The two Noponies trotted through, arriving in the Grey Area as asked. "So where are we going now?"

Chamtx didn't reply, instead opening a Corridor of Darkness and skipping through it. As Hyxs followed through and reached the end of the black tunnel, she was blinded by sudden rays of sunlight. Rapidly blinking, Hyxs was able to see where she was once her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. She was standing atop a huge clock tower, on a ledge just above the clock face. The clock tower over looked a island town, a tight knit place built in a spiral fashion, going higher up until it reached just a height only a little smaller than the clock tower. The whole place was a pleasant orange and red and green and blue, and the sun was just setting off in the distance. Even though she couldn't have seen much of it when she was found here, Hyxs instantly recognized it as the place Kajex took her to the Organization only a few hours ago.

"Hold on one second!" Hyxs jumped at the sound of Chamtx's voice turning to see him vanish into a yet one more Corridor. He came back a few minutes later, holding two blue bars of ice cream with his wings. The fiery Nopony passed one to Hyxs before sitting on the ledge, his legs dangling off. "Sea Salt Ice Cream. A local favorite I can't get enough of! Its pretty good: go ahead and try some."

Hyxs looked down at the bar, at Chamtx, at the town sprawled out in front of her, and finally back to the ice cream before taking a small bite. "It is good!" Hyxs took another bite, Chamtx doing the same as the two sat and stared out at the setting sun quietly.

"Welcome Hyxs, to a new life of trying to return your old one. Welcome to the Organization"