//------------------------------// // Memory loss // Story: A Lost Princess // by Raichu //------------------------------// “Go Pikachu!” I shouted. It was just another day in Unova. I was trying to battle some odd trainer. She had challenged me and my Pikachu was going to defeat her for sure. Yes, Pikachu needed some levels. But he was still pretty powerful. After I beat her, she went on her way. I kept Pikachu out in case there were any more trainers in these woods. I then saw something move in the bushes. It was two people. One was a girl and one was a guy. They seemed exhausted and they both collapsed in front of me. “Pikachu, bring me some Oran berries, stat!” I shouted and it ran off. I knew that Oran berries were mainly for Pokémon, but they worked almost as well on humans too. I knelt down. The one had a fever and the other one seemed fine. Pikachu came back and I smashed up the Oran berries and put them in both of their mouths. They moved a bit then swallowed. The girl looked up at me then tried to get up. “What happened? Shining, where are we?” She asked the guy. I thought that was a weird name, but I guess I couldn’t judge. “I don’t know Twilight.” He answered back then he looked at me and gasped. “Cadence, is that you?” I didn’t have a clue as to what he was talking about. He must have thought that I was someone he knew. The girl, Twilight gasped looking at me. “You’re Cadence.” She whispered. I shook my head and looked at Pikachu. “I’m Cate. Not Cadence. I think you have me mistaken.” I said but Twilight shook her head. “No, I’m not. But I guess she’s lost her memories somehow Cadence." Twilight said to Shining like I wasn't there. "Don’t worry, what are you called in this world? Cate?” She asked me. I back up as the guy named Shining stood up. He was very tall and kind of handsome. I felt like I knew him from somewhere. Maybe he was a gym leader? “Do you know how we could get back, Shining?” Twilight asked him. He tapped his chin. “I think that we’d need to overcome some challenges in this world. Then we’d open a portal by beating the master here and we could leave.” He stated. “I hate to interrupt, but you could challenge the gyms.” I suggested and he clapped his hands together. “That is good. Can you show us how?” He asked. “Uh, sure. Where do you guys come from anyways?” I asked. “Oh, Equestria.” Twilight stated as though I should know what that was. Pikachu gave them a funny look as I called in back into its pokeball. “What’s Equestria?” I asked them. “It’s…” Twilight began but then shook her head. “Never mind. So how do we defeat these gym leaders?” “With Pokémon. I’ll take you to the professor to get your starters.” I said and began to walk down the trail. They followed me. “Shining.” Twilight whispered. “That’s Cadence.” “Yes, I know, but her memories are gone. She thinks she belongs here. But we have to get them back. I think defeating these gym leaders things are the way.” “Yes. We’ll get ourselves whatever they call a Pokémon then defeat the gym leaders and leave.” Twilight whispered back. “So.” I began as I walked down the trail. “How did you get here?” First there was silence. Then one of them coughed. “You wouldn’t believe me.” Twilight said. “Try me.” I replied. “Well, a princess from our world had been missing for a few months. We were looking for her when we stumbled upon a portal in the middle of the ever free forest and we saw her crown on the ground in front of the portal. We jumped in it without thinking and ended up here. The portal had closed behind us trapping us here.” Twilight explained. “So you come from Equestria? What kind of place is it?” I asked stopping at river. “Well, it’s a place full of ponies. Talking ponies.” Shining said. “We were ponies and now we’re humans, I guess.” “Talking ponies.” I repeated. These people were probably crazy. But I somehow believed them. “So you think I’m Cadence the long lost princess.” “Yes.” Twilight answered simply. “Why?” “You look just like her.” Shining said. “You have pink hair that has light yellow and dark purple stripes in it. You’re wearing a pink shirt and a skirt that’s pink and fades into purple like her wings. You smile just like she used to. You even sound like her.” “Uh huh.” I said. “Now let’s see. I think if you guys think you can get home, you don’t need gym badges. You just need to defeat the champion and you can challenge him anytime. So let’s go get you some Pokémon.” “Right.” Twilight agreed as I sat down by the river. They sat down on the right side of me. Twilight twirled her purple and pink hair with her hands. Shining stared at the river right as a magikarp jumped out and splashed water on top of him. “What