//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: A Lost Princess // by Raichu //------------------------------// “Twilight. Shining Armor. I believe you know why I brought you here.” Princess Celestia said from her throne. Twilight and Shining looked at her with determined faces. “Yes Princess.” They both said, saluting the princess. Twilight took a step forward. “We were tasked with finding Princess Cadence.” She said and Shining took a step forward. “My wife has been missing for five months. I searched everywhere but I could not find her.” He said. “So you can find her?” “Yes. My guards have too. I think we have a lead. It leads to a world of creatures called humans. I will need you to do some research though before you go to the world so you do not get lost among their things.” Princess Celestia said. “I do not know how she got there, but she did. Check the ever free. If you find something report back to me. Don’t do anything dangerous or stupid.” “Yes ma’am!” They both said and marched toward the library. After four hours of reading for Twilight and two hours of reading then snoring into a book for Shining, they went into the ever free. It was thick and jungle like, but Twilight’s magic had cut through like a sword through paper. “Shining, don’t worry, we’ll find her.” Twilight said as they followed the unmistakable hoof prints of Cadence. “Yeah.” He replied. Twilight stopped and patted his back. He nodded and kept going. Suddenly, the prints stopped in front of a giant portal. It was on the ground so anyone could have fallen into it. “Look at this thing. A portal. Cadence must have fallen in it!” Shining said. He bent down and looked around. Then he saw something sparkling in the bushes. It was her crown. He picked it up and kissed it. “Look! She must have fallen in this!” Shining Armor said as he pointed at the portal. A bunny hopped over to it and sniffed it. It turned around to leave, but ended up falling in. Some dirt fell in after it and the portal shook. “Good now let’s report this to Princess Celestia.” Twilight said. She looked at Shining’s gleefully happy face and sighed. “Wait, let’s go in after her.” Shining said looking at it. “It would be the perfect chance to rescue her, right?” “No. We have to report it. And besides, it’s unstable. It could collapse at any moment.” Twilight said sighing. “You know how portals work. The bigger the creature that falls in, the more in could collapse in on itself. We don’t want that.” “Then that means by the time we get back here, we won’t be able to rescue my Cate.” He said sadly. Then he perked up as Twilight began to walk away and grabbed her. Twilight squealed as Shining ran by the crown to grab it and then jumped in the portal. “SHINING!” Twilight yelled. The portal shut on the Equestria side and they fell into another world.