Pony Poems 3

by Toffee Bean

ch: 5


I'm only a shadow,
why I wish I knew,
but all I am is a shadow,
I can't do anything,
I try but fail,
I'm only a shadow,
one that does nothing,
one that wishes to be useful,
but no matter how much I wish,
it will never come true,
I'm only a shadow,
a shadow of another pony,
you all see me as just a shadow,
but I see you all for who you are,
no pony looks at me,
no pony even talks to me,
I wish they would,
I wish to be seen,
but none of that will come true,
some just see me as a shadow,
but I'm more than that,
but no pony will ask me that,
no pony even looks at me,
I wish they would,
I wish I wasn't a shadow,
but I will always be a shadow,
for I am the shadow pony.