was that?” He asked looking at it swim away. “A magikarp. So what do you guys do in this Equestria?” I asked. They looked at each other. I just wanted to see how far their crazy thoughts went. I wanted to see how much they could make up about this Equestria before they realized that it was fake. “I’m a student to the Princess.” Twilight said. “He’s captain of the royal guard.” “Then what does this Cadence do?” I asked cupping some water into my hands drinking it. “She’s a princess. She’s also my foalsitter.” Twilight said while Shining looked like he had something to say. “Do you have something to say?” I pointed at Shining. He seemed a bit uncomfortable. He brushed back his blue hair and looked at Twilight. “We don’t want you to freak out.” Twilight said. “How bad can it be?” I laughed and they looked at each other. “You know what? Never mind. Let’s find a Pokémon center before it gets dark.” I said looking at the setting sun. We all stood up and waded across the river. We finally after it was already dark, made it to the Pokémon center. We all walked inside and Nurse Joy waved at us. “Hello. Welcome.” She said. I handed her my pokeballs. “They need a good rest and so do we.” I pointed back at them. “Phone?” “Over there.” She pointed to a small corner. She took my pokeballs as I walked over to the phones and sat down. Twilight and Shining walked up behind me. I called Professor Juniper. Her face came up on the monitor and she smiled. “Hello Cate! What can I do for you? Would you like to switch out a Pokémon?” She asked but I shook my head. “As you know, I’m very far away from the lab now and these two,” I pointed behind me. “Would like to start on a journey. So I was wondering if you could send the starters over from your lab.” “Sure thing!” She looked up at Twilight who smiled and waved and Shining who made a small smile. “Hold on while I get them.” I turned around. “Well, all you have to do is train your Pokémon really well and you can challenge the champion.” “How long will that take? Why can’t we just challenge them right away?” Twilight asked. “Because your Pokémon will get squashed if they do. You’ll lose right away. It shouldn’t take too long. It would help if you battled others and then they would level up faster. It would be even more helpful if you had a whole team. But these things take time and I’m not sure how much time you have.” I explained. “And I’ll teach you how to battle, so don’t worry.” “Here we go.” The professor had come back and held up the pokeballs. “I’m sending them over right now.” The pokeballs showed up through the pokeball receiving machine on the side of the phone. “I’ll take whatever they don’t pick professor.” I said and hung up. I picked up the pokeballs and looked back at them. “So the starters are sort of Pokémon that are a bit weak that will be sort of the starting point of a Pokémon journey. You can pick any one of these three. You can’t give any back so choose wisely.” I said and threw them out. Out came a tepig who sneezed, a oshawott who smacked his shell and a snivy who crossed its arms. “Um.” Twilight bent down. She reached out to the Snivy who turned away from her. “Snivy.” It said Twilight jumped back. “They talk?” She said to me in surprise. “Uh yeah. But they only say their own name.” I said. She reached out and rubbed Tepig’s head. He seemed to enjoy it. Then he sneezed out a bit of fire. “He sneezes fire?” Twilight asked. She picked tepig up. “I want this one!” “Great. Here’s his pokeball. You just tell him to go back into his pokeball by saying things like return and you can have him come out of it by saying this like come out.” I said handing her the pokeball. She nodded while Shining looked down at the Pokémon. Then someone tapped me. I looked behind me to see Nurse Joy. She handed me my pokeballs back and I took them. “Which one do you want?” I asked Shining. He looked at Twilight. “Twily, which one would go better with me?” He asked. “Are you two dating?” I asked. Twilight shook her head. “No! He’s my older brother.” She said. “Besides he’s already married.” “To whom?” I asked. Suddenly he had that uncomfortable look again. I shrugged it off. “Never mind. Forget I asked. I’d pick oshawott. It seemed like a good choice.” I advised to Shining. “Ok then.” Shining said. I handed him oshawott’s pokeball which he returned the pokemon’s to like I showed Twilight. I went up next to Snivy. “Looks like you’re coming with me buddy.” I said and returned it to its pokeball. “Ok guys let’s sleep at the Pokémon center tonight and tomorrow I’ll show you the ropes of battling.” I said and went up to Nurse Joy who showed us were the rooms were. I fell asleep instantly